See You Tomorrow Miss Ava

" ohhky girl.. come here.. we have to talk.." over dance teacher called us..  we all walk to her and site the ground front of her.

About my morning schedule I wake up morning 4o'clock and than go to gym.. yesterday I can't make it so today I gone there early morning and workout.. after that I do my practice..

Coach and I had little chitchat and than we also play and than I talk with jade. I told her about my and sassha yesterday's seen. She told me that not to trust her. I know my mind also tell me that.. she's not that what she trying showing me. I told her that we play and how she play and all. But she didn't said anything.. I mean its all my called to know this. To I didn't say much to her. And than I left there. And her I am sitting in ground with anggi..

" so girls.. About the dance competition..  we have one weeks for that so I have brilliant plan for over performance..  " she said to us. We all in our thoughts. One weeks. We have one weeks to ready the dance. Its to less time. To do that.

" I know it's less time.. first I talk with them they told me that we have time but they changed there decision so yea we have only one week.. " she said this breaking news. Oohh we will going there is no step back.

" last week I saw that football match how you girls preformed" she said to us..

" And I really love this.. who's idea is this?" She asked us with excitement.

" it's ava's idea ma'am" anngi said her to happily.. point for me. Ma'am looking at me curiously.. And thinking something. What up with her.

" so you're the ava.. yeaa.. I heard about you.." she said to me all are looking at me. What.. I did nothing.

"Anyway nice idea.. I really appreciate it" she said to me give me a thumbs up.

" but ma'am Scarlett told us that you didn't like our little performance?" Some girl said to her. Oohh no..

" what said you that.. I love it.. Plus I didn't talk with her that day..Scarlett" she eyeing her.

" ma'am she told us that you didn't like it and than she told us that you grounded us for week no more lunch and no more party and talk with boys" she again said.. ooh no this girl.. whatever is that she has guts to said.. I am impressed. All are looking at her. Even me to.. surprise.

" Scarlett.. what... I didn't said anything to her. What punishment are you talking" she said and than get angry good.. that's very good. I see Scarlett angry face.. any time she can punch her. Ooh no that was not supposed to be happened.

" I never thought that Scarlett that you did like this.. bully girls. I never appreciate you behavior.. so it's on.. you are no more caption in this group.." she said to Scarlett.. wow that is never thought that.. we all just shocked there sudden announcement.

She trying to apologize to her but she stop her.. " janna..." she called Janna's name.. and we all looking at janna.

" I give you this caption ship.. I hope you don't broke my trust.." she said to janna. Janna shocked what just happened. As we are. Plus I am happy for janna. She's good at this. I know she will do this very passionately.

About Scarlett I see how angry she is.. but she did said anything she just keep quiet. I feel sorry for her. But what can I said karma is bitch.. and you deserve it.

" so I am talking about our performance.. I thought that we can show them all dance type's. In one song. So you guys ready to this.." well that is awesome. But in one song.. how can it's possible?.

"it's mush up song.. so like song Change as like we all change our dance moves. So here the song is.. you girl's are listed this and than discuss and than tell me how can fix the dance.. here get this." She said and give janna disc.. we all than listen the song and than we all discuss all this.. how can we do.. and all and like that we all are left stadium.

Me and anggi to excited about our dance. We walk cafeteria dani and ammy both are setting already waiting for us. We grab our meal and walk toward them. And sites there. Dani approach angi but angi ignore him. He hurt little bit to seeing angi behavior than he started to talk with ammy. Thank god not me I don't want him to talk with me.

I finished my meal and I left the cafeteria. And get shower. I am to tired.. I never tired like this before. Those past day's to hardworking. Also I am so stressed about my tomorrow match. This is my first match. To front of lot's of people.

It's not that I play before. But I am nervous.. this is my weakness. I can't feel like this. I can't show them how stress I am. I have to do my best. I have to won this match no matter what. I have only this one day and after that tomorrow I have my match. To face of with sassha. I don't know I am win this game or not. I got points or not. But one thing are clear is that. I will enjoy my game. I always enjoy plying badminton. It's make me feel happy.

After shower. I attained P.T and than again again I go for practice. I see that sasha not here. Its great. I practice more and than I left the court. But still I have to much stress I just dont know how to be clam down.

Janna told me about sassha. She's he swimming team. She tell me that once in time she attained our match to cheers for her. She told me she's great in badminton. I feel little jealous. Because everyone talking about her. It's make me jealous. I have to prove them wrong that she's best but I am bestest. But like we know action louder than words. So I have to show them not to tell them what I capable for..

I also talk with jammy ans ray. They both are to cheering me. They know that how I am. How I always act like when I have match.. its little bit irritating me. Why can't I just stop fighting and just relax myself.

I left the dorm its dinner time but I have no mood in dinner I straight go for gym. To ley out my frustration. It's best way to clear things out. It's help me to little bit clam down. I hope it's work.

I reached gym. It's empty I know its dinner time no one here this time. So it's prefect time to workout. I get gloves and wear it. And get in the ring. Ready to lay out my all anger.

I started to punching punching bag. It's little painful but I just do it.. and this pain give me relax. I like to hurt myself. I like to feel pain. It's make me feel give more pain. And I punch one after one. I remember how I use to get in ring and fight with my opponent and I know that I never forget those day. no matter what. but that shit did make me happy. to avoid of my problems.

" you are hurting yourself.." someone said I didn't turn around I know who he is.. I just rolled my eyes.

" looks who finally show.." I said and continue punching.. I didn't stop. Why could i. He know my secret. So it's oky we he looked at me like this. But I don't wants to know that why I am doing this.

" why you missed me.." he said with seductive voice. In your dreams mr. I stop and finally turned out and face him.

" what are you doing here.." I said to him.

He get in the ring. And come closer to me. I didn't step back this time. Why would i. I already in streets why he sudden show up.

" it's free country right.." he said with smirk I rolled my eye's..

" yeaa.. right.. why here.. go somewhere why here.. in this time" I asked him. Looking at him. I observed his face. The bruise are gone he's looking today handsome. I never see this. Last time I see this he's face when we're in party but that time we where shouting to each other. After that I see him now..

Stop that thinking ava.. he's enemy. My mind said to me..

I am just saying that's it.. I said back.

" are you checking me out?" He said saw that I was looking at him.

" well your bad. I just Looking at your face.. the bruise is gone." I said to him with smirk.

" anyway now your time is over now get out.. have a thing to do" I said to him and ready continue what I am doing before.

" yeaa I see that your thing.. what happened scared to loss tomorrow's face of.." he suddenly said to me.. oohh so he know.. wait second.. he know.. its means..

" you set up this.. right.. ohh I forget that its all your plan.. well than listen you jark.." I said to him rising my voice.. " wait why I am talking to you.. I will show you in my own.." I said to him. Yeaahh.. I will show him. If he think that I will give up. It's all he's idea to do this to me. Give me all stress. Well than I will prove him wrong.

" how about you win this game and I will tell you what you wanted to know.." he said me. I looking at him surprisingly.

" game on.." I said to him and ready to left the ring.

" well we will see.. Looking at this position I don't think that you can do this.. not even chance.." he said to me with smirk. He think that I can't I can't do this. I can't complete with her. Than I will prove him wrong.

" Than you are underestimate me Max. You don't have any idea what I am capable for.." I said to him and finally left the gym... because I know if I stay here he's not going to leave me to workout better to leave.

" see you tomorrow miss ava.." he said me.. with wink. Wait sec he wink at me. I thought that he hate me..

He is hate you have.. he's playing game with you. with your mind. Don't fall for him. Just focus on your game. Prove him wrong. For her.. for jammy.. for them who are care for you.. for yourself. You can do it ava.. my mind said to me. And every word every words inspired me. And I can do it.

Thinking all I sleep.