Sagehood Path

"Now that our business is done and still have some time, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" asked Wang Wei.

"You can ask, but there is no guarantee that I will answer."

"That's fair. My question is regarding Emperor Kong; no, he should be Empyrean Kong now. What's his relationship with your movement?"

"Empyrean Kong? From my knowledge, we have tried to contact him, but he has always rejected our offer," replied Pei Lang calmly, and Wang Wei gave him a look.

'This guy can decide about this trade so easily, so his status and power in the rebellion should be critical. So, he should know the answer to my question.'

In a moment, he concluded the latter was probably lying.

"Alright, let me ask the question in another way. Based on the little information I've gathered, I've deduced that Empyrean Kong should have a unique status in the world, to the point that none of the seven moons wish to harm him and even treat him with some respect.