Four Symbol Mirror

Elder He appeared in the Battle Spirit World, and just as he quietly left, no one knew or detected his return. Without pause, he went to see the Three Elder Council.

"Ancestor, how did it go?" hurriedly asked Patriarch He.

"The mission failed," Elder He replied calmly.

"Even you could not break through their protective array?" 

"I didn't get a chance. It appeared the upper dimension intervened and helped the Dao Opening Sect acquire Eternal Strength as protection."

"What?" Patriarch He did not expect this outcome. Meanwhile, Patriarch Jia sighed softly," Isn't this the reason we never directly destroy them during their weakened state? Fear of their ancestors in the upper dimension."

"Maybe we should have been bolder and more direct when the lower dimension was sealed," added the Disciplinary Head.

Elder He listened to these people's conversation and could not help secretly shake his head.