The Lucky Fool (Finale)

After laughing for a few minutes without stopping, Long Aotian proceeded to carefully remove the spiritual herb known Blood Yang Peony based on the method described by Fang Lijuan.

After that, he took out a talisman with a grin on his face as this was the method he planned to use that allows him to feed this spiritual herb to Huang Min.

Then Long Aotian suddenly slap himself in the face before muttering, "How stupid am I? Why didn't I use this invisible talisman to hide from that demonic beast?"

After that, Long Aotian proceeded to climb the cliff he had just fallen off. There he saw the demonic beast not far from him. So, he activated the talisman, turning him completely invisible before he secretly approached the Tier 4 Demonic beast.

However, as soon as he reached more than a few meters from the beast, it suddenly reacted and started looking around. However, the beast did not find anything around him.