Can't believe

We stayed up and screamed

"Happy New Year"

For this mess!

With a sigh, I let myself fall on my bed. After the threat of the bird, everyone was nervous. Alex really followed me everywhere. I had to do my best to push him out of the toilet every time I had to pee. But today we had decided together, that it was too much for us and we went to the police.

Next to me Alex also falls into my bed with a sigh. 'Those were the longest hours of my life' he mumbles tiredly. When we arrived at the police station, we were helped by police officer Donut. I'm serious when I say the policeman has been eating at least 10 doughnuts while I was telling my story as if he was watching TV. After an hour of telling and giving details, police officer Donut brought us to police officer Mustache.

Apparently, the only thing Donut does is to help with neighborly quarrels and is police mustache for the more life-threatening cases. Mr. Moustache is a typical policeman who always looks like he bit into a lemon and hates teenagers. Explaining my story wasn't easy.

"Is this a joke? Because if it's a joke I can lock you all up for a couple of hours for lying to a cop' was his introduction when Donut said I was threatened. Jax looked at Alex before he sat down on a chair. 'This isn't a joke, sir. My sister is in real-life danger and you need to help us keep her safe.'

Let's just say mustache was angry that Jax had called me "little sister" when I wasn't his real little sister. And then Owen came between the two of them to explain why I was their sister. And that's when mustache started the sex jokes that Alex really didn't like. After arguing there for an hour, I got tired of it.

"Can all 4 of you stop being toddlers? And I think "men" had more sense and manners than 3-year-olds.' I called out frustrated. Mustache looked at me indignant because I dared to insult a policeman. The boys looked at me in amazement and curiosity because they had not seen this side of me yet. 'Now that everyone is quiet, may I finally tell my story? I have no desire to end up dead in a box like that bird.'

Mustache looked at me like "Bird? Dead? Box?' he asked. And then, after 2 hours, I finally got to tell my story. After an hour, I was ready and the boys had to take turns to tell their view on my story. So if I had to spend 7 hours at a police station, you'd understand why I'm dead now.

'I'm nauseous' I mumble as I rub my belly. During my explanation to police officer Mustache, police officer Donut had bought three donuts for each of us. Alex turns to me and pulls my t-shirt higher. "What are you doing?" I ask confused. In answer, Alex puts a hand on my belly and plants a kiss on it. "Alex?" I ask laughing at his weird behavior. "I'm saying hello to our food baby. Good practice for later.' He's whispering something to my belly. A red color adorns my face through Alex's words. Alex looks up and chuckles. "You do know that I intend to have children with you, to grow old together and get married, don't you? That's what this ring is for.' He's indicating my promise-ring.

I look at him lovingly and bend forward to give him a kiss. Alex lays down beside me with an arm around my waist while I put my head on his chest.

"Fireworks?" "Check", "Champagne?" "Check", "Party hats?" "Check", "Food?" "Check". Alex and Owen are checking all the supplies for our New Year's party while I'm decorating the garden with Aiden. Rayen and Jax went to the store to get some extra chips. Finn and the girls are decorating the living room.

"Lily" yells Lizz walking up to me in her princess dress. I bend down so that I'm on the same level as her, "What's up, princess?". Lizz laughs at the nickname before she answers me. "Are you coming to play princess upstairs? Please?' I look at her hopeful face and nod of yes. I look at Aiden apologetically but he only shakes his head smiling and makes a movement with his hands that means that it isn't a problem.

Lizz grabs the crown I won at the fair with the duck catching and puts it right on my head. "Lily?" she asks insecurely. "Yes, princess?" She sits on my lap and looks at me with big eyes. "I have to tell you something important" she mumbles, "That box under the Christmas tree, I know..." Lizz is interrupted by Alex throwing open the door. 'There are my two little princesses' he shouts happily as he sits on the floor next to me and kisses me and Lizz on the cheek. Then he grabs our hands and pulls us down.

Downstairs Lizz walks directly to her parents who are going to celebrate New Year at the neighbors, while me and Alex are going outside with our friends. Owen is distributing the Champagne, within 15 minutes it's New Year. I grab a party hat for me and Alex and stand on my tip to put on his. Alex leans forward to kiss me passionately.

"Hey lovebirds, New Year's is only in 11 minutes" Aiden yells at us laughing. Alex turns his eyes and sits down next to Jax on the picnic blanket. The boys have set the fireworks so that at 00:00, they fly into the air. I'm chatting with Lexi who sits next to me, when we hear a hissing. We're both watching the fireworks whose choirs are starting to burn. I move closer to Alex who is pulling me on his lap.

Everyone looks focused at the ribbon that gets shorter and shorter until the 5 fireworks fly into the air. Alex immediately grabs my head and kisses me. Around us, we hear everyone jumping up and congratulating each other. 'Happy New Year popcorn' he mumbles against my lips. 'Happy New Year, I love you' and I connect our lips again while fireworks go off.