Mia : Mom I am not ready for marriage
Mrs lorance : You have no other choice...you have to marry him
Jennifer : Ya mom is right you have to marry someone...since you have given so much disaster in the family
Mia : *Head down*Fine mom...I will listen to you.
Mrs lorance : Good job that u heard what I meant...now go to your room...we will talk about the marriage tommorow it's way to late at night!!
Mia : Yes mom
**Mia left**
Mrs lorance : Good work Jennifer for making her agree!!*evil smile*
Jennifer : It was a piece of cake !!! I just pointed at her weak point... and she agreed easily...
Mrs lorance : Now she will be such profit to us
**Mrs lorance and Jennifer evil laughing**
Meanwhile in Mia's Room :
Mia : **Sleeping**
In Mia's head :
Mia's Dad : Mia you are such a curse for us the day your were born you killed my love also known as your mom...you shouldn't have been born...
Mia's Step mom (Mrs lorance): As soon as my beloved dog came to play with you he got distracted and killed by a truck...it's all your fault your a cursed human being
All the voices in Mia's head : YOUR CURSED !!!! YOUR
*Suddenly Mia woke up*
Mia : *Breathless**Sweating* It's my fault ...it's al my fault ...*Sobbing*our family broke apart because of me ...I am actually cursed *Sobbing*
Mia spent the whole night crying...
Next Morning :
Mrs lorance : Mia come and sit down here I have something important to tell you!!!
Jennifer : Ya come on sisso sit down here !
Mia : Ya sure mom "What is going on!?"
Mrs lorance : There is a sudden change in plan about the wedding
Jennifer : The owner of the Lu's group wants the marriage to be held tommorow...since he is the one going to marry my sister "Yes...an old man is going to marry you...dame creature"
Mia : W...what s...s... so Soon...
Mrs lorance : You have to listen to whatever your going to be husband says *Angry voice*
Mia : *Scared* Y..yes M...mo...mom
Jennifer : That's like my sweet sister*evil smirk*
Mrs lorance : Mia go to your room and get ready we will be leaving for the shopping in 30 minutes...I want you hear on time *Angry voice*
Mia : Y...yes M...mo...mom
Jennifer : Go on sissy
**Mia left**
Mrs lorance : That girl is such a headache..
Jennifer : Clam down mom...it will be over soon...
Mrs lorance : *Sign* ok
25 minutes later Mia comes down :
Mrs lorance : ohh it's great that your on time...
Mia : ...
Jennifer : Let's go Sissy
The three of them went and picked a bridal outfit for Mia and some luxurious clothes for themselves...
Next Day:[The wedding]
The bride walks down the path...
Mr Lu : "Woah she is beautiful"
Mia : "I feel so nevervous"
Everyone : The bride is so beautiful...this is a match made in heaven
Mr Lu : *Tomato red*
Farther : Mr. Lu Do exept Miss Mia as your lawfully wedded wife !
Mr Lu : I do !
Jennifer : "What the heck aren't we the relatives of the bride why are we sitting in the back...I can't see the face of the groom or my sister's terrified face"
Father : And you Miss Mia do you expect Mr. Lu as your lawfully wedded husband!
Mia : I do ! *Soft voice*
Father : Very well then...I may pronounce you as husband and wife...you may kiss the bride now
Mia : "Omg!!! God the heck I am nevervous...this is my first kiss"
Mr Lu : "I think I am going to die"*Lifts her vail*
**Both of them kiss...**
Mia : **Blusing**
Mr Lu : **Blusing**
Everyone : Congratulations...what a beautiful couple
After all the ceremonies and chat ...
Mia : *Sad*I don't know if I should get into this relationship with him as everyone thinks I am cruse...he should probably divorce me
Mr Lu enters the room...
Mr Lu :**Sits on the bed**
Mia : I have something to say to you...
Mr Lu : Yes Mia say your my wife now your free to tell me anything...
Mia : I..I think that you should DIVORCE ME !!! *eggs filled with tears*
Mr Lu : Why are you saying like that !? what happened!?
Mia : I can only cause trouble for everyone...I have always been a cursed human... nobody ever wanted to come near me or become friends with me*sobbing*...if I get close to you I might end up harming you...*Sobbing*
Mr Lu : **Hugs tightly and wips her tears**Listen there is no such thing as a cursed...You are not cursed... Don't your dare belive in what people say...cause your mine and only mine *Lip locks her*
Mia : Ummmm
Mr Lu : Ummm *Breaks the kiss*I love you mia..And only you
Mia : *Crying*I love you too