[Nine Nirvana Blood Qi] (3)

The journal did not stop there and had many bold ideas and theories. For example, the author theorized that Great Emperors--as beings that have escaped the shackles or restrain of Heaven--may be able to break through to the Bodyrefining Realm 13th Layer.

However, by that time, it was too late. Or to be precise, it is meaningless. Great Emperors are at an entirely different level of existence. Even if one was willing to give up their cultivation and restart over, the benefit that they would receive is quite miniscule as their foundation has already been set.

Additionally, if an Emperor helped another person to achieve the Body Refining Realm 13th Layer, it would also be detrimental.

The author of the journal theorized that the process of breaking the barrier of the 13th Layer would most likely be a baptisement of the will, soul, state of mind, and Dao Heart.