Love at first sight believe?

Hello my beautiful people

And let's go one more story

Starting with Once upon a time ... no right

So come on, we know that you like controversial subjects and subjects that give pleasure to continue reading because there are some extremely boring subjects to be honest.

Tell you about a love at first sight that I had when I was still hetero, to start giving a heated content.

One day I moved to another neighborhood, but I still lived in the same city, but in a totally different neighborhood from where I studied and in that other neighborhood I didn't know anyone at all and when I would go walking to my aunt's house there next to her there were three houses like they are called prive, at least in my city and my sister Nati had friends with two brothers named Liriel and Douglas, I always accompanied her when she would play with them because they were the same age and so she would not be alone.

One fine day I was at my aunt with my sister, she with her little friends and suddenly a boy passed who would be brothers of my sister's friends but I didn't know much about him yet, that's when I asked my sister who he was , since she was a friend of his brothers, then she immediately told this boy is Kennedy, so far it was a good sign and I told her seriously what you know about him, she said not much and I jokingly said to she, pay attention i'm going to stay with this boy and she told me that i bet i wouldn't make it, well i love being challenged and still but being by my sister everything is just a challenge until then.

Continuing ... it was there that I had reasons and excuses to live in my aunt's house until one day I decided to accompany and watch my sister playing with his brothers, in that the boy that I was challenged arrived and that he had some issue I challenged him by calling him to play ball, only we would be against the other I played with his brother Douglas and my sister with his sister and he agreed.

Well, I didn't say anything about whether or not I knew how to play, at first I left him thinking that he was very good, because I was focused on getting at least one kiss from him, only that he was right on his and didn't open up to me. for me to talk to him, for now he was trying to show me how good he was in everything he did, I was actually calm and just watching him who was shirtless and to be honest he had a body like a six-pack sculpture, but I stayed there being modest and pretending not to know how to play, until I decided to show my skills, which by the way I ended up beating him, I did some graces and even scored a goal, it was wonderful to beat him, since he was so much and good to lose to a girl, all boys hate and always want revenge this is the truth.

After this game I decided to build up my courage and said something to him, when he said well, wow you play well, you know ... I gave that big laugh and thanked him where I said thank you Kennedy, he answered as you know my name, I said for him how not to know if my sister plays with her brothers every day, he was a little embarrassed.

On the same day only that night I saw him on the street with other boys playing ball, I decided to call him and all the other boys were making fun of him, because a girl had called and they already started with thanks, so I asked him the following question , if he had a girlfriend and he said yes, he threw me a nice one from a bucket of cold water so i took a deep breath and told him never mind then and went to my house.

Not that I wanted something, of course I did, but as he already had someone, I'm not a big eye to anyone or anything similar, I don't like this attitude of being with people who are already committed and in this my sister was winning because until now achieve nothing.

I was studying in another neighborhood as I said and I also had another person who was at the time neither of them was, say, single.

The next morning I went to where I sell vegetables to my mother and when I'm coming back someone holds my arm, I'm already furious, I already turned to hit the person who pulled my arm, but it was him, so he said calmly, I just wanted to tell you to say that I broke up with my girlfriend and he asked me directly, would you like to stay with me today?

Ours was unresponsive for a few minutes, but being able to answer saying yes I want, then I told him to meet me at the bus stop at 7 pm, which would be the time I would arrive after my computer course, but there was one, but do you know what?

At that time we didn't have a cell phone to communicate with or something like that didn't have a lot of technology.

Anyway, the time came, I got off the bus and looked for him and didn't see him, I was very angry, thinking that he had dumped me.

I swallowed my hatred and crossed the street, when on the other side I hear a whistle, I turned it was him, he was there all dressed up, smelling waiting for me.

He was on his.