Gu Xuan's Deception Dao

'So, you want to take from my hands?' thought Wang Wei as he analyzed Chu Luo's reaction. He was fined with that outcome as well. Meanwhile, Lord Spirit seemed happy that no one had an objection, and she did not have to justify his choice.

"Tomorrow, you can accept the inheritance."

Wang Wei nodded and went to rest. The next day, he met with Lord Spirit before the talisman.

"You seem excited," commented Wang Wei.

"Of course I am. My master has been waiting for a worthy inheritor for too long. And once he succeeds, I can finally reunite with him," replied Lord Spirit, his joy and excitement exuding from his tone and eyes.

"That's good for you," Wang Wei replied calmly. He followed Lord Spirit into the Pagoda, where he found himself in a brightly lit room, with a bunch of torchlight with white flame surrounding the room.