
The Fountain That Grants Beast

There is an old legend, a story about a fountain that can grant one the ability to turn into a beast.

The story is about a god and a nymph.

The god known as; Hermaphroditus, and the nymph known as Salmacis.

Unlike some of her sisters, Salmacis did not enjoy the art of hunting and combat.

She instead loved to take baths and tend to her beautiful body.

One day.

Salmacis was walking in the forest, and that was when she saw him, sitting by a fountain, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, Hermaphroditus.

The nymph immediately fell in love.

For several days.

Salmacis would hide behind a bush and just watch

Hermaphroditus wash his god-like body, his golden hair, his exquisite physique, and then Salmacis would do her best just to get a glimpse of his beautiful blue eyes.

But one day, she was caught.

Hermaphroditus noticed Salmacis behind the bushes, and instead of being angry, he was intrigued, and gestured that Salmacis should come closer, which she did.

The two sat down, talked, and fell deeply in love with one another.

But Diana would have none of it.

One of her nymphs has broken her vow of chastity and the goddess was furious.

So Diana sent a pack of wolves after Salmacis.

The nymph ran to Hermaphroditus for help.

The god did his best to fight off the wolves, but sadly, Salmacis and Hermaphroditus both died where they first met, at the fountain, their blood now replaced all the waters of the fountain.

Saddened by the loss of their child, Hermes and Aphrodite fused Salmacis and Hermaphroditus into a bird, the Jian bird.

But the gods were not done.

They also blessed the fountain, granting the individual who entered it, the ability to turn into the kind of beast the person desired.

They named this fountain;

Salmacis, the fountain that grants beast.

Anna looked on, as Connla walked out the fountain, now as a giant ulster-werewolf.

" What do you think? " said Connla in a joyful tone.

" Not bad " said Saint Anna while eyeing Connla up and down.

" But why did you want the ability to turn into a beast? " asked Aziza.

" My father had a kind of beastly form, so I thought that I should get one as well " said Connla as he transformed into his human-form, which made Anna stare intently.

" Why are you looking at me like that? " asked Connla confused.

" You are naked " said Aziza while trying not to giggle.

Connla blushed as he ran to the nearby bushes.

" You are suppose to be a Saint! " yelled Connla while putting on some clothes.

" I told you, I am no Saint, " said Anna with a grin.

Connla now had some clothes on, and his Gáe Bolg at his back.

" Let us head back… " said Connla, still red as a tomato.

He then noticed that Anna was staring at the fountain.

" Want a dip? " asked Connla.

" Hmm. Perhaps another time " said the Saint as she walked away with her staff of Moses in hand.

As they were walking back to the kingdom of Sultan Baibars, Connla asked;

" Have you heard of the attacks? "

" You mean by the Wendigos?… yeah… there have been many reports about them throughout the kingdom, many have sadly lost their lives… " said Anna.

" Gun Ana, do you know why the Wendigos have come? " said Aziza.

" Sadly, I have no answer, but I have felt that nature has been in great pain as of late " said Ana.

" Yeah… I have felt that too '' said the daughter of Ariel.

After having walked for a bit, all of them now reached the palace of the Sultan.

" Ah, my assistant " said Baibars as he gave Anna a hug, and then proceeded to glare at Connla.

" Welcome back, " said Aaqil.

" It is good to be back " said Anna with a warm smile.

A grand feast was held, with music, dancing, drinking and eating.

But sadly for Connla, during the whole feast, Baibars made sure that the puppy of ulster got nowhere near the Saint.

It seems like the Sultan does not want the puppy to breed just yet, if you know what I mean.

The whole kingdom now went to sleep.

While sleeping.

Anna could not help but to sweat, for she was in pain, but the pain was not her own, it was coming from mother-nature herself.

" Help! "

Anna awoke in a cold-sweat.

" What is it? " asked Aziza.

" Are you okay? " asked Gun Ana.

" Yeah… I am fine…" said Anna as she went back to sleep, it is more accurate to say that she just rested.

As the Wendigo attacks worsened, so did Anna, to the point where she could not even get any rest.

" Dear girl. Are you well? " asked Aaqil, concerned.

" I am fine… " said the Saint with a strong smile.

" Now then. Where are all these Wendigos coming from? " said the Sultan, as everyone was gathered in his throne-room.

" Sadly. We have no idea… " said one of the generals;

" It is like they appeared out of thin air "

" My people are suffering… we must find them all, so we can kill them all " said Baibars.

So the Sultan made a plan, a rather simple plan;

Go and find as many Wendigos as you can, and then kill every single one.

Anna and Connla teamed up.

As they were walking through out the forest, Connla said;

" Anna, I have been meaning to ask "

" What is it? "

" Who is your father? "

Anna was surprised, but she then smiled.

Aziza and Gun Ana held their breaths in anticipation as Anna was about to answer.

But that was when Anna fell to her knees in pain.

" What is it?! " said Connla, as he was holding Anna in his embrace.

" The forest… mother-nature… she is dying… " uttered Anna, as she was covered in sweat.

Connla could now feel that the whole Earth was shaking.

Aziza noticed trees being cut down in the distance.

All of them could now hear growling.

" They are here.. " said Connla as he took out his Gáe Bolg and stabbed a charging Wendigo in the heart.

" Ah! " screamed Aziza, as she noticed all the glowing eyes that had surrounded them.

Anna forced herself back on her feet.

She and Connla were now back-to-back, as the Wendigos came near.

" Are you ready? " said Connla with a smile.

Anna, she said nothing, she simply gently slapped Connla's butt, and then went to war.

" Man… if the Sultan saw that… he would castrate me on the spot… " The son of Cú Chulainn now joined Anna.

Many Wendigos were killed… there was just one problem.

" There is no end to them! " yelled Aziza, while hiding in Anna's clothes.

Anna and Connla(who had entered his Ulster-Werewolf form) were pushed back, all the way back to the fountain.

But it was here that something odd happened.

" They have stopped attacking… " said Connla.

Anna just looked on, still on her guard, while gasping for air.

Anna and Connla then felt it.

Something was coming.

Something massive.

As the thing got closer and closer.

Anna could feel mother-nature dying, more and more.

" What is that… " uttered Connla in disbelief.

While in a lot of pain.

Anna looked up, at the monster? Beast? Man? Horse? In front of her.

They were all looking at a Nuckelavee.

But someone was sitting on the horse-head part, and when Anna saw that person, she uttered;

" No… not you… "

"Riding" the Nuckelavee, was the worst enemy of nature;


The wicked King just glared at the Saint.

" I have come, to rape(eat) mother-nature " said Erysichthon with a monsterous grin.

Connla was now being overwhelmed by the army of Wendigos.

Anna was kicked by one of the hooves of the colossal Nuckelavee.

Anna landed right in front of the fountain.

The Saint looked into the blood-water.

" Aziza… get to safety… " uttered the weakened Anna.

" I won't leave you! " yelled Aziza with tears in her eyes.

" Please do as I say… " said Anna with a smile, as she noticed the Nuckelavee getting closer.

After a few seconds.

Aziza left and got to safety.

" Dear child, what are you about to do? " asked Gun Ana from within the ruby-necklace.

With a grin, the Saint said;

" Something bold…. "

Anna now entered the fountain.

Everyone now looked on as beautiful lights shoot out of the fountain.

After a blinding light.

In front of them all.

Stood Saint Anna.

Now as a giant great panther.

At Anna's chest, could Gun Ana's ruby be seen.

" Wow… " said both Aziza and Connla.

" I am so srewed… " said Erysichthon, as he noticed Anna glaring at him with her blue eyes.

" Ana… " said Anna.

" I am with you " said the goddess of the sun.

A miniature sun now appeared at Anna's mouth.

Anna now shot the sun as a beam, and roasted both Erysichthon and the Nuckelavee.

In their own language, one Wendigo asked;

" Guys, what is the oppsite of pspspsps? "

" pspspsn't! " answered a Wendigo.

But it did not seem to work.

For Anna and Connla killed the rest of the Wendigos.

Both Anna and Connla transformed back into their human-forms.

But they were both naked.

So the two of them took a page out of Adam- and Eve's book, and covered themselves with leaves.

" The Sultan is so gonna castrate me when we get home… " said Connla.

" Cyparissus " said Anna.

" What? " said Connla confused.

" You asked who my father was, his name was Cyparissus "

Connla had only one thing to say;

" The tree? "

They now returned home, where Baibars tried to castrate Connla for three days straight.



Connla and Sir Bobart le Cure Hardy met up to test one another strengths.

To make a short-story even shorter.

They both unleashed their ultimate moves.

The Knight of The Lance unleashed the 14th seal, fusing himself, along with his horse; Sir Archy, with Rhongomyniad making them; The Living Lance.

Connla did a similar thing.

While in his Ulster-Werewolf form.

He fused himself with his Gáe Bolg, making the form known as Ulster-Berserker.

The two warriors were ready.

While charging at one another, they each cried out;

" United-Rhongomyniad! " - Sir Bobart.

" Berserker-Gáe Bolg! " - Connla.

They clashed in the middle of Africa.

After a blinding light, that reached all the way to the moon and beyond.

Africa was now gone.

The warriors had survived, and so did Sir Archy thankfully.

Anna used the blessing of Irminsul to bring back Africa.

And the story now comes to a close.