Worldwide Changes [Gift Bonus Chapter]

(Thanks to Heaven Will Daoist for the gift.)


"Tian'er, how are things going?" said a deep voice from the formation. Immediately, Ao Tianyi's arrogant demeanor changed into a more respectful one.

"Father, this is what happened."

Ao Tianyi told everything that had occurred since he arrived. The participant's reactions, what everybody said, what he said, and even some basic analysis of the situation.

"I guess this should be expected of a Dao Overlord. *Sigh* The Wang Clan is truly blessed," replied Ao Jing. He could not help but reminisce about what he read of the Wang Clan's achievement in the Eternal Ascension World.

And if the clan did not break up and even fought in the upper dimension, their accomplishment might have been even higher.

"Father, what do you think I should do?"

"You might not have a choice but to swear."

"What! Why?"