Allam carefully drove his motorbike to Doctor Ajeng's house.

"Bee... be careful on that road over there, lots of potholes." Fazrani said while hugging Allam's waist tightly.

" calm down Bee. I'll take it slow." said Allam still focused on the road in front of him.

" out Bee." said Fazrani when Allam's motorbike wobbled a little.

Allam quickly balanced his motorbike and stopped at the side of the road.

"Looks like the front tire is leaking Bee? how is it?" said Allam as he looked around the street.

"Are you sure Bee that the tire is punctured?" Fazrani asked while squatting beside Allam who was looking at the motorcycle tires.

Allam nodded his head uneasily.

"Then how about Bee? Do we have to find a tire patch?" Fazrani asked while looking around to find a tire patch.

"Looks like there's a Bee tire patch over there." said Allam, pointing to the tire patch.