
I managed to reach my village within a day, riding on horseback is so much quicker than traveling on foot.

I ride to the house and see my aunt is outside with the boys as they play in the dirt. She jumps up when she sees me and starts running towards me. I stop my horse and get off; my aunt runs to me and wraps me in a tight hug. "I missed you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine; I have the week off so I figured I'd spend it here with you and the boys."

"Oh, so you got accepted? You're a knight?"

"Yep, Rin let me join his division, and I already had my first mission."

The boys come up to me with big smiles on their faces happy to see me; they hug my legs as I pat their heads. "Why don't we go inside and I'll make some food, you're probably hungry." I nod. Once we're inside, I sit on the floor with the boys as my aunt makes some food for us. I tell them about the capital, my first mission, the journey home. I make up everything so I don't tell them what happened, but they soak in every word and detail. "Foods ready."

The boys and I go to the table as my aunt lays down plates of food in front of us, chicken and green beans, my favorite. "This looks so good."

"Well then dig in." She smiles at me, and I stuff a piece of chicken in my mouth. "This will probably be the last decent meal we have for a while."

I swallow my food before talking. "Why?"

"The village hit a bit of a snag the other day, we had to put money out for medicine. The kids and elderly have gotten sick, and no matter what medicines we use they just aren't getting any better."

"What about Luna, cant she help?"

"She's sick as well; she was one of the first ones to get whatever it is. She's barely left the house."

"Wow, so she isn't trying to figure out what it is or trying to find a way to cure everyone?"

"I don't know, I haven't talked to her since she got sick. She told everyone to stay to themselves for now though, so that's what we're doing."

We all finish eating; my aunt cleans up after the boys as I go upstairs to my room.

Guess I should shower and change. I look outside to see that it's snowing, should probably wear something warm. I go into my bathroom and look in the mirror; I undress and notice that the marks from the other day are gone. I run my hands through my hair, letting my long blonde hair fall to my back. Then, I see red streaks in my hair, I've never had red before not even a tint, I take my brush and brush through it and notice more. What's going on? I have been in a few fights, maybe it's dried blood.

I get in the shower making sure to wash my hair a couple of times; after I wash the rest of my body I get out and dry off. I put some sweatpants on along with a long sleeve shirt, it'll only stay heated inside for so long and then the fire will go out.

I go downstairs and see my aunt sitting on the couch with the boys on the floor playing. I sit next to her and lay my head on her shoulder. "Have I ever had red in my hair?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just before I showered I saw red streaks in my hair, I also had these weird marks or spots all over my body a couple of days ago."

"Well look at the boys, they have some red in their hair." She's right, it's not a lot but it's there.

My aunt and I spend the night talking and catching up, I tell her about the village I saved, my training and the fight, how I saw everyone from my old village, and I tell her about the test.

"Really so both Zero and his father said you could join their division even though you don't have magic?"

"Yeah, I ended up joining Rins though. I'm still pretty mad at them, I know I shouldn't be but I just can't help it."

"You'll forgive them when the times right, honey." The boys have fallen asleep, so I help my aunt put them to bed. "I'm going to head to bed as well, goodnight."

"Goodnight." I go to my bathroom and look in the mirror, now that my hair is washed there shouldn't be any more red, but there is. Why has no one mentioned this? I brush my hair a few times hoping the red will go away, but it doesn't.

Screw it, I'll just let it go for now. I lay in my bed for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.

I feel something poking my face so I roll over, that doesn't help though something's still poking me in the face. I open one eye and see one of the boys smiling at me. "What are you doing in here?"


"Food?" I sit up and I'm sitting between the boys. "Are you two hungry?"

They both nod at me and I smile. I get out of bed and hold my hands out for them, they hold my hand and I walk with them down the stairs carefully. I notice my aunt isn't up so I start making food. I get a few eggs out and make scrambled eggs along with an apple; I cut the apple for the boys and give them the food.

I sit down with them at the table and eat my food as I watch them play with theirs. Once they're done I clean up their mess and mine, putting them on the floor. They start playing and I take the opportunity to go check on my aunt, she's usually up early to make the boys food wonder why she isn't.

I knock on her door and hear a groan. "Are you okay?"

"Don't come in, I think I've gotten whatever Luna has. Make sure the boys are okay."

"Do you want me to go to Luna's and see if she found anything?"

"No, just stay inside and watch the boys please."

"Okay, do you need anything?"

There's a moment of silence before she says anything. "No, I'm fine."

I go back to the living room where the boys are and sit on the couch. She was fine yesterday, why all of a sudden did she get sick now? Won't the boys and I get it too? The boys are slapping each other and I yell at them to stop which causes them to start crying. After a few minutes of them crying they start coughing, I get some water for them to drink. They drink the water but then start coughing up blood; I grab them and knock on my aunts' door. "I think the boys are sick too they're coughing blood."

"Shit." I hear movement in the room and the door opens. "They can come-" There's tapping on a window I look over and see an owl holding something.

"Hold on, I'll be right back."

I go to the window and open it; the owl drops the item in my hand before flying off. It's a letter from Trinity. "Skye, a few villages have reported people being sick it's been going on for the past few days. Rin doesn't know I'm sending you this letter, it's important that you find the source of this illness. It's deadly to humans, I'm counting on you."

"It's a letter, I have a mission."

My aunt nods. "Be careful."

"I will." She closes the door to her bedroom; I run upstairs and start packing and change into decent clothes. She didn't give me anything to go on, I guess I should start seeing what villages have been affected. I go back downstairs with my stuff and start heading to the stables. It's quiet there's no one outside, my horse is in her stall. I lead her out and mount up.