How Dare You

Little chat with janna I sleep. She wants to asked more questions but I told her that I am really tried we can talk later. She don't wanted to but she know I am serious so she agree and than I lay down on my bad and sleep. My body is in pain after broke that punching bag. My hand hurt like hell. And love the pain. Yeaa.. this pain nothing compared to that.. that I killed people. To hurt them.

I don't know how much hours I sleeping . But think its morning . You know morning. I didn't eat yesterday. Janna come over told me eat it's dinner at dinner time but I to lazy to go so i didn't go for dinner and just sleep. In mid night I am hungry as hell to eat something. But I didn't eat something. And again sleep. To ignore all my hunger.

But I can't sleep with my empty stomach so I just woke up and ready to go to morning walk.

Left the my dorm and I jogg to academy play ground. There is some teenagers also jogging and some people do yoga. Odd but they still do. Never mind. Listing my songs I do my jogged. Some push ups. Than my my phone beep..

It's time to join my court. Today after weekend live with Max. I finally free to back of my game. I miss this. I don't know how much I miss..

A week. I didn't practice. I also missed lots off thik. When I come my brother explained me that there is every weekend had competition. That I miss I wanted know that how other are playing. But my bad. But now on. I don't want to miss more. Other player would be to become strong player. Thinking about all jealousy appears in my mind.

Dont be jealous you will be catch up with them. And dont forgot you are learner so don't think useless thing.. my head said to me. Sometimes my head said good thing that I will proud of that. Funny me.

Reaching badminton court. There are my batch. there are looking at me little bit shocked like they seems like I am New here. After attain only two days and than didn't come back maybe they think I already give up or anything. I ignored them. Remove my jacket. To show my sports bra. The boys are looking at me in lustty eyes I feel there grease. What I can do for that. But I hate that when someone looking like this. I ignored them and than ready to practice my own. Like I said. I dont like to talking. But I love to play so I am enjoying my own.

" look who finally shows" someone says and I turn around. It's none other than my Coach.

" morning Coach" I said. Give him little nervous smile.

" very good morning umm.." ooh maybe he didn't remember my name. I open my mouth to say but he cut me of.

" ava rose... how can I forget that. Max told me about your problem. Anyway " he said to me. Oky I know that he told me that he can manage all my stuff. But I don't know what he said. I hope he said them good lie.

" so ava.. I forget to tell you that day after I give you Chance to collect some point. You have only one  day to practice that. after I think that your the one how going to this week challenge to the  senior student  sasha. So be ready she's tuffest girl in this sports. Hope you win this god luck for that" he said and give me time to digest. What just happened. Am I dreaming or it's real. I rub my hand nervously.

Only one day after that I have match. I am happy for hear that. But have only one day. Lot's of practicing. Don't mind ready to that. But who the hell is sasha girl. I never heard about. Coach sudden out burst didn't digest me. But it's happened. So I have to prove them also myself that I am best.

I give little break to myself. To clear my mind. The coach said she's tuffest girl. Means she's best-in this. And I have complete with her. That's the challenge. I don't know about anything this aspect is name. Sasha. Sasha. This is my first match. And I don't wanted to loss. I have to practice hard.

" scared" someone is clear in her mind. And come site beside me she's name somethin jaje.. or jade.. yeaa right jade..

" not just curious" I said looking at her. Maybe she know her or I Don't know.

" when you didn't come in here I thought you dropped your admission. Are you oky" she said very concern about.

" yeaa. I am fine. What happened to me" I said to her with smiles.

" we heard that you have some tumor" she said in low voice.

" what.  Who said that. Not I am perfectly fine." I said and get up to my site. Who the hell is that say all rubbish.

" Coach said to us. We thought that you never come back. And sorry about that" she said ready to any time to cry.

" hyy.  I don't know what Coach said but I dont have any disease. It's just family stuff." I said to her. And control myself. I will kill you Max. You have to pay for that. Whenever you meet me I will fucking broke you bones.

" oky. About that match. About that sasha. She's good player. You have to work hard." She said to me.

" I know that.. do you.. umm.. do you know her?" I said to her little hesitate what if she just didn't said or left me or angry on me.

" actually yeah.. last week competition I saw her. She also had match so I saw she is to good. Better than me of course." She said. Somethin I smell hear little bit jealousy. Well if I would have place I also jealous form her. Its happened.

" I definitely work hard" said myself. I Don't to loss any how not matter what. I have to prove myself I want point to get out of this and play for country.

" all the best for you match. It's time to go. And nice to meet you ava" she stood up and said with smile.

" nice to meet you to. And thanks jadde?" I said but I really  Don't know her nam so I said her with question.

" jadde johnson" she said and I nodded. And than she left.

Oohh I also have dance practice. Fuck I have to face that bitch.

Its bad language. My inner voice said.

Whatever. I just Yelled.

Thinking about I forgot that I have to face Scarlett. She saw me with Max. Ohh no another one encounter. But this time I am not listening to her she is. It's best for stand for myself. I don't know how she acts with other. It's best chance to tell her were she stand.

Reaching football stadium. Thinking about all rubbish. I take my bag in ground. See that there is only senior are sitting and doing there girly work. I pull out my phone in my pocket. I am ten minutes earlier. Ready to started my workout.

" so you are ava rose" Scarlett come with her bitchy friends. And stood front off me with bitchy attitude. Here we are.

" you don't know how angry and ready to killed you but not now I will do it piece by piece.. it's one of my favorite you know.." she said to me and come little closer to me. First I little hesitated than I am back in my own bitchy attitude she Don't know who's she massing with. did she.

" yeaa... I am the ava rose.. what you want" said her gearing at her. And smirking. She chuckle my behavior. She think I am scared to her. Well when I get in the ring boys are scared for me. When they saw me they already give up on there fight. And how you think that I will scared who's nothing to compare with them. I smile at her thinking all that.

" you little bit..." she started to say but I cut her. I hate when someone said. I began to loss my control it's getting angry my. I think about my past. I think about her. And it's hurt me like hell.

" how dare to said to me you little sult" I grab her hair roughly. What she think whatever she said do I will never react. Well when I come here I think about that but now no one stop me to do anything.

" you.. let me go" she cried in pain hard. Yeaa like that. Her bitchy girl come toward me to grab me but what they thinking. I just throw them away they all dump in ground in pain. I looked them with anger never ever mess with me..

" now you listen you little sult. Dont ever mess with me. You think you are senior and do whatever you wanted to so this is you mistake" I said with cold tone. I see her eye's wilde. She cried hard. Scared. She never had experienced this. It bed for her. Because when I started I never stop before I get satisfaction.

" let me go please I beg you" she cried I Don't want to hurt her more. It's enough for her to never ever said the world or talk me like that to me.

Angel and other people look at us. And they shocked. They going to turn around to left the court.

" class is not over yet" our dancing teacher suddenly appear. I let go her. I don't wants to know about this. And we all are back to sitting in ground. Angel first hesitated to site beside me but I give small smile and nodded and assured her that I never ever hurt her so she come and site with me. And she did I am happy that she trust me.

" so girls. We know that there is lot's of competition and they think dance is nothing to compare but we have to prove them wrong. So I talk with the department and they decided that.. " she said and stopp and looking us. We all starting at her and each other. Its she said she wants to cut this dance think. Not I don't want that.

" well girl.. dont be worry. They decided that there is some competition we have to join this. Had part of this. And than they give us approval. And also we can go to the audition the dance competition" she said and we all are happy to hear that. I don't know about anyone but I am so happy that I also go to the part of this journey. I love dance no matter what we have to.. no I have to prove them that I am better in this. And I will give myself best prove them dance is not a just cheerliding sport. Dance has a level. Dance is the important like other. Never ever underestimate to dance.

" so you are in girl.. to prove them that what we have and we can do with dance. And dance its not just dance its just more that we can show them so you are in girls we want our won dance studio and we wanted to them prove that dance also most important like they think about other sports." she complete her sentence. She work hard to do this. To give us prove that dance is the best more than others.  We all looking at others. And I see Scarlett I rolled my eye's and so did she. And Janna she nodded and so did me. And angel she always do this. So yeaa we are in.

" yess... we are in..." we said in union. And she smile and get up.

" so girls we can start with tomorrow we have to present one dance and Its show time what we had we can do oky girls" she said to lookin at us in very excitement.

" yess " we said and she nodded and left. And so did we.  And I am so hungry as hell. Ready to eat lots of food.