
The Three Sisters Bat

At the inner castle of Baibars.

" Anna there is something I would like you to take care off " said Baibars.

" What is it my lord " said Anna.

" There have been reports about some bat like creatures near the forest where we met. I would like for you to check it out and report back to me " said Baibars.

Anna bowed and then said " Of course my lord "

Later at the forest.

" Man. Why do we always have to do things like this " said Azi.

" It is a direct order from the sultan and besides I would still look into this since the bat like creatures have sacred and even hurt some of the citizens " said Anna.

" Anna we need to have a talk " said Ana.

" What is it Ana " said Anna.

" You helping the people of the kingdom is all good and all but remember to spend some time with your friends. Asia and Hadil are always eager to play with you " said Ana.

" I know. Asia and Hadil are too good to me. I will have to make it up to them later " said Anna.

" It is always a blast with Asia and Hadil " said Azi with a smile.

Anna also smiled.

Suddenly clouds started to block the sun itself.

It was now pitch black in the forest.

" Ladies I have a bad feeling about this. All my blood is frozen " said Azi.

" Ana do you know what is going on? " said Anna.

" There is an evil present here. Anna be on your guard " said Ana.

Suddenly Azi saw something.

" AHHHHHHHH! " screamed Azi.

" What is it! " said Anna.


Anna looked at where Azi was pointing and saw 6 glowing eyes staring at the three of them.

Anna started to sweat.

" Stay calm Anna " said Ana.

The glowing eyes started to come closer and closer.

Azi was shaking in fear behind Anna's right shoulder.

Anna's heart was pounding faster than a train but she stood her ground.

The 6 eyes now stood in front of Anna (and thanks to Anna's eyes adjusting to the darkness) she could now see three women who looked like bats.

Azi looked up from Anna's right shoulder for a second and then screamed like hell when she saw the bat-women.


" That annoying fairy is really loud " said one woman.

" I will drink all its blood as an appetizer " said the second woman.

" AHHHHHHHHH!!! " screamed Azi again.

" Enough sisters. The girl is our main meal " said the third woman.

Anna swallowed the last of her spite and then said

" Before anything may I know the names of you ladies "

The three bat-women were all in shock.

" Did I say something that offended you ladies? " said Anna.

" No. It just has been awhile since someone asked for our names.... my name is Arsippe " said Arsippe.

" My name is Alcathoe and this is out sister Leucippe " said Alcathoe but Leucippe was not in the mood for formalities.

" Enough with the formalities I hunger for blood! " yelled Leucippe.

Leucippe then charged at Anna but before Leucippe could get close to Anna.

The ruby on Anna's necklace started to glow like the glow coming from the sun.

The three sister walked backwards in pain.

The glow from the necklace vanished and then Ana said " Anna. Please do not bear any hatred for the daughters of Minyas "

" Ana. You sound like you know them " said Azi.

" Their story is one of tragic and sorrow. They were once princesses who were made into the monsters in front of you all because they refused to worship Dionysus who punished them personally and then they were turned into bats by Hermes " said Ana.

Anna no longer felt fear in her heart.

" What is with that look child. Do you feel pity for us! " said Leucippe.

" As you heard we were punished simply because we did not want to worship a certain god and in the end even Leucippe had to sacrifice her own son " said Arsippe.

Leucippe bite her lower lip.

" Since then we have not found any kind of peace and even now we are force to obey the will of a another god " said Alcathoe.

Anna just looked at the three sisters.

Anna then took a deep breath.

Anna raised her right hand towards the sky and that was when Anna's blue eyes then started to glow.

Azi looked at Anna.

" Anna what are you doi... but before Azi could finish.

Azi saw what Anna was doing and what Anna was doing was making the forest or more specifically making mother nature sing a sang.

A warm breeze could now be felt.

The flowers were dancing.

Fireflies were all glowing like small moons.

The glowing eyes of all the animals in the forest could now be seen.

" Wow... " said Azi admiring the dreamy scenery.

" I may be the sun itself but Anna can truly make anything shine as beautifully as the sun " said Ana.

Leucippe, Arsippe and Alcathoe were now fully calm.

Their bloodlust had completely vanished.

" You child are truly a child of wonders " said Leucippe.

Anna's blue eyes stopped glowing.

Anna then lowered her right hand and then removed a single tear on her right cheek.

For hours no one said a single word and all that could be heard was the song of mother nature.

Later the clouds vanished and the light of the sun could now be seen once again.

The light touched the three sisters which made the daughters of Minyas turn into ash.

Anna returned to her sultan and gave her report.

Anna returned to the forest the next day where she met Veles.

" I see that you are beloved by mother nature, child of wonders " said Veles.

Anna just looked at Veles.

" You jerk making us fight all those innocent victims " said Azi

" Silence fairy. I do not have business with you " said Veles.

Azi was about to explode but Anna just said (in a calm tone)

" Send any challenge I will beat them all and in the end I will come for you Veles "

Veles was silent.

Anna then walked back to the kingdom of the sultan with Azi and Ana.

Veles was now alone within mother nature…. or so he thought.

" How long do you plan on hiding guardian of mother nature " said Veles.

From behind Veles came forth archangel Ariel herself.

" I see that you have put my sweet daughter though quite the ordeal as of late " said Ariel in a menacing tone.

" Do not flatter yourself. If you wanted to. You could easily end me here and now but unfortunately you archangels are forbidden to act unless ordered to by your God " said Veles.

Ariel was silent.

Ariel then said " There is an exception to every rule "

Veles turned around and looked at Ariel and saw that Ariel was smiling.

Veles walked into the deep of mother nature but before he left Veles had one last thing to say

" I will at least give your daughter credit. She is truly a child of wonders "

Veles could no longer be seen and vanished within the forest.

Ariel looked up at the crimson sky and then said (with a smile on her face) " Tell me something I don't know "