[Flame Controlling Art]

After leaving his cave, Wang Wei followed his memory to fly towards the Exchange Pavillion. He soon arrived in front of a wooden house that looked like three houses stacked on top of each other. In the middle house, a plaque with the character "Exchange Pavillion" written in black.

After entering inside, the first thing he noticed was that the inside was way bigger than the outside. He guessed that a space expansion formation was placed inside.

Many disciples were walking everywhere inside, and no one paid attention to him. Based on body movement and facial expression, he could tell that some people recognized him, but they just ignored him.

With a calm look on his face, he went to one of the many booths. He took out his token, and once the people in line saw it, they gave way for him so he came to the front of the line.

"What can I do for you, Fifth Young Master?" asked the female disciple that was in charge of this particular booth.