Chapter 5 - Rumors

Styxx continued to observe the city below him, the incident with the slimeball was already thrown to the back of his mind since it was resolved. Styxx saw as students went home, people walking around with their friends, some even going to work. Styxx watched on in silence, watched the heroes work, save people, take cats from trees, sign autographs. Day turned into night, and not much difference was made to the life of the city. Few criminals made an appearance, villains were stopped. Nothing exciting.

Two days passed and Styxx never moved, he was like a statue that merged with the tower itself. It was around 6 am and something caught Styxx's eye. On a beach not far away, All Might stood there with a young boy.

"Oh? The boy from the other day? What are they doing?"

Curious about why All Might seemed to be training the green-haired boy, Styxx stood up and dove into the ocean half a kilometer away. The moment he hit the water, gills appeared behind his ears and his forearms grew fins along with his fingers becoming webbed. Styxx shot through the water like a torpedo and headed towards Almight's position. He positioned himself just off the coast, where the water was at its deepest, and sat on the ocean floor. Styxx's eyes blinked horizontally and then vertically as he watched the spectacle of the young boy trying to move a fridge.

Noticing all the garbage on the beach, he realized that the water wasn't much different, and it pissed him off. Styxx closed his eyes and extended his hands out, he opened his mouth and a high pitch pulse expanded from his mouth into the surroundings and echoing back to him. He received a highly detailed picture in his mind of the entire bay's seafloor.

Then the currents began to move and answered the call of Styxx, then slowly all the trash began to collect around Styxx in a circle. This took all day as he had to make sure that no one noticed the commotion that was going underwater. By the time Styxx opened his eyes both All Might and the kid were long gone but he didn't care, this was more important to him than some training montage of a kid he cares nothing for.

Once all the trash circled him, he put his hands in front of his heart, palms facing each other. Then a ball of air appeared and slowly expanded to cover him and all the trash around him. His eyes began to glow with a purple metallic shine, the trash began to rise and Styxx slowly brought his palms together, then with crunching sounds the trash began to compact itself into metallic balls the size of beach ball. He compressed and compressed until there were 20 balls of unimaginable weight floating around him.

Once Styxx was done, with the cleanup he flicked his wrist and the balls shot out of the water and landed on the beach along with the other trash.

'You might as well clean that up too, boyo, think of it as extra training for whatever that All Might brat has in store for you,'

Styxx then closed his eyes and the water receded, enveloping him again. He stayed there mediating until morning when the complaining and despairing shouts of a young boy reached his ears. The sun was just starting to peak but the water was crystal clear, aquatic animals of all sorts swam around him happily, it was as if they were thanking him for cleaning their home. A shark even nudge up to him and received a head pat and a smile from Styxx, like it was a puppy.

Styxx watched Almight and his little protégé for a couple of days before he got bored. Not once did he bother to learn the name of the moss-haired walking representation of hopelessness and depression. So, Styxx left the ocean floor and took to the streets. As he walked the streets, touring the city, he unintentionally caught the attention of those around him.

Though he wasn't the tallest anyone has ever seen, Styxx stood tall at almost 2 meters, a height hardly seen on those his apparent age. Not to mention his skin was a perfect golden olive color, typical of those that hailed from Greece, and was ripped like a Greek Adonis.

His platinum-colored strands of hair shined underneath the bright sun, undoubtedly catching the eyes of girls and women that walked in his vicinity. His only flaw was the unapproachable air that seemed to cover his very existence, on top of the dark sunglasses that blocked everyone from seeing his eyes.

Women felt restless since they wanted to do nothing but go and take those sunglasses off and stare into the boy's eyes but could do nothing but stay rooted in their place until he passed by and left them behind.

For three months, Styxx's stuck with a daily schedule. In the morning, he enjoyed a swim in the now clean Tokyo Bay, playing with all the aquatic life. Once in a while he would check on the duo training on the beach, he would shake his head at the boy the longer time went on, Styxx recognized the signs of overwork due to his desperate nature and the fact that Almight didn't notice was a disappointment. In the end, it was the boy's choice and had nothing to do with him.

In the afternoons, Styxx walked the streets of Tokyo for both tourism and reconnaissance reasons. Rumors of a hot foreigner walking the streets had long spread throughout the city, trying to get his picture long becoming the favorite pass time of young ladies and women alike. For some reason, the pictures taken of Styxx would disappear the next day, so it had become some sort of city-wide game.

At night, Styxx would hunt heroes and villains that had caught his eyes and had been marked for death during the day, they had unfortunately crossed with his path of cleansing.

Whispers had spread mostly through the heroes and underworld of the city; the city had a powerful vigilante and he killed both heroes and villains. To the public, it was only reported that this vigilante killed villains and was given the codename of "Killshot" as he only left a gaping hole either on the Villains' heads or hearts. The corruption of these 'Heroes' brought great shame to the government and was quickly concealed from the public. Styxx cared not for what was reported or not, he continued his hunt every night even if no one learned of what he had done.

Crime had decreased drastically ever since Styxx started his hunting game, but it seemed they would rather give credit to All Might's appearance in Tokyo than give it to an unknown ghost vigilante. In turn, night patrols were increased but they couldn't stop "Killshot" much less even catch a glimpse of him.

The only times Styxx went back to his cave was on the weekends, where he would spend the next 48 hours playing video games and hacking government sites for info on the Heroes of Japan. He found a couple of heroes on the top 10 that seemed a little shady, on top of his investigation list? It was the hero named 'Endeavor'…