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chapter 8- annoyed

its been a week since i've seen zyden. I don't know but it seems like something is missing in my day. i just look at zyrene while listening to our teacher. should i ask her?

or maybe not.

well. i dont care. no nate no problem .

i secretly stalk zyden's social media account, and i saw his latest post. i was a picture . a pink skies with his hands like hes trying to reach it, and his caption is

" i wish i could see you tommorow even just for a second"

and there is it again. my heart is throbbing loudly. i close my eyes and touch my chest. relax celestine. its not you. don't overthink. you don't like him. he's just handsome, no hes not! I shook again and again. no. no. no! no!

i was about to open my eyes and delete his account when i was surprised by my teacher and accidentally pressed the heart button.

"Ms. celestine are you all right?, ive been calling you several times." my teacher said.

I didn't notice and all my classmate even zyrene is looking at me.

i just smile and say

" im fine, can you just repeat the question please?" and i stand

" are you sure? ms? "

" do you want me to repeat again?" i raise my eyebrows and smirk.

and immediately went back to normal and the teacher stood up properly before asking me.

"how would you define depression?'

i sighed bedore answering the question.

" depression is a disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest."

i said. and sitted.

" correct, you may sit now ms. celestine"

i just nod and open my phone again.

son of a horse! i click the heart buton! what would i do?!

i tried to unheart it when the notification pop out and that's what I pressed. crap. what a nice day huh.

i look at the message and i was shook when i saw it!


from; zyden

stalking me huh?

i stand up and shout!


and everyone is looking at me. thank goodness its already time.

i just look at them with the " what?" look and sit again.

i replied


opps, zyrene did it. its not me idiot,

i llok at zyrene . and she was using a phone too. she look confused . i just shrugged and look at my phone again.

im just gonna watch anime named " attack on titan", when someon called.

i pressed the anwser button again. damn.


and wa about to press the end button when someone answered.

" i asked zyrene, she;s not using your phone. liar. " and he laughed.

i look at zyrene with the wtf face and she just smile and peace sign. i just rooled my eyes at her .

" she's lying. ill end it now. goodbye"

" oh you dont miss me? "

i was stunned. damn him!!



i turn off my phone and walk towards zyrene . she look at me with the apologetic look and smile

" hehe i didnt kno--w ook--ay?"

i just rolled my eyes .

" yea, whatever let go , im hungry"

after a few minutes we arrived at the cafeteria.

i ordered a botted of water and a pice of sandwich and banana .

zyrene ordered a canm of coke and spaghetti .

we sat at the 'no crowded people" and eat.

" khione, you look distracted lately, are u alright?" zyrene looked worried.

" im fine, I slept late last night" i said and continue to eat.

like hell , i cannot tell her. shell just tease me.

while eating, some guys walks toward us. and talk to me.

" hi, khione, you look gorgeous today "-- i look at him and raise my eyebrows.

he can't speak properly because his friend is teasing him

" I-iii Meaaa-n everry day!!"

and then he breathe heavily.

i drink water first before i spoke.

" oh, i am not surpprised, thanks by the way, is that all you want to say?"

i said and smiled.

he blushed..

" hey, are you all right?" i said and smiled at him .

" UH--M a--reee -yy-ouu -fre-e ughm-- l-ater?" he asked.

gotcha. I knew right away, that's what he would tell me.

i look at him . he's tall. kinda handsome, but no my type. but im bored so i think i might say yes to him.

i look at him in the eyes and smile,

before i said something , zyrene talked to me --

" khionee!!, open your phone now! zydeen posted your photos!! omg! you look cute here!"

post? my photos? does he has a picture of me in his phone?WA--ITTTTT-- WHAAA-TT!! NO!!!

i immediately open my phone and start to search him.

search: @zyyyydenR.

i cannot see his account !! damnn! he blocked me!!

" zyrene call him right noW!! " is screamed.

i look at the boy whos talking to me and hes using his phone now.

i grab his phone and look at zyden post.

shit. i is really me. sleeping. it was at their house. when we were doing the report i fell sleep. !!! URRRRGGGHHH!!

i called him at this man's account and after a few minutes he answered.

" oh. using another phones now, khoione?" he laugh.

" f--- you! delete that! i hate youuu!!!" i screaamed.

" why wont you tell the truth first?, you're stalking me right?"

he asked .

" hell no!! i already told you it was zyrene!!!"

" liar"

" i am telling the f----- truth!!"

" how about i post this epic picture of yours too?"

" fine! , i am stalcking you! now, delete it!"

" gotcha, why are you stalking me then?, are you interested in my life now huh?"

this man is getting into my nerves!!

" like hell i care in your life! i am just scrooling okay!!?, so can you please delete thos pictures!"

" can you say it again?"

" what!? delete those now!!"

" no, the please '" he said.

i stop.

" no!!"

" the i wont delete this."

" fine!! pleasee?"

" okay, and reject this man when he ask you out or else i wont delete this."

" who the hell are you!"

" im zyden, remember i have my eyes on you--"

the call ended. what the hell was that!!

i gave the phone back and drink my water.


i look at the boy whos asking me earlier.

" im sorry i can't come with you later, im busy, maybe next time?"

i said and grab my bag and walk out.

zyrene is chasing me but i am pissed right now and i want to be alone right now. but zyrene wont let me so shes just walking beside me silently .

i just rolled my eyes and everyone in the hallways is looking at me and i just looking at them too with the " what are you looking at " look and then they immediately avoid looking at me and pretending to do something.

i hate this day!!

i walk towards my chair and sit.

my phone vibrates. i open it and i saw nate's message--

from: nate

hey, wanna come? im buying shoes later?'

right! ill just hang out with nate later!!

to: nate

sure, ill invited zyrene too.

from: nate

uh. suree!!

i look at zyrene .

" hey nate will come here later, wanna come? he said he'll buy shoes, he will treat us."

she immediatley smiled at me

" suree!! i'll come!! "



i remember what zyden did.---- i will not forgive him!!

ill find a way too!! i wont lose to him!!

khione -0 zyden - 1

i'll make sure he'll pay!!!

after the afternoon classes everything went well. we are now walking outside and waitng for nate.

after a few minutes he arrived. i immediately ride at the backseat. i already know he had a crush on zyrene.

i look at him and smiled. he just rolled his eyes and starting to fix his hair.

" hi nate! no time no see!! how are youu!"

zyrene asked.

nate smiled and blushed.


" I--m finee!! how bout you? is khione kind to you today?" then looked at me .

" shes pissed!! zyden posted her photos!!"

blah blah blah. i dont wanna hear it again. it makes me wanna slap his brother harder .

i put my earphones and pick some music .

i just close my eyes .

i will definitely make him pay for everything.

i look at his account and report it.

teasing me huh?

i took some selfie and my day it

with my caption

" well, i feel relieved now" and posted it .

we took some selfies too and posted it.

after a few minutes we arrived.

we walk inside the mall and go to the department store. while nate is choosing , obviously hes with zyrene. i walk around.

i saw some bags and it caught my attention so ill buy it!

my phone vibrates.

more notifs. liking my post

and some messages.

nate texted me.

from: nate

where r u?

to: nate

buying bags? y?

from : nate

comback immediately , zyden is here, hes looking for you.(with the heart emoji)

oh. so hes here. its payback time!