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chapter 10 - favor

"okay class! since it is nearly christmas we'll be having a christmas party."

the whole classroom immediately made noise because of what our adviser said.

christmas party? tss, such a waste of time, id rather travel in other country that attending that.

"I already talked to your parents and they all agreed." - she said.

what!? im sure mom and dad agreed on that! and i cant complain!

i stood up and said.

" im sorry maa'm but i am busy on that day"

she looked at me and smiled.

" oh? really ms khione? but your parents says you are free? no excuses! "


i sat again and look at my adviser and rolled my eyes on her.

I no longer listened to what she was saying. i just close my eyes. after a minutes i heard my classmates were shouting so i opened my eyes.

it was zyden. he's talking to our adviser about something.

i was about to close my eyes again when my teacher call me.

" ms. khione, mr. Reed needs to talk you, you are now excused, ms.zyrene will just inform you about our party."

what else does it want from me? I immediately stood up and took my bag. i just look at zyrene and said ill be back and she just nodded.

zyden came out first and I followed. we are strting to walk so i ask him.

"what do you want to talk about? don't you see i still have class. you can't wait any longer?" i said.

"your daddy called me, he says take you to his office."

" why? what did he tell you?"

he looked at me and smiled.

" secret " i just rolled my eyes. tss.

after a few ,minutes we arrived. we immediately go to my dads office.

" goodmorning maa'm khione and sir?" dad's secretary greeted us.

" where's dad?" i ask

" hes inside ma'am, hes waiting for you."

we immediately entered daddy's office. and i saw him sitting in his chair and signing some papers.

" dad? why did you call us?"

I approached him and kissed him on the cheeks. he smiled on me .

" oh my daughter, i have something to ask you or maybe favor? , hi mr. reed! how are you? did my daughter do something bad to you again?" and he laugh.

i just sit on the couch on the corner and zyden sit beside me.

" i'm doing good , she is stubborn as always uncle and so noisy."

and he smiled. whateverrrrrr--

" oh favor i forgot, my dear i was about to tell you that i want you join zyden to go to a foundation center and donate some school supplies and food to the children--"

"but dad--!"

u-h no excuses or else i will tell you mom that you're not coming"

" but dad! i dont want to go there! can anybody do that ,what about kiierr?", im busy you know."

" kier's abroad "

and i make a sad face.

" busy about what?, buying bags?, watching anime?"

zyden ask me , he stares at me and raise his eyebrows.

" yes, im busy watching so what?"

" then stop doing that for just one day and help us. "

he says.

" i agreed on that zyden, please khione do this for daddy okay?"

gosh! i can't say no to dad! i just stares at them and rolled my eyes.

"fine, just one day okay!?"

" okay that settles everything, so tommorow is the day, everything that is needed is already delivered. just go with zyden's car so you don't get lost. "

"no! i have my own car dad! i have google map! i wont get lost!"

" but thats what your mother says."

arrrrrrgh! mooom!!

" fine. what time should we go?"

i asked.

" maybe 5 am. 2 hours before you get there. "

" that EEAAARLY!! NOOOOO!---"


" FINE! "

" so zyden just pick up khione on our house by 4:50 am . just be careful on driving okay, im trusting you . "

my dad says.

zyden smiled and says.

" of course uncle I will take care of your stubborn daughter. " and they both laugh.

" oh thats good zyden! HAHAH you know my daughter is really kind"

my dad says.

" oh really uncle? i didnt know?"

" yes, when she was a kid she always give anything to her brother even though she's the younger, and kier always tease her but she's just always forgiving his brother"

" well people change uncle" and he looked at me .

and they laugh again.

i just rolled my eyes.

" whattever!!"

" don't worry khione after you did this i have something to give you".

after hearing that I was immediately relieved. i looked at my dad and smiled.

" what's the prize dad!! omggg! okayyy ill go! hey zyden! dont be late! ill be waiting for you at 4:50 am!!"

zyden face make an annooying face,

" that change your mind huh."

" whatever!"

" HAHAHA okay that all i wanted to tell you, you may now go to you school"

and dad says.

" okay uncle, take care always and its nice to see you again.' zyden says and they shake hands.

" of course zyden! thankyou for accepting this, and i appologize for my daughter attitude."

" but dad ! i didnt do anthing wrong to him!?"

" how about the spicy pasta you make for zyden?"

my dad says.

zyden looked at me with the mad face.

" thats not me!!"

"oh really?"

" its his fault! whatever!".

i immediately go out to his office. and go to the elevator.

i was about to go outside when i remember i dont have my car with me!!"

argghh! I'll be back with zyden again!

i open my phone and called him. after a few seconds he answered.

" you finally realized that you dont your car huh." and i heard him chuckled.

" where are you? dont make me wait!"

" pftt- can you atleast say thank you and im sorry?"


"i told you i didnt do anything wrong!"

" really? call somebody to pick you up then , goodbye--"

' waiit! fine !! thank you! satisfied?"

i said. that annoying humannn!!

and he ended the call--

how dare him to end the call!!

i was about to call him again when someone spoke behind me.

" and how about the sorry?"

i turned around and saw him--- oh nooo! im gonna falll!!!!

i was stumbbled!! omg!! i close my eyes and ready to feel the floor wheen--

i feel someone grabbed my waist!!

i open my eyes and saw zyden!! our face is closer!!

i was shocked!! my eyes are looking at him--

" then how about the im sorry?"

he asked again .

i looked at him and our eyes met.

oh no.

i close my eyes .

and murmured.

"i--m ss--orry"

" what? khione? i cant hear you?'" he teased.

i look at him .

" im sorry okay??"

i said

and he smiled.

oh no. there it is again.

his smile.

it makes my world stop..