Little Talk

Waiting for ammy good two minutes.. finally she come..

" so tell me what happened?" I asked her. And we walked toward play ground..

" yesterday.. we all come here for dinner.. me and dani waiting for anggi to come but she didn't come. So we thought she's maybe sleeping so we go for wake her up for dinner.. when we on the way for her dorm.. we saw that someone trying to touching angii.. and she yelled for help bit she can't.. she already crying out loud.. we both go and run where they stand. And than we saw that guy who anggi flirting earlier to get deni jealous.. and mad" she said to me.. my mouth hang open with shock.. no freaking hell..

What just happened.. ooh my god.. I waited to ammy to continue this.. and she did..

" dani punch there guy and they both are fight too.. and dani challenge him in the ring for fight.." she said to me.. whoowww.. another fight...

" but that not enough.. than dani and anngi fight about how she didn't listen to him.. and than anggi slapped him.. and tell him that 'you are not my boyfriend so don't tell me what do or what to not' I mean she did right think.. but also she understand that dani and I did come to see her.. Maybe she got literally rape.." she said to me all..

" yeaa so that happened.. and they both are short of not talking now.. and today's dani and that boy's has match..  and we have to go to cheer him up for that.. but I don't think anggi come.." she said to me..

" the hell.. I will talk with her.. how can't she not coming.. relax I will talk with her.. she's stupid girl.. really.." I said to her. And than I see that Max and Dan both are walking and talking..

Ohh damn.. seeing them.. I totally forgot about them.. I am again going to watch dani's fight.. and when they know about this.. I don't know what happened.. thinking about this.. I forget that ammy still with me.. she look me and than she look were I was looking..

" Max is here.. and who's this this handsome.. oohh my god they are walking towards us.. ava.." ohh my god.. I have to get out here.. I got up my place and than grab ammys hand and we both run.. I don't know why I did but don't wanted to talk or face them right now..

" why are we running?" Ammy said to me.. we again reach cafeteria..

" to talk with anggi.. stupid.. now come on" I changed the topic and she got confused asking me but than she agreed what I said and she follow me..

I see that anggi sitting here so did deni but they both are didn't talking... wow that's weird..

" anggi I wanted to talk with you now.." I said to her rise my voice and show her fake anger.. and she look at me she little scared.. and that's what I want.. she nodded grab her bag and get up to her site. And than we all left for my dorm. Dani look us but I Ignore him.. for now it's not time to talk with him.. I know there is not dani's mistake. But I have to first talk with angi.. than we will talk with dani.

Reaching my dorm.. I saw two man following us.. I know it will happen now or I ignored them..

" anggi what the hell what you did" I said to her when we enter my dorm. And close the door. And ammy and angi both site my bed. And looking at me..


" what I did.. you think its my fault" she said to me rise her voice.. and she ready to anytime cry..

" well I didn't said it's you fault.. but what you did its wrong.. you don't have to snep him like that.. what if he and ammy didn't come.. you can't just do that thing like that girl.." I said to her. She already crying ohh damn girl.. I go near her and hug her she hug me back tightly. And we both like 5minutes or more time we hold each other.. I just trying to console her.. but I don't know how to do..

" you know you Don't have to do when you don't know how to do?" She said broke the hug with little teasing and smile. I laughed..

" than dont cry.. I am not good all of this.." I said and site besides her and ammy.. than we laughed again..

" so.. about tonight we have to go to cheer dani you know.." ammy said to looking at anggi and than me.. than we both nodded and looking at anggi.

" I Don't know.. it's really embarrassing.." she said to us.. yeaa it is..

" well you have to come and cheer him up and you have to apologize to him.. because there is you act like totally bitch.." I said her . And there amy she's laughed looking at us..

" yeaa I don't know what happened to me.. I just slapped him. I just can believe this I did that.." she said to us and we laughed.

We tease anggi little more. And after that they both are left for ready to go to see dani's fight.. and that time I talk with bro.. I forget to call him yesterday.

Everything going on like that.. I just forget tell me about.. I also saw that he did call and text me which I totally ignored.. so I talk with him. I told him how goes my match. And also told him that I was tried so sleep over and forget to call him.. he understands and than we talk more. And than I cut the call saying byy to him. And search clothes for wear.

I am going there in second time. It's not big deal to go there and see the match.. but I little bit worried if Justin know about this.. because I can't just risk that.. Justin know about me more than anyone else.. he know that how to control me..

Thinking that anggi told me that after match we can all going to attend party.. and it's important to me to attend because I have lot's of things that I have to do.. I have to start my plan.. that I still thinking about it.. and party is the best way to go to interact with him..

I wear shorts thin one piece. It's looking hot and sexy on me.. and I did Little make-up. I know it's just all are thing doing again I know it's not best.. my mind said that it will end worst but I have to do this..

After left my dorm.. I see anngi and ammy both are waiting for me. They both are looking at me.. in wild eye's.. I know that.. when I did makeover I never look like me.. I look like model or bitch..

" you looked hot.. I mean beautiful ava" anggi said and ammy they both come and hug me.

" thanks now can we go.. we are let.." I said to them and ignored all this comments. And than they nodded and we get in the car and ammy start driving.. and she start music.. its ariana Grande song dangerous woman. Ohh I love that song.

After 10,20 minutes driving we finally managed to park car.. there is to much rushed.. we just can get spot the park the car. When we finally did. We get out as fast as we can do.. we already late for that. Anytime dani's fight start..

When we reached main door. Guards couldn't agree to enter there. I really wanted to punch him.. I hear announcement about fight. And we are still her..

" let theme go.." we turned around saw that Nicole is standing in back side smoking.. the gourds nodded him and than we thank him. And search to sites..

Good two minutes searching we finally get 3empty sites and than we site there. After that we look at ring. And I am stund..

I can't believe this.. what I am seeing.. dani fight with Ray's cousin bro I mean my ex friend sky.. he's one of my old friend. I know him he's dick. But he is here. How.. last I am checked he left the city.. he come back again.. and he never change..

" shocked" someone besides me said to me.. I turn right side and see ray is sitting there besides me.. ohh my I didn't see that he's sitting beside me..

" yea.. I mean.. you.. sky.. what's going on.." I said to him. All confused..

" here or some private place.." he said to me.. I ready to get up but than I know dan.. he know this my lifeline ray also gone.. I Don't want that..

" here... " I said to him. And looking there fight. I feel that he nodded. And than we talked.. he told me that sky dad call him to come back because he's dad not well and he think anytime he can gone.. according to doctor.. ooh I got it..

Anggi and amy to bussy in seeing there fight they did even know that I was talking with ray..

I told ray about dan. But I didn't got time to tell about our little dinner date. I told him that we have to stop seeing each other. When I got time I will tell me. And he understands. And than we saw.. dani win match.. and we all jump and hug each other.. and than I looked at back right side to see ray.. he already gone.. that's cool.

And than we told angii to talk with dani.. and come with him.. and me and ammy left for party..