I Am A Murderer

" than some guy dare to Sam to hangout with me for week.." she said to me..

" when my name appear.. I was that time shocked.. I never date any guy.. and never talk with.. I started to shake.. when he said that to me.. I don't know what do.. also I didn't know about sam.. damn that time I didn't even know about Max" she said to me.. and smile remembering that time..

" I got up and ready to get out from here.. but Lara stop me.. and than Max come to me and than that first time we talk.." she said looking at me..

" he said to me Sam was not that type guy what I was thinking that time.. He assure me that nothing going to happen.. He also promised me that he even not touch me or do anything to me if I am not comfortable for that.. and he also threatened sam to take care of me it's just for week.. and I trusted Max..I don't know why but I did.." she said..

" Than I started to hangout with Sam.. we both knowing each other.. and when week passed we didn't know that.. time go that fast.. than he asked me out for date.. knowing him I didn't mind. Started to like him..  than we started to dating each other.. and than after month he proposed me asked me for will I be he's girlfriend.. that night was my best night.." she said.. and tears drop down in her eyes.. I  wipe her tear.. and consoles her.. hugging her shoulder..

" things going good all between us.. and me and Max also getting close to each other.. we talk and spend time and he's like brother to me and I am always like sister to him.. Whenever me and Sam fight.. he always take my side.. and than Sam have to give up.. and He have to listen to me what I said to him.. it's all going to good we getting closer love to each other.. but than one day.. it's all gone.. it's all gone like it's happened yesterday.." she said.. I hug her..

" we know that some girl is wanted to fight with him.. first we thought its joke. But than it's really happened.. Sam told them he never fight or punch a girl.. but they force and pressure him to go with that.. I told me not to go and fight.. because my guts feeling telling me that... that the end was going to bad.. I Also said Max to stop that.. he also wanted to not going there and fight with that girl.. but Max also didn't do because it's all not in he's hand..  And we always saw him fight.. this time also we when for saw he's fight.. to cheer him up" she said.. I literally crying.. I hold my tears not to fall..

" I never saw her that girl.. when that fight started.. Sam didn't punch her to do anything.. because he never fight with girl.. he already told me that he going to lose this match.. but when someone said that it's not knocked out match.. its live or die match.. me and Max both are shock.. Max also do his 100% to stop this.. but nothing happened.. she killed him.. she killed him front of thousands people.. I never saw her.. but I started to hate her.. she killed him.. and left the arena.." she sobbing..

" we all run where Sam body are lying there.. he didn't wake up.. we try to wake him up.. he didn't.. he's gone.. He leave us.. he didn't come back.. he leave me ava.. he leave me.. he didn't think about me.. Max.. he never think what happened after he gone.. we all are messed.. he leaves us ava.." she said.. and crying sobbing.. I just dont know how to stop her.. how to consoles her.. but I cry with her.. I made her cry..

" I am so sorry jannna.. I never know this.. i..I.." I try to say sorry to her.. it's all my fault.. I killed him.. I did it.. how can I told her that its me..

She never forgive me.. she hates me.. if she know that I killed him.. she will hate me.. and leave me alone.. I don't want that.. I can't do that..

I am murderer.. I kill him.. he has brother who love him.. he has this girl.. who love him to much.. I hurt them.. I give them that pain.. I never forgive myself.. It's all because of me..

" after that.. everything changed.. Max and me we both are didn't talk much.. I started talk to him.. because I know he also loved him to much like I loved him.. he also alone.. like I am.. I to try to never leave alone but he always said me that he is oky.. he started to fight.. I scared of him.. I think that I also lost him like Sam.. I said him not to.. but didn't listen. He started to fight.. He wanted to kill that girl.. he 24/7 all time spent in gym.. workout and got training to give his revenge.. who killed Sam.. and after month.. he come to me and broke down.. I try to console him.. I can't see him like this.. I don't know what happened to him why he's crying.. I asked him..what happened.. but he sobbing.. I can't look at him like this.. I broke down seeing him like this.. " she said..

" after hour passed and than he said that..' she's dead' " janna tell me.. I confused.. had Max love someone..

" I asked him who.. because I know he never dated or fall for anyone.. I asked him than he said it froze me..' that girl.. who kill him.. she's dead. I did all this training to kill her.. I am on my way to kill her but she's dead. Someone kill her before I did. She's dead.. I didn't get my revenge. Who kill Sam. Sam not going to forgive me janna.. He will not forgive me' " janna said and I am just froz like she did that time.. he wanted to kill me.. He to desperate to kill me. But didn't succeed..

" after that.. me and Max meet always in party. We smile to each other. But we lost what we had in past. I never go after that arena. After that incident happened.. all Change.." she said to me. I am also change after that happened. But what she forgive me.. what she understand me. Why I did this. Why have to kill him..

" I know Max always sleep around.. fucking girls. But he's not bad boy. He always cares for people who he like them. Or love them. He didn't show that. But he did I know. He always doing he's work. And never get anyone to close to him. About Scarlett she was only just divert his mind. Nothing else. He never fall in love in he's life. I know lots of girl fall for him But he never got girl like he want.." she said..

" I know that your first meeting with him that not was that good. But I saw that day when we are dancing and he looked at you.. I saw him he smile.. he never smile after that day.. whatever going on between both of you if he did any mistake forgive him.. he's needed you.. I try.. but I know you can do it better.. you can get him back. Just trust him once. and try to understand him to know him. You will know after this you said that he's bad or not.. not judge the book looking at cover.. you have to read this.. than said about this.. " she said to me.. I looking at her and stunt what she just said.

Her phone ring and than don't know whom where she talking she just hmm and oky said and cut the call..

" sorry ava. I have to go.. this weekend I have racing with new commerce. I have swimming practices I have to I will meet you at dinner oky.. c u soon. Take care.." she said and grab her swim suit and gone.

I still sitting in same position what I have before..

I never thought that because of me lots of people broken down. I was killed lot's of people. They also have family. They had also people who love them. They also hurt.. cried. Or more so don't know what..

And there is me. I didn't saw that. I just kill them. Without thinking anything. I did there like it's nothing to me.. I take there that place.. that place they not coming back.. I never saw there pain.. they have also problems.. why they doing it..

All are not like me.. I like to fight that why I fighting.. what if they did because they have no other option.. can't I see that.. I am that selfish bitch.. cruel person..

Because of Max lost he's brother. He lost he's like he had before. He become gang Leader. Because of me he started to fight. Because of me he lost he's bond with janna. Who's she only sister in this academy.

Janna lost love of her life. Who she love him bottom in her heart. For her  he's everything to him. Her first love. Her first everything..

She never had boyfriend or loved. After that dare she had man who love's her so much.

" ohh my god.. what is just happened" I said to myself with panicking.

" what if she know that... she will hate me. She will never ever talk to me or even look at me . "

Oohh no no.. I will never ever going to happen again.. I already lost her. I love her. I killed her. And it's all my fault. I want money.. I wanted all fancy things. I like to kill people.. I like to fight.. I like to win to see people die in front of me.. Because of me. She got punishment. She getting drug addict.. she got abused..

They try to touch her. They used her. They drug her. They abused her. They hurt her.

She was in pain. She was hurt. She cried. She begged them to stopped. They didn't stopped.

Because of me she dead.

I am murder.

I murder my sister..

I murder my twin sister.. who love me so much.

I murder ava..