Today am happy I could myself drive to school, my mum had my car transported here in New York and dropped at our house I was pretty excited cause the other day I had to wait for her after school and she was about half an hour late. I got pretty annoyed mostly because I had to watch Jay as i came to know her name "apparently we are sharing another class AP Biology" , the girl I bumbed on yesterday make out at the parking lot with the school ice queen Jennette , They seemed pretty intense and I don't actually think whether they saw me ...I managed to make a friend Cara who introduced me to her friends Sara and Tommy during lunch break. From what have heard Jay is like the bad girl in our school , nobody messes with her and she likes to use and break girls hearts although most of them don't seem to mind ..Jennette is the schools Ice Queen, head of the cheerleading team. I was now at the parking lot, my new friends were already there waiting for me. " Hey ken, " Cara happily greeted me and then hugged sara and Tommy , , its funny how I felt like we' ve been friends forever because they seemed to like the same stuff I do and also they are cool to hang around with ...we walk to our lockers but I cant help it when I see Jay making out with another girl who I don't know right there where my locker is ...fudge" I say to myself , They seemed pretty intense and they didn't seem to be bothered by the other students in the hallway , , its like they are already used to the attention. " Girl how come you didn't not tell us that you are sharing a locker with the school's bad girl, " Tommy said sarcastically with a huge smirk plastered on his face. Actually I had no idea since yesterday they were still fixed on finding me a locker cause the only empty one was occupied by a student who had transfered to another school." well I am surprised too I didn't , I tell him , bad news now you are, 'Sara says . I walk to my locker not sure of what to say to the people making out infront of me . I stand there frozen as I watch them do their thing. Jay is wearing black jeans , an oversized black t-shirt and her signature leather jacket ...she looks pretty sexy in that out fit and as I look at her am lost in my own world thinking that maybe , just maybe I am the one pinned on that locker. The brunette girl notices me, and rolls her eyes ' what are you staring at looser , don't you have other things to do ...I don't know why but her words got in my head and I was about to talk , when Jay looks at me and immediately a huge smirk is plastered on her face, she seems to be checking me out and I am pretty sure my face is now turning red ...lost in her blue eyes she's brings me back to reality "well hello there blondie, like what you see, wanna join ??! a huge blush is now plastered on my face and I am pretty sure she can tell and she is taking advantage of that. , " you are standing right beside my locker and I need to pick my stuff'' and no thanks you guys can keep on doing your thing ...' I like bold, she tells me ...the brunnette senses the tension between us , rolls her eyes and stands on her toes and pecks Jay on the lips ' see you later sexy where there arent wiredos around , she eyes me and walks aways swaying her hips and I can see jay staring at her ass ... " what a perv'' I think to myself . she still hasn't moved away from the position she was and I can feel the tension between us building. I give her a look as though am telling her to give way cause I only have like four minutes before the class starts. she excuses me and opens her locker ...what class do you have ? she asks me ..Ap Biology I tell her ...well seems like you will be seeing a lot of me she tells me .. apparently we have the same class ' want me to walk you ? I tell her no but thanks . my palms are already sweaty just by being close to her ....well okay but we can still walk together since its the same class she tells me...we walk silently to our class and just then I realise their only two vacant sits available at the back ....well... fuck I mumble to myself ...we walk at the back of the class and occupy our sits ...Class can you be quiet' Mr.Claws clears his throat and everyone is now quiet as the class begins ...the lesson passes quickly and at the end the teacher gives us assignment which is a project with a partner ..the person sits next to you ...I give Jay a what the fuck look" and she just smiles , I can tell its a genuine smile and not the flirt kind , uuuhm so how are we gonna do this? wanna come to my place or yours this tommorow after classes cause we need to work on this project before Friday .....I am quiet for a while and she says my place it is then, " princess don't worry I don't bite ...the sooner we are done with this project the better cause I can already tell that you don't like my presence. 'she tells me as she walks out of the class , I can see the hurt in her eyes by the way she slams her sit ...ouch that hurt I think to myself as I walk out of the class. my second and third period goes on quickly and we are now seated on our table taking lunch ...I can't help but see the sudden change of mood as I steal glances at where jay is sitted with her popular friends...unlike the other days today she's not making out with some random girl instead she seems lost in her own world. ....uuuhm clara clears her throat'' are you gonna keep staring at her or are you going to tell us what happened today in the morning since you didn't tell us goodbye before you left for your first period ....I immediately turn my attention to them ..." sorry guys by the way I have bad news apparently Jay is my Ap biology partner in this project that the teacher gave us and I feel like shiiet because I was a bitch to her this morning and all she did was ask me where we were going to do it. " Ken are you foreals, you were partnered with that bitch Tommy gives me a bitchy look and I cant help but smile, , don't worry guys I can handle my own stuff am a big girl .So where are you guys going...well her place ofcourse I answer him quickly and he gives me a worried look ...just be careful Ken , Jay likes to play with peoples hearts and break them, sam says ..." you don't wanna get your hurt broken ...I could tell that they were being genuine and it boosted my self esteem cause atleast they cared about how I felt...are you even comfortable around her? Cara asks ...I eye them and tell them, , " guys am fucking straight not judging but even if I were to hook up with a girl she wouldn't be in my list ....I would love my first time to be special ...I don't know why my friends are looking me in a funny way...wait do I have food in my teeth ...I quickly cover my mouth with my palms but just then somebody taps my shoulder ...a strong scent of vanilla quickly engulfs me , wait Jay has the same scent ..., , " can we talk , ?? she asks me and forsure I wasn't wrong it was the schools bad girl ....people around us are looking at us wiredly as though they wished it was them in my position ....we walk out of the cafeteria to the hallways....and just then she grabs my hand , leads me to a room I immediately realise we are in the janitors closet as she quickly closes the door behind her .....Well you wanted to talk ..lets lalk I tell her shyly not looking in her eyes ...what is so important that you can't tell me publicly ...her eyes burn into my soul as she gets closer ...and my hearts is beating so fast and hard you can hear it because its quiet in here....the tension is a bit strong I feel my knees getting week..." what is so special about you ?? why do you hate me ?? she asks.....