Best friends are those who stand by you when you are having a hard time

The next morning I wake up with itching all over my legs. I've always been the person in the family who attracts all the mosquitoes. I push the blanket away from me and shine to my legs where several red spots can be seen. Frustrated I look at the clock. It is 6:12 a.m. With a sigh, I decided to get out of bed, not that I could still sleep with all those mosquito bites and mosquitoes flying around my ear. I save a list in my head of things I have to do today, with mosquitoes massacring above. I decide to take a shower and get dressed. I'm wearing jeans shorts with a gray T-shirt. I grab my bag and look for the first book of my new series among the 4 books I brought with me on this trip. Opening the sliding window, I step onto the balcony and lower myself onto one of the chairs.

Glad about the peace and quiet, I begin to lose myself in the story and characters. You can't really call me a nerd, but I do have some characteristics of a so-called nerd. For example, I have good grades and I don't mind studying. I don't have that many friends either, but that's because I'm very shy at first. Reading is also something I like to do. When you read, you find yourself in another world, where you enjoy all the feelings and adventures of the characters.

I don't know how much time I spend reading when I hear someone knocking on the door. Laying down my book, I walk to the door to open it. "Ready for another day?" Coll asks when he pushes me aside and walks into my room. I answer 'Yes' excitedly when I close my sliding window and put my book back in my bag. 'Ha, you're reading again, I see. Is it a good book?' he asks when he flops down in my bed. 'Yes it's a good book, I'm just afraid I won't have enough books with me for these two weeks. I'm already halfway through the first book'. I answer with a sigh when I put myself next to him. "I'm sure you'll fix it, but I'm very hungry and I've seen waffles at the buffet.' Says Coll as he pulls me up and we leave my room together.

The buffet was delicious, especially with the waffles. We are now walking on the beach with mom and dad leading the way. Suddenly I see Justin walking to Coll to tackle him. Coll falls to the ground and shows a roaring smile as he pulls Justin down next to him. Laughing I look at my two brothers and best friends. I notice too late that it is suddenly very quiet. I just want to turn around to see what happens when I feel two strong arms winding around my waist.

I shout 'Let go of me' to Justin while I knock on his back. "Are you sure sis?" ask Coll with a mysterious smile. "Of course I'm sure you jerk. Justin, put me down now," I shout. "Okay, little sister as you wise," I hear Justin say before I'm surrounded by cold water. Coming back up for breath, I see Justin and Coll standing bent over laughing.

'Ha ha ha' I laugh sarcastically, but I can't suppress a little smile. I turn my back to them while they just keep laughing. The moment they see that I am not looking at them anymore, the laughing stops. "Lily, are you angry?" asks Justin carefully as he and Coll get closer. Without answering, I keep staring in front of me. "Lily, please don't be angry with us, we're sorry," says Coll in his voice.

My brothers have always been very worried about me. They always protected me from bullies and were with me in my difficult moments. I love them as much as they love me. But that doesn't mean we don't bully each other at times.

When I am sure that Coll and Justin are close enough, I turn around in one movement and take some water in my hands that I splash on them. This time I'm the one bent over laughing. "Y-you should've seen your f-face," I say laughing. When I catch my breath again I see my two brothers looking at each other, communicating with each other through their eyes. Suddenly they both turn to me at the same time and wet me again. And so, ladies and gentlemen, the water fight began, causing all three of us to catch a cold.

After a long hot shower back at the hotel, I get ready for dinner. I take out of my suitcase a long khaki green robe that reaches down to the ground. The dress has a cutout cleavage, so you can slightly see my shapes. I dry my hair with a hairdryer and put on a little make-up consisting of eyeliner and mascara with a little lip gloss to finish the look. I've never been a big fan of make-up.

During dessert, daddy scrapes his throat. I look up from my chocolate cake when I see him take something out of his pocket. "Since Lily is turning 18 tomorrow, I thought this would be a good gift' Daddy says when he gives me an envelope. Curious and a bit nervous, I open the envelope and take out 5 tickets. On the tickets, I see in big Champion with underneath it California University vs Texas United.

It takes a while before I realize what my birthday present is but when my brain suddenly decided to work, I jump out of my chair and hug daddy. "thank you, thank you, thank you," I say happy as I give mommy a kiss on her cheek. I got 5 tickets for tomorrow's football game. Part of the American dream that I can finally cross out.