"What do you think the catastrophe will be?" Wang Wei asked. His ancestor was wise and insightful, so he wanted to see if he could get some information or inspiration from him. "I know it's related to the River of Time, but I can't deduce what form it will take."
"My theory is it will be similar to the ultimate taboo," Qiyuan stated. "Past, present, and future — all condensed into one place: the Eternal Ascension World. We will have to face powerhouses from past ages like the Essence Age, Lost Age, and maybe as far as the Genesis Age."
"You can't be serious," Yan Hai stated. "Such an event would fundamentally alter the primordial timeline. Grand Dao would never allow this."
"I agree," Wang Wei added.
"Not if the Eternal Ascension World is isolated into a Time Bubble," Qiyuan stated. "By then, whatever happens in this world will have a limited effect on the Primordial Timeline, just like we isolate Time Marks to erase someone from the past."