Darkstalker had just recently woken up from being under the mountain, and to say he was upset would be a massive understatement. He was so angry, everything he had ever known was gone, rubble. He smashed his fist into a mountain and kept this temper tantrum up for an hour, smashing what remained of the debris of his Old Kingdom. Everything was gone, but his old home. He walked in and saw it was a mess.
He cried knowing how things used to be. He then went back into an extreme rage, all his powers capabilities were reflected by this rage.
If it weren't for his father everything would be better! This is all his fault! He caused this! I was just trying to make things better, but his father ruined that and made everything the worst!
Then he felt something, across the ocean. It was a rage on par with his. He didn't know what it was, or why he decided to find it, but he did. He slowly raised his wings and with a mighty flap, he was off.
Breath Of Evil's Pov
I was controlling the masses through Queen Wasp again, waiting for my moment to control everyone and have this whole world to myself. Then I felt an immense rage from across the world, but not Pantala.
'This threat must be from the same place as that troublesome seer. Luckily she wasn't too much of a pain, but if they prove to have her abilities, they could prove to be a challenge, but I'm ready to accept that challenge.'
Darkstalker's Pov
I'm flying to this other source of rage. As I got closer, the rage felt more like just an evil presence, not necessarily angry at the moment, just upset, irritated, like me. I had finally made it to the continent and immediately was attacked as vines wrapped around me.
I enchant all of the vines to get off of me. I look up to see a dragon with pure white eyes. They were weird, not only because of their eyes, but their wings were leaves. I decided not to question it before speaking.
"So, who are you?" I asked.
"This body I'm currently puppeting goes by the name of Hawthorn, the name these idiotic dragons gave me is 'The Breath of Evil' for dramatic purposes." He said. "But now that you're here, I must ask you to leave my world."
"Your world? I think you mean continent. Secondly, you have no power over me." I said. "I enchant The Breath of Evil to feel a painful burning feeling until I snap my fingers." As I finished talking I heard it screaming in pain, it started crying as it curled into a ball.
Asking- No, begging for the pain to stop. For most dragons, I would leave them their to suffer, but I felt something weird for this... Wait, what even is this thing?
I snapped my fingers and immediately after I did, it slowly got up.
"You said this... er... dragon if you could call it that, was a puppet, so what are you?" I asked. They continued to remain silent. "I enchant my fingers so if they snap again, the Breath of Evil will feel the same burning pain, but it will increase ten fold every second. Tell me what you are?" I said, venom dripping from my voice.
"I- I'm a plant." He said.
"I'm not here for jokes. Tell me what you are." I said.
"I'm serious. I have the ability to control anything organic that has me in their system. I already control a massive amount of the population, but this dragon put a restriction on what I could control, but when the fool tried to find a way to use it to control others, I overtook him, and removed those restrictions." He said rushed.
"So you control everyone here?" I asked.
"A majority I control directly. The rest I control indirectly through the Queen. You're definitely more troublesome than the first Nightwing to arrive here." He said.
"Who was that?" I asked generally curious.
"Clearsight, the one who gave birth of the Hivewing Tribe." He said. The moment he finished speaking, something inside of me snapped.