Chapter 5 - To Fus

Foreword: Revised on December 22, 2020

After making sure that her cloak doesn't smell weird, Llusse handed it over to the protagonist. "Wear this, Hero! I'll lend it because we can't let you walk naked in the village. No one wants to see your disgusting junk flailing around."

Meanwhile, the protagonist, accepting the cloak, frowned and thought, 'This girl sure has a foul mouth and a bad temper. What a bitch…'

"Llusse, watch your tongue!" Filia reprimanded the elf hastily.

Meanwhile, Tianne glared at the foul-mouthed elf from the corner of her eyes. Normally, she was a meek girl, but she felt so wronged when she saw Llusse being rude toward her hero… 'Huh? MY hero?! Where was that coming from?!?'

Llusse turned her head away with a defiant expression and crossed her arms under her breasts. But inwardly, she panicked, 'What kind of crap did I spout off?!'

Llusse was deeply regretting what she'd done. She couldn't believe she'd been so rude to the protagonist.

Even though she normally could care less about other people's thoughts, she didn't want to leave a bad impression on the protagonist. His charm had attracted her so much that she developed a crush on him.

It was the first time for Llusse to show a romantic interest in men, so she wasn't sure how she should behave, which made her default to her usual insolent behaviors.

As Llusse was agonizing silently, the protagonist stared at her blankly, his expression saying, "I should have expected that!"

The protagonist decided to wear the cloak as a kilt, and after that, he asked, "By the way, what are we waiting for? Aren't we gonna leave this place?"

His questions gathered the attention of the girls. But, it was Filia who answered, "Indeed. Let's leave this place, shall we?"

All of them agreed and left the cave, led by Tianne who illuminated the path with her magic.

After they exited the cave, they entered the wilderness and headed for the nearby settlement. A remote village called Füs.

On the way to Füs, wild animals and monsters attacked them. However, they couldn't even harm a single hair of anyone in their group because Filia slashed down everything that Llusse's shot missed to put down.

All the while, the protagonist watched Filia and Llusse exterminate all threats skillfully. 'These girls are amazing! Even Llusse with her insolences!'

He frowned as he thought, 'It's a blow to my pride as a man because I'm useless here!' He stopped his self-pity when realizing that he wasn't t's right! I have the Erogelic Physique! I can grow more powerful if I cultivate it! If I learn how to fight properly and with my peak-human condition, I won't be helpless! I'm not gonna be like Naoki whose role was only to be a sperm dispenser!'

Sometime later, they arrived at the outskirts of the Füs. The sun was setting on the horizon.

"…Alright, we're close to Füs Village," Filia announced. She then turned her head to the protagonist and said, "We shall answer your questions after we arrive at the inn."

The protagonist nodded in confirmation. Filia then turned to Tianne. "Would you mind buying new clothes for the Hero?"

"Sure!" Tianne nodded at Filia before turning to the protagonist. She began touching his body with a blush on her pretty face. Her blue eyes were glimmering in wonderment. The protagonist squirmed but he waited for her to finish.

After Tianne finished, she headed to the village in a hurry, leaving him alone with Filia and Llusse.

He noticed that Filia and Llusse were silently inspecting him. They thought they were being discreet, but he could sense them easily. 'By the way, I haven't seen my new look yet,' he thought suddenly.

He'd noticed his new fit body and long, light-colored hair. He'd also noticed how his hair would give off a rainbow hue under the sunlight.

That reminded him of something, or rather, someone…

He suddenly turned to Filia and said, "Hey! Would you lend me something that can be used to check my look? If you don't bring any with you, lend me your sword, at least."

Filia tilted her head in confusion. Still, she handed over her swords. She believed he wouldn't harm her.

The protagonist accepted the sword, holding the handle carefully. He then used its flat surface to check his new look.

'Huh?' He was speechless when he saw his new look. He noticed his eyes were captivating purple eyes. 'I look like a super handsome guy cosplaying as that Womanizing Wizard… Fou-cking Merlin! What the hell?!'

He continued inspecting his look and was absorbed by his outrageous handsomeness. Thankfully, he managed to snap out from it. 'What the heck? I almost got charmed by my look! This is crazy! Now, I understand Senior White's plights!'

After that, he returned the sword to Filia. They then waited for Tianne while maintaining their silence. And soon, Tianne returned to them with a bundle of fabric in her hands. She then handed the clothes over to the protagonist, "Hero, please wear this."

After accepting the new clothes, the protagonist was going to find a private place. However, Filia stopped him. "Where are you going, O Hero?"

He looked at her with a weirded out gaze and replied, "I'm gonna find a private place to change."

"Just wear your clothes here," she ordered before continuing with a darker blush, "It's not like there's nothing to hide from us anymore, isn't it?"

Beside her, Tianne and Llusse nodded in agreement.

He was speechless. But, he couldn't deny Filia's words. The girls had seen him naked, so he had nothing to hide anymore. Besides, he was confident with his new body.

He decided to put on the clothes there. He then put on his clothes while ignoring the excited gaze of the girls.

His new outfit consisted of a skintight, long-sleeved dark tunic with a high collar, baggy dark brown pants, a pair of socks, and dark leather boots.

He also got coarse underwear, which he was forced to wear because it was better than going commando.

The last piece was a black hooded cloak. He was glad that Tianne was thoughtful. If he didn't have it, he couldn't hide his face and would charm anyone, even men. He didn't want that!

After that, he returned the cloak to Llusse and said, "Thank you."

"Don't mind a small matter," Llusse replied.

Afterward, they entered Füs Village together.