I always regret the

Plans I made when

I was in a 5 minute

Extroverted mood.

We're a few months later. In those few months, something spectacular hasn't really happened, if you don't count graduation. This was a month ago. In the meantime, I said goodbye to my only friend, who wasn't really a friend but more of a good acquaintance and packed my bags.

Somewhere in the past months between the Christmas holidays and now, I decided to do my first year of studies in America. Looking back on it a few months later, I can't suppress curiosity, happiness but also fear. What was going on in my head back then?

I slowly open my eyes when I hear Daddy say the words, "We're here.' With a little reluctance, I get out of the car and see that my brothers each took one of my suitcases out of the car. Mommy grabs my hand and together with the 5 of us we walk into the airport. I feel mama grabbing my hand more tightly when we are at the check-in, the last stop before we have to say goodbye.

Stepping to the desk I give my passport when my brothers give the two suitcases to the lady. The lady called Melissa, as it says on her name tag, hands me my ticket and greets the next person.

Turning around, I am immediately pulled into a hug by mama, who has a few tears rolling over her jaw. 'Promise me that you will be careful and that you will call every day and that we will skyping once a week' she says while she is still holding me. "Of course, Mommy," I promise her. 'And do your best at school' she adds when she finally withdraws. I chuckle quietly and grab her one more time.

Now it's daddy's turn to grab me. I cuddle him right back and slowly feel my eyes filling up with fluid. I have never been good with goodbye, especially not with family. Daddy retreats a bit and grabs my face with his hands. "You're my only princess, please be careful.' He sais when his tears are starting to leave his eyes. Nodding, I plant another kiss on his jaw as I turn to my two brothers.

Both are standing a few meters in front of me. But what surprises me, are the tears rolling visibly over both their cheeks. No longer able to hold back my tears, they flow out of my eyes like a waterfall, only to be replaced again by new ones. All three of us step towards each other at the same time and stroke our arms around each other. I start crying even louder and small sounds escape my mouth. I not only say goodbye to my family but also to my two best friends.

Coll and Justin slowly retreat and Justin grabs my face just like Daddy did. 'Don't cry sister, you know how happy you make my day when I see you smile' he says when he wipes my tears with his thumbs, at the same time, still crying himself. I do the same to him and pull him into the other hug. 'I'm going to miss you so much. You are my best friends and the best brothers I could ever wish for. I feel like I'm leaving a part of myself behind'. Tell Justin and Coll, who I can see standing over Justin's shoulder because Justin has me slightly on hooves. "I will miss you too, sister. Be careful but let yourself be allowed to have fun and make friends. I know the latter is not your strongest point, but try. I'm sure you'll have friends soon, let others enjoy your fun character too,' he says when he plants a kiss on my forehead.

"And stay away from the opposite sex, understand? The only two guys you need right now are us' Coll interferes in the conversation. I laugh and shake my head when Coll cuddles me. My brothers have always been very protective of me, sometimes even more than Daddy.' I'm going to miss you sis' he says with so many emotions in his voice that I almost start to cry again. 'I will miss you too, I will miss you too' I say when I rub my hand through his hair and I feel tears falling on my cheek coming from Coll.

"Flight to California may board" we suddenly hear a person say through the speakers. I feel Coll's grip stiffen as he slowly let's go, not sure if he wants me to get on that plane. I give him and Justin another kiss on their jaws when I turn around and walk to the right gate. Just before I am out of sight, I turn around and shout an "I love you" to my family, for the first time it doesn't matter if people are looking at me. I see a little smile on their faces which gives me the courage to keep walking.

I've been on a plane for 10 hours now, I'll arrive in America in the other hour. Even though I haven't been able to sleep on the plane and have only watched TV and read books, I'm not tired yet because of the stress. Within an hour I am in California. A few minutes later I get to know the host family where I have to stay for a year. Looking outside through the window of the plane, I count down the minutes.

I have been waiting on my suitcases for fifteen minutes now, but I still don't see them on the tape. Annoyed I sigh and just when I want to play a game on my mobile phone, I see my two suitcases appearing on the band. Quickly, with difficulty, I take my suitcases off it and then nervously walk to the exit. This is the moment, the moment I am going to see my "new" family. Following the people, I step through the doors and am immediately welcomed by many people grabbing their loved ones and family members, happy to see each other again.

Somewhere in the audience, I see an old man standing with a sign "Lily Bowen". Nervous I step to the man, 'Hello' I try to attract his attention. "Hello, are you Miss Bowen?" asks the old gentleman kindly. Nodding I answer and he takes one of my suitcases with a big smile and tells me to follow him.

We walk a few minutes before he stops for an expensive Mercedes. Opening the car, he puts the suitcases in the trunk and opens the door of the backseat for me. Not knowing what to say I smile gratefully at him when I get in. The old gentleman then gets in the front and starts the car. A few minutes after we are on the track, he looks at me through the mirror. 'Miss, the ride takes about half an hour. If you'd like to get some rest, I'll let you know when we get there.'

"Thank you...

"Edward, you may call me Edward. I'm the driver of the Martin family,' he says. "Thank you, Edward.' Closing my eyes, hoping to get some rest, I think back to the name Martin. It sounds familiar but I can't really say why.

"Miss Bowen, we're here" I hear Edward say. I slowly open my eyes and look at Edward standing in the doorway of the car. "You can just call me Lily," I say when I have to suppress a yawn. With a nod, Edward leaves the opening and for the first time, I can see the house where I am going to stay.

I feel my mouth fall open and my eyes grow big.
