
"I think... I think I love you."

Her whispered words echoed through my mind. Her body wasn't moving anymore. Her eyes were closed, her lips slightly puckered.

I screamed. The pooling tears spilled as I screamed at the ceiling.

"Gods!" I shouted, "bring her back! I don't care who does it! Just someone! She's too young to die!"

I was answered by my own words, echoed in the domed cave.

I was being torn apart from the inside. Emotionally, but also physically. I still had a lot of excess mana, and it was tearing at me.

I released it all at once, attempting to channel it into Stephasha's wound. Golden tendrils burst from my hand, my eyes, my back.

I lost focus of anything around me, but rubble was falling. I only saw her face, illuminated by a golden glow before she blinked out of existence.

I clutched at the empty space numbly. For the first time since I arrived at this world, I didn't know how long I knelt there.

What I do know is that I knelt there for a long time. Until someone approached me.

"Argolex. It's time to go home." her voice was familiar. She was one of the harder-working housewives. She rested a calloused hand on my shoulder. "We've all lost people. The best thing we can do for them is to just keep going."

Finally, I pushed myself to my feet. It was dawn.

"How many left?"

"Four. Myself, Mayliam, Kendalyn, and Priestess Kalamay. I don't think Kalamay is going to last much longer."


She pointed away from the exit tunnel. I saw the old woman being held gingerly by two younger women. One was a part of the gaggle that would watch me work before this whole fiasco happened.

I shambled over to them, partly supported by the woman who had spoken to me.

Kalamay lay on the two women's knees, her legs pinned under rubble.

As I approached, she turned to me. We stayed in empty silence for a few moments.

She was the one who spoke first. "I am about to leave you too, but all is well. I have lived a good life."

Silent tears slipped out of the corners of my eyes. I was going to be

alone again. The fate worse than death.

"Promise me, Argolex. Promise that you will move on."

"I can't."

"I've never asked for the impossible from you. Promise me."

"I... I ca--"


"I promise." my tears flowed freely now.

"Good. One more thing."

Her breathing was shallow. I was breathless as I waited for her final request.

"Cover the scars."

And she never inhaled again.