
{From the wiki}

Conduits or Bioterrorists are a sub-species of humans who possess superhuman abilities afforded to them by the presence of the "Conduit Gene".

The conduit gene can be present in both humans and animals. The word conduit has been used to designate anyone with superhuman abilities, regardless of whether or not they possess the conduit gene. Conduit abilities can range from manipulation of certain forms of energy or matter to flight, enhanced senses, and strength, or other physical and mental enhancements. Normal humans, either out of fear, jealousy, or prejudice often detest and reject Conduits, calling them "freaks", "deviants", or "bioterrorists" and, on many accounts, physically abusing them or those suspected to be one.

There are three known classifications for Conduits; these being Prime Conduits, Force Conduits, and Conduit Positive.

Prime Conduits are individual carriers of an active conduit gene which enables the development and manifestation of their own set of superhuman abilities.

Force Conduits are individual carriers of an inactive conduit gene or regular humans who have had superhuman abilities bestowed or grafted unto them via external means.

Conduit Positives are individual carriers of an inactive conduit who haven't manifested any superhuman abilities of their own; but have the potential to develop superhuman abilities upon conduit gene activation.

Despite what initial impressions may lead some to belief; not all conduits will manifest powers and abilities that enable them to solely manipulate a specific form of matter. Conduits have been known to develop a variety of different powers and abilities not tied to a given energy or element type. The following is a classification of the different types of prime conduits known to exist. (Note: Not all conduits will develop abilities centralized in a general criteria and it has been known that conduits are able to develop a variety of abilities encompassing a multitude of different criteria.

Elemental Prime Conduits: These types of conduits are able to manipulate natural or artificial tangible elements; capable of absorbing, manipulating, projecting, and assuming the properties of their element.

Biologically Enhanced Prime Conduits: These types of conduits have enhanced biological abilities which enables them to perform physical feats which elemental, psychic, and energy manipulating conduits would have a hard time achieving on their own. These conduits possess strength, durability, enhanced physical senses, and regenerative abilities far surpassing those of the average prime conduit.

Energy Manipulating Prime Conduits: These conduits are capable of manipulating energy fields such as antimatter, gamma, ray field, ultraviolet radiation, neutron, photon energy. These conduits are capable of absorbing, and projecting their energy type.

Psychic Prime Conduits: These conduits are able to use their psychokinetic powers to influence others, see into the future, or alter their environment.