Gou Dao

After waking up to chat with Tong Ruobing and preventing the sense of foreboding he felt, he continued observing this battle. Something out of his control almost happened, so he needed to be on guard.

'Although we're outnumbered, our top powerhouses outclasses them,' thought Wang Wei. 'Their most powerful Emperor is…him?' He shook his head as he looked at the handsome young man. 'Well, their rematch should be interesting.'

Wang Wei shifted his focus to something else, and a wide grin appeared on his face. "The bait is hooked." His plans are never simple, and they usually knock countless birds with one stone, and one of the targeted birds this time around was the Corpse Selling Sect.

So, he engineered a situation full of death and macabre for these people. He does not believe these people would not be influenced by their founders' weird infatuation with death and corpses. Now that the stage was prepared, he only needed to wait.