
Mayliam came down with Elengail and Kendalyn after I had finished breakfast. I sat at a nondescript table on the side of the room closer to the serving bar. I had returned my bowl to the orange-haired youth, clumsily offered to help wash dishes, been denied, and now sat waiting.

"Breakfast come with room." I told the trio as they approached. I pointed to the serving bar.

The man I had taken out had been retrieved by one of his companions and taken upstairs. They didn't need to see that.

The women approached the bar, and after a brief conversation, the yellow-eyed girl went around back for their food. Them getting their food was less eventful than mine had been, but that hardly needed saying. That said, the look Elengail gave me after exchanging a few more words indicated that they knew anyway.

They took their seats at my table. No one else had tried to join me.

"So, 'young hero', I've heard that you've been busy." Elengail commented.

"Not much. Just do right."

"I'm not critiquing you. If anything, I think you're helping our case. I was dubious about the half-off discount Cathney offered, but she seems to know what she's doing."


They began eating, so they could get on with the day. Faivere didn't show herself, even after we had wrapped up with breakfast.

Once the bowls were empty, Kendalyn and Elengail took the bowls back to the counter, where the orange-haired girl was waiting.

Mayliam turned to me. "So, when do I get to learn how to make a sword?"

"You not."

"But, you fight with one. Isn't that how fighting magic is supposed to be used?"

"No. Many fight ways. What know about magic?"

"We call upon the gods to ask blessings in the old language, and they grant us our wishes."

"What god I call for sword?"


"Ragos and Brock. It..."

"A combination of them both?"

"Yes, combination. I ask both. Not all is one god domain."

"I see," Mayliam said, thoughtful, "So, if I'm not learning how to fight like you do, how will I be learning how to fight?"

"From far. Like bow, but magic."

"Long range attacks? What about when something gets too close?"

"I protect."

"But if you're not there?"

I smiled as I rose. "You smart. You find use."

She stood with me, ready to go out. We left after catching the other two's attention and nodding our thanks to the innkeeper.

The village felt much smaller as we passed through it today. Maybe it was because I had seen all of it last night from the roof. Maybe it was because they built quite a bit more up than around. What felt like long streets were only five buildings long or less. Given, the buildings were about the size of apartment buildings. If anything, it felt claustrophobic.

With that in mind, I was glad when we got out on the bridge to the north. I took a deep breath, and sighed. I hadn't realized how stuffy and foul it smelled inside the walls.

We went a short ways into the forest, veering off the trail and west. As we did, I began instruction.

"Word 'target' mean pick. When heal, I 'target'. When hurt, monster 'target'."

"Tahget." Mayliam tried.

"It rgh sound. 'Tar-get'."


"It close."


"Good. Next, say 'pierce'. Pierce is make hole. Go through."

We continued for half an hour, then she started practicing, using simple commands I put together for her. With guidance, she was able to start feeling her mana pool.

I taught her how to make a barrier, to add to her arsenal with the magic arrow, and a stealth spell. She was a natural, picking it all up quickly, but she felt the end of her mana pool after an hour of practicing with the three spells.

She watched from a safe distance as I used the spells I had taught her to catch some local game. Small rodents, like squirrels but different, and a moderately-large elk variant.

I caught some monsters snooping around my fresh catches. I disposed of as many as I could, scattering the rest. I had killed several goblins to add to our haul.

I was spent by noon, both hunting and creating a stretcher of sorts out of a tree to carry it all. Mayliam had recovered a bit by then. We started heading back, with her keeping watch for any predators or monsters.

We continued talking about various words, Mayliam trying them out in spell sentences. It felt good to hear my own language, even if only specific command phrases.

We approached the north gate a short time later, and entered the stinky city. We were on our way to the inn when a firm male voice called out to us.

"Halt, Adventurers!"

We stopped, and I turned to find a pair of men in silver armor and helms accompanied by the man I had slugged.

Well, if he wanted legal charges, I could give him that too.

"Is this the man who struck you?" the guard who had called out to me asked the other.


He turned to me, "This man claims you struck him and knocked him unconscious for several hours. Do you deny it?"

"My common not good. I use translation spell explain?"

"Did you hit him?"

"Yes, more story."

"You can explain it at the trial." He held out a set of manacles. "Until then, you are under arrest."