I promised myself I

Would never fall in

Love but it was 4 am and

We were laughing way

Too hard and I felt

Happy fort he first

Time for a long time.

I happily get out of the car and jump up and down like a little child. Aiden looks at me laughing when he puts his arm around me, "Do you feel like it?" he asks. "Are you crazy? Of course, I feel like it. It's been a long time since I've been to a fair,' I say happily. I see Alex standing next to me as he looks down on me, "Let's go then.'

I look around me happily, just like a little child. Everywhere there are things I want to go, but my gaze lingers on one thing. I quickly turn to the boys and see that they are talking passionately about football. Jax, who is closest to me, sees me looking at them, he raises his eyebrow questioningly. I happily point to the stall right in front of us when his eyes light up as well. Jax happily shouts a few words and rushes towards me. The boys look at us strangely when they hear Jax calling. Jax picks me up and throws me over his shoulders when he runs to the cotton candy stand.

I see the boys' eyes grow big too and follow us happily to the stall like little baby ducks. A few minutes later, we are all sitting together on a bench enjoying the pink sugar that melts on our tongues. Turns out is that I am not the only one addicted to cotton candy. The saleswoman looked at us strangely as we were happily jumping up and down in excitement.

'Let's go to the haunted house' Alex says excitedly as he grabs my hand and pulls me to the big scary black house. Inside, Owen and Rayen lead the way, followed by Jax and Aiden. I and Alex walk into the haunted house as the last, hand in hand. The hallway is dark and only lit by a small red light. I squeeze Alex's hand harder as we walk around the corner. Coming around the corner, we see that we have lost our friends.

"Where is everyone?" I whisper. "I don't know" Alex whispers back when he holds my hand a little tighter. Suddenly something falls out of the ceiling that looked like a ghost, as I have to shout out loud from the horror. Next to me, I hear Alex doing the same thing as we're walking faster. People and dolls keep jumping out of holes in the walls, as the light slowly jumps out. Shivering I grab Alex's arm when I feel his hands shaking a bit, just like mine are. Screaming again, we just decide to walk on, when we open a heavy black door and breathe relieved. The boys are lying on the floor laughing.

Me and Alex calm our hearts for a moment before we look at Owen asking questions. "Y-your faces" he laughs as he points to a wall where you can see CCTV footage. I feel my cheeks turning red and I see the same thing happening to Alex. "I didn't know our quarterback could scream like a girl" says Aiden when he knocks on Alex's back. Alex growls at him when his face gets even redder.

Everybody's gone out for a burger but me and Alex. After the haunted house, our hunger was suddenly completely gone. "Come," he says when he grabs my hand and pulls to a stall. I see all cuddly bears with different sizes that you can win if you can knock over all the pots. Alex pays 5 euros and gets three balls. After two balls, he already managed to knock them all over. Amazingly I look at him when I see him winking at me. Ha yeah, I forgot. As a quarterback, you have to have a good aim.

The gentleman asks him which cuddly bear he wants when he looks around between the bears. Alex's gaze lands on one and points to, "That one. I want that one,' he says determinedly. The gentleman gives Alex the cuddle bear and we walk back to the rest of the boys. 'Here' Alex suddenly says when he's standing still. I look the cuddle bear he's pressed into my hand. The cuddle bear is almost as long as my legs and should represent a popcorn bag that smiles. I look happily at it, reliving our first meeting. What an asshole he was.

I happily turn to him when I plant a kiss on his cheek. A little proud smile appears on his face, just like a red blush. When I get to the boys, I see they're already out of hamburgers, pigs. Owen sees the hug in my arms and winks at Alex who gets a little redder.

"Let's go to the Ferris wheel," I say excitedly. The boys look at each other holding back for a moment before they nod anyway and I happily give them all a hug. Together, we move on, and fortunately, it's our turn after just a few minutes. Just like in the haunted house, Owen and Rayen sit down together, Jax and Aiden and me and Alex.

The wheel turns around and stops when we hang from above. We have a beautiful view of the city that gives light just like all the colorful lights of the fair. 'It's so beautiful' I say admiringly as I enjoy the view. I feel Alex moving when he puts himself next to me on the small bench.

I turn around as I see him staring at me. A flashback of studying together comes back when Alex looks at my lips and then again at my eyes. My eyes are also attracted to his lips and at the same time, we bend forward. Our eyes look at each other before we close them at the same time and our lips touch each other slightly. Our foreheads lean against each other as Alex bends forward again and really connects our lips.

Fireworks go off, figuratively and literally, as he grabs my cheeks and pulls me closer to him. My hands go into his hair as the kiss deepens. We both retreat slowly when we hear the boys yell. I see that Aiden is pulling pictures of us and hide my redhead in Alex's neck as he is pushing another kiss on my hair and connecting our fingers.

I have to chuckle inside myself, again I can take a point off the list. Slowly, the cliché dream starts to become real as the first kiss on the Ferris wheel is ticked off.