Marvelous Inheritance

 Wang Wei took a step and appeared in another World Community. With a single thought, he scanned the entire community before frowning.

"These people really know how to hide." With his current strength, he could not discover the whereabouts of the Dao Burial Ground even though he knew they were in this position.

So, he no longer hesitated and activated the mark his wife left on their hideouts, immediately discovering a special dimension.

'Is this a Chaos Treasure?' thought Wang Wei as he saw the whereabouts of the Dao Burial Ground. 'It seems to be a peak Chaos Treasure, almost reaching the level of a Supreme Innate Treasure.'

Wang Wei's eyes lit up as he realized another benefit of dealing with this Forbidden Land. He took one step and entered this place. As he looked around, the first idea that popped into his head was that this place resembled his sect's Sealing Area. The second thought is this place has too much resentment and grievances.