Let me call you

Right back."


Enjoy the rest of

Your day.

My gaze also glides to his red lips that are in a little shy smile. When he is only a few inches away from me, I move my gaze to his eyes. His eyes sparkle with so many feelings that it is difficult to see which ones dominate. Our foreheads touch, I close my eyes. I feel that he also closes his eyes when his lips touch mine slightly.

But before we can really kiss, the door of my room is pushed open. "Lily, Alex" calls out a voice. Frightened, I jump back, forgetting that I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I fall to my back as I see stars dancing in front of my eyes. "Everything okay?" asks Alex who looks at me over the edge of the bed together with Lizz. I nod yes and straighten up.

"Alex, can you put me to bed? And read me a story?' asks Lizz with her teddy bear in her arms. Alex takes a quick look at me, but then nods at Lizz, 'Of course I want to' he says when he picks her up and kisses her cheek. 'Sleep well' Lizz shouts before Alex closes the door.

I lie on my bed staring at the ceiling, waiting. It's been fifteen minutes since Alex left the room, he still hasn't come back. I'm hanging from the top of my bed, waiting. It's been an hour. I get back on my bed but with my legs up, waiting. It's been 2 hours. I put my head on my pillow and my body under the blanket, waiting. It's been 3 hours, it's been 4 hours...

I wake up from my alarm clock going off. Tired, I stretch out my arm and turn off my alarm clock. Last night, before I fell asleep, I came to the conclusion that Alex was sorry that he almost kissed me. That's why he didn't come back. I get out of bed, into the bathroom. In the mirror, a girl with big bags under her eyes, white skin like a vampire and a bird's nest on her head, is staring at me. I sigh and get into the shower.

After half an hour, I look pretty good. Since I never wear any make-up like foundation, my bags are still visible, but for the rest, I look like the normal Lily, only I don't feel like that. I step into the kitchen and sit next to Lizz without looking at Alex. I know everyone has noticed that something has happened between me and Alex. Alex has been staring at me all breakfast, pounding my foot a few times, hoping I would look at him. Not that I did it.

During the drive, I and Finn have been chatting about a movie we want to see in the cinema. I know he could see that my smile didn't reach my eyes, but luckily, he didn't say anything about it. In the parking lot, I jump out of the car without saying hello and walk to my class.

It is now lunchtime and for the third time in a row, Finn has come to sit at our table. The lesson I had with Alex today went amazingly well. I started to put myself between two people so he couldn't sit next to me. I knew that's what he was planning when he walked into the classroom and his eyes connected with mine. When they wandered off to the places next to me, I saw something like pain shooting through his eyes, but I might as well have imagined that.

Finn asks Kim, when they look at each other in the eye, "Do you want to go and have something to eat later?' Kim's cheeks start to turn red when she nods a yes. A sincere smile appears on Finn's face when he hears Kim's answer. 'I'll send you another text message with the info,' he tells her as he stands up to go to his friends. Before he disappears, he gives me another kiss on my forehead, which for the first time today, makes my corners of my mouth go straight up.

'Hey Lil' says Owen happy when he takes me in his arms. I'm waiting at the bleachers for Alex and Finn, as the training is over when the boys come to see me. "Hey," I say back as cheerful as I can. I see Jax looking at me questioning and worried. I step out of Owen's cuddle to walk up to Jax and hug him. Immediately, he puts his arms around me as well. 'Everything okay?' He's asking me worried. I nod yes again as I pull back a bit and look him in the eye. I smile at him reassuringly, when I give him a kiss on his cheek.

Someone scrapes his throat to get my attention. I already know who before I turn around and look at him for the first time today. I can see he looks at Jax jealously when Jax looks at him angrily. Luckily, that moment comes when Finn walks up and puts an arm around his brother's shoulders. "Let's go home," he says cheerfully.

Immediately, this brings a smile on my face as I wink at him, knowing why he wants to go home so badly. Arriving home, I just want to open the door when a hand grabs mine and pulls me back. I see Finn happily hopping in when I turn to Alex. "That of yesterday" he starts. "It doesn't matter, I know you think it's a mistake. I won't tell' I interrupt him. "No, that's not it. I fell asleep in bed with Lizz while I was reading to her' he tells me when he looks me in the eye, to make sure I believe him.

I just want to say something, when his cell phone rings. Apologetically he looks at me, as he takes his phone out of his pocket. There's a picture of him and Chelsey on the screen as she presses a kiss on his jaw. Hurt that I was right anyway, the kiss means nothing, I turn around and walk away, when I hear Alex calling that there is nothing between them.