Final Preparations Before Retreating (I)

Once everyone processed what had just happened, Wang Wei decided to continue with his banquet. "Many of you are about to ascend, and if you had paid attention, you would know the current situation of the upper world is not peaceful." Most people nodded since they knew of this, but a few people were confused as they had never heard of such a thing.

Despite the different reactions, these cultivators wondered why the Emperor brought up this topic. However, a few people immediately guessed what he was about to do, and they were speechless.

"I'm a kind soul, so I've decided to sell some information about the current state of the upper dimension to help you acclimate." He snapped his finger to manifest a screen with writings.

[Basic Information: This information is only the most basic of the current situation of the upper dimension. Although basic, such information is still well-kept under wrap and will require a steep price to acquire. Prices=???]