After finishing her work, Fazrani cleaned her body and treated Allam with warm water.

After cleaning her body, Fazrani carried Allam to the mosque to pray in congregation. Because the soles of Allam's feet were still sore and swollen, Allam prayed in a sitting position.

Fazrani and Allam performed their prayers with great concentration.

"Thank God, we are still given time to pray with Bee." said Allam as he extended his hand to Fazrani.

Fazrani passionately kissed the back of Allam's hand.

"More grateful, you were only given a small test Bee." Fazrani said as she rubbed Allam's face, which looked fresh and clean.

"You're right Bee... whatever trials befall us, we must be grateful." said Allam as he got up from his seat. With Fazrani in his arms, Allam limped to his room.

Arriving in the room, Fazrani helped lay Allam on the bed.