Behind The Scene Battle

As soon as Wang Wei returned home, he teleported to the secret realm where the Ancestors waited for him.

"What's the situation? Do we have more information?"

"So far, we only know someone attacked our business stalls in the Commerce. More than a hundred disciples there died," said Origin One, trying to control his fury. They always bully people; when did they ever suffer such an injustice?

Many disciples of the sect die every year for various reasons. But as long they were not bullied by cultivators using higher realms or the disciple sought death themselves, the sect would not interfere. However, they will never allow any factions to bully or wrong their disciples.

However, this attack was a blatant provocation.

"Have we settled the compensation for these disciples' death?" asked Wang Wei, also controlling his emotions since he knew this was not the time to be irate.