
I wake up and notice that it's dim when it should be daytime, I look around for Rin and the others but don't see anyone. I'm tied to a chair I can't move, what's going on?

"You're awake." I know that voice, the assassin approaches me and gently grabs my cheeks. Of course it's him why wouldn't it be. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill you…yet"

"For an assassin you sure are taking your time, if you're going to kill me just do it."

I notice I have Rins cloak on and I remember what happened last night, I was being carried and Rin and the escorts were chasing after me. Some of his men must've been killed because I could see marks on trees.

"I will once your friend comes to save you, see your brothers have their suspicions about your friend."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well you see your-"

A door slams open and one by one Rins escorts storm the place completely surrounding us. The assassin grabs me and holds a dagger to my throat slowly backing away from the escorts. We bump into something and the assassin turns around quickly to be face to face with Rin.

His face is contorted with anger I can tell he's furious, without hesitating he gives the order for his men to attack the assassin as he grabs me, all of this is happening in an instant I don't have time to react.

Rin drags me outside the sun blinding me for a moment shortly after the assassin followed by the escorts are outside, everyone is watching each other waiting for someone to make the first move as Rin holds onto me wrapping one of his arms around me.

The assassin drops his weapon and puts his hands up. "Excuse me, but I was hoping you could answer a question of mine." He points at Rin with a smirk on his face. "Is it true what I've heard about you?" I look at Rin his expression hasn't changed since I first saw him.

"You're a-" Before the assassin has time to utter a sentence Rin and his escorts attack him leaving me behind. I watch as they all fight flinching every time Rin gets hit. The assassin had another dagger behind him but managed to pick up the one he dropped. He's fast he managed to take out about five of Rins men within a couple of minutes.

He grabs his bow and a couple of arrows, Rin runs towards me and pushes me to the ground covering me. I can hear his men groan and fall to the ground as they get hit with arrows, Rin grunts and brushes the hair away from my face.

"When I get up you need to run as fast as you can. There are horses spread out get on one and ride far away, do you understand?" I can see blood seeping through his clothes.

"I'm not leaving without you Rin we'll fight him together."

"Listen to me very carefully, I'll be right behind you and so will my men we have a plan but you need to get away from here."

"But you're injured!"

"Skye please just do this, trust me, and trust us."

Rin is on top of me protecting me his face is only inches from mine; I caress his cheek and nod my eyes watering. I don't know if he has a plan or not, if he'll be behind me, or if he'll even be okay, but I do know that I can trust him.

Rin moves from on top of me and I run as fast as I can until I spot a horse, I quickly climb on it and have it start running. I don't know where I'm supposed to go but anywhere is better than here. I've been following a dirt road for what seemed like forever until the horse changes direction. I try to get it back on the dirt road but it refuses, I hear a whistle of some type as I get closer to the sound I realize it's one of Rins men.

They ride up to me on a horse of their own and grab the reins of the horse I'm on. "Rins not far from here we split up to look for you."

After a few minutes of silence I see Rin talking to his escorts and I jump off the horse and run to him. He sees me at the last moment and opens his arms expecting a hug, instead I slap him. "Don't ever do that again, do you understand?! Did you forget I'm attempting to become a knight too? I can fight battles myself I don't need you to protect me."

Rin and everyone around us look at me shocked. "I'm sorry I just didn't want to take the risk of something happening to you. You're attempting to become a knight while all these men and women around us are knights and I'm a captain." He's right; I should be thanking him not yelling at him. "It's important to always protect those around you knight or not."

"You're right I'm sorry." He smiles at me and pats me on the head.

"It's alright." He lifts up his shirt and shows me where his wound is, it's already patched up and it's not bleeding anymore. He puts his shirt down and orders his men to gear up. "Want to ride with me or by yourself."

"I wanna ride with you." He smiles as he helps me on his horse, he waits until everyone is ready to get on the horse. I put the hood on from Rins cloak before wrapping my arms around him.


Rins Pov:

"She's not here is she?"

"No sir she got on one of the horses and left."

My men and I were able to get Skye out of here without her getting hurt, but he won't stop shooting his arrows. Whatever these arrows are they're preventing me from using my magic.

"Only a select few can get their hands on these kinds of arrows." He stops and smiles at me.

"I knew it, Mika and Luca are never wrong about these sort of things. Why are you protecting her? I'm ordered to kill her preferably in front of you."

"You know why I'm protecting her. Why haven't you killed her? You've had plenty of opportunities what's stopping you, Daniel?"

"It's fun to toy with my targets especially when they're protected."

Daniel, he used to be important to the royal family, but then they became unworthy for him. Until Luca and Mika took the throne then they made him do their dirty work. "I have a message for the "kings". If they plan to expose me they should do better than having a lousy assassin do it. Better luck next time. Let's move out men."

That's all I needed, just had to distract him while Skye got away. My wound has already healed, but I better wrap it up so she feels better.

After meeting up with Skye and having our little confrontation we gear up to go to the capital, feeling her holding on to me just makes me want to protect her even more.

I promise nothing will ever happen to you Skye, I will always protect you.