Beach Filler Party (II)

The first person to arrive was Lin Fan and his wife, Xu Shi. Just like Wang Wei, he was wearing a shirt and shorts.

"What's with that strange look?" asked Lin Fan after seeing the puzzled look on Wang Wei's face.

"No, I just thought you were one of those jealous guys that did not want others to see his wife." 

Wang Wei was not lying. He thought that Lin Fan would bring one of his less favorite concubines and leave Xu Shi at home.

"I have the most beautiful woman in the world as my wife; why would I not brag? It is my honor to have all these men lusting after her, yet they can only gaze from far away."

Xu Shi blushed slightly after hearing this before smiling. And Wang Wei took this opportunity to take a real look at her.

She was wearing a pure white two-piece bathing suit. The top further accentuated her womanly assets, while the bottom had a thin white fabric covering only the right side of her torso.