Jose suddenly got sleep. Those in the house were surprised. Jose never slept at that hour. Freyi said:

-Oh otherwise! We were going to go to the beach today. Anyway, there is nothing that can be done anymore.

Nati was going to try something crazy today. He was thinking about hijacking his mother's motorcycle and wanting to show off in the neighborhood. However, it would take time to find the appropriate time.

- So, Nati, what do you think now. Are you making plans as if you want to steal something?

-Come on! inopportune! silly.

-You went too far.

-Please stop, Jack, I have no fun.

- Okay, okay, don't be mad. I was just kidding. Hey. Your phone is buzzing.

-I am looking at him now. OK.

Messages were beginning to come to Nati by an anonymous user. Nati's color was changing. Jack noticed something:-Nati, sister, what happened to you? What you got? Come on say it!

The messages were appalling:

"Today will be your last day"

"I know your secrets. And also everyone will learn!"

"Your end will be loud!"

"You have no escape, remember this!"

Nati handed the phone to Jack for 10 seconds and took his breath with the police.

-Police, police, yes, I want to see the cops. He only dealt with Michel Nati:

-Hey, little beautiful girl. What happened?

-No jokes. I'm getting a death threat.But yours ...

-Yes, I am only 8 years old, but this situation that happened to me bothered me very much. Please help me!

Michel thought he was now the addressee of a cheap joke. But Nati would show the phone to the police a little later. And at the same time he would think Michel Nati was not kidding. But:"Is this girl trying to trick me with a fake message?" He thought.

-Yes, Nati, give us your phone for a short time now. Let's take it to the exam, okay?

- Okay, sir. I understand you now.

As Michel was taking the phone to have it examined, he did not understand why Nati was doing such a trick, on his own presumption.

(After 30 minutes:)

The guard's eyes were dislocated. The owner (or rather the source) of the messages sent to Nati was from an address with the extension ".onion".

Contact was made with the police chief immediately. Interestingly, the technician's fear of dealing with the phone seemed to be avoiding his own daughter.

-Tell Michel if he knows a good hacker. Nobody can kidnap children from my street. So!

- I'm telling you right now.

-He was almost causing psychological terror. Nobody could understand what was happening. However, Michel would start producing gossip on this subject.

-I heard that the place where those messages came from and the attack made by Darkweb on us are on the same point. They want to get Nati into their own networks.