Dark Truth

"Is that your way to speak to your ruler?" said the shadowy figure.

"Ruler?" Replied Chen Tong with a sneer. "How delusional have you, parasites, become?

"At my peak, I could crush all seven of you with one hand, and now you're talking about being my ruler. If you guys did not take advantage of the situation, none of you would even be qualified to speak to me or anyone else normally."

Cheng Tong truly despised these people. The Eternal Ascension World was one of the most powerful Chaos Worlds in this universe. They have cultivated the largest number of Paragons and the most powerful ones amongst all the Source Worlds. Their influences spread throughout Chaos.

However, ever since these 7 parasites took power, they have weakened the world to an unbearable point.

As soon as Chen Tong said these words, a slight aura emanated from that shadow's figure; the leak was less than a few nanoseconds, and yet, a catastrophic result occurred.