
" your are live" I said to him looking at him.. am I dreaming. Or it's real.. He come and walk stood front of us.. damn I am not dreaming.. he's real.. standing front of me.. with meritorious smile..

" what are you doing here. I told you to not come here. It's not good idea " Max said and stand besides me. Told him.. he also know this..  and he didn't even tell me.. and I am here keep blaming that I killed he's brother.. I mean seriously..

" I don't wants to but when saw this beautiful girl come and compliment you about your tattoo. Who's you just ignore it and throw in trash so I thought why not I try her.. if you don't interested in her." He said with smirk him and wink at me. I blushed when he compliment me. But also I got mad what after he said that. I mean try me out.. what am I to him.. a toy.. and here I am keep feel guilty that I killed him..

" we both know your not doing this any of this.. now she know that your not dead" Max said to him little bit annoying tone.. wow.. now he know that I know.. now he can't boss on me.. and can't threaten me.. now he will listen and I am order to him.. thinking about it.. I smiled... and smirk.. but also mad.. why lot's of secret.. why the hell is Sam hiding..

" can anyone fucking tell me what's going on here. And how can this possible." I said to them they both stop what there talk with each other. I mean really.. they both are talking and I am standing right here front of them.. and he really live.. I mean really...

" can't you see he's not dead. Now what you know.. huh" he said with arrogantly. Really.. after knowing this.. he still acting like bitch.. I mean really you jark..

" really Max. When he live than how dare you to threaten me you dick.. " I come closer to him ready to fight him punched him who dare he huh.. think about I kill him how much I feel sorry for that. How much I am guilty for that.  But Sam come and stood front of me.. and stop me to do that..

" I literally hating myself when I know that boy was your brother.. and I kill him.. you know feel it this.. and your think it's nothing.. I mean really Max" I yelled at him literally shouted him.

" whooww.. stop there. Don't do that. Beautiful girl like you can't be dangerous they always shy type girl right. " he said to me. And stop me. I mean really m. Here I am mad at that jark.. And he flirting with me.. I mean really..

" and is that you who fight with me.. what can I said my last fight" he said to me. I give a look like really. After listing all this. He still didn't get it. When I didn't answer he smirk.. and nodded.. I just rolled my eyes..

" everyone said is true. Boys like you. They have handsome face but they don't have smart brain" I said to me. Turn to him. With arrogantly. I just snep him.. because I don't know what happened to me.. but this.. he hiding to me.. sure.. he has reason but threatened me.. insulting me and give them feeling that how wrong that parson is.. I mean I can't just digesting this..

" is that you complimenting or you insulting" he said with smirk. I give him again look. Like he didn't get it what I just said.. it's not that I am in complimented mood..  Damn ass

" now you know that he's live. Don't tell anyone. If you did you know what I will do" Suddenly Max said to interrupt our glear. I turn to look at him. Still nothing change here.. still he's the way he is before.. I mean seriously.. fuck you you jark..

" you serious about this. Yeah right I forgot you didn't trust me. " I said to him. With rolled my eyes. What I am talking with.. who never trust on me..

" did Janna know about it" my last question before I go and think that it's never happened. I really think about her.. when I know how much she love him..

" No.. she doesn't. If she did know that. She's never ever dating that motherfucker" Sam said literally angrily face.. I got it.. he's right.. if she know she never with dan.. and feeling is matured man.. I also hate him..

You hating lots of people ava..

I hate only boys.. because they think that can do whatever they want to.. and I don't like there attitude.. so yaahh. I sneep my mind..

" how did you know about Sam and Janna" Max asked sudden surprise. I rolled my eye's..

" she told me. And chill Sam I don't think that she's into that motherfucker" I said to him with my greatest smirk. And he surprise to hearing this.. and he smile and nodded..

" is that good news than. " he said and smile like I never see. Thank god you live. I still can't believe this. How happy I am to see him.

" how you. I mean you know.." I asked him. I wanted to know. When I know last time I checked. He's dead. I mean I saw he's lifeless body.

" actually no one know about this. We already know that Justin do like this twice and turn. He really like to playing games with us.. so yeahh we plan to how to get out this but yeaah.. I hate to admit that your punched is to hard. I thought I didn't live anymore. After you give me your last punched. I passed out. I already give up there. Or didn't fight back. So when I passed out. You thought that I am dead. Than after that no one know this about it. Janna can't wanted to see my dead body. When we are all home. After hours I wake up. It's just don't know miracle or what. But it's hurt so much. I wake up and see there is only me and Max. We both are look at each other. And than finally coming with this plan. To not said anyone about this. Not even Janna. Because I don't wanted to saw her what I am in state. And I also don't want that she involved this mess.. who's she didn't even know but seems like she is in already.. " Sam explained me.

" we also plan that we never told her. And than Max also don't see her like that. So he started to ignore her. After that what happened in arena. We got revenge for that. So Max come up with plan he started to boxing. And training. I train him. And Max started to fight. Our main gold is kill Justin. And killed his entire business. And we also know that he's stamina is you. I mean red." He said to me looking at me and than Max to continue this.

" Sam told me that your so strong. Well that was I saw when our first encounter. She's really something Brother.. I mean take punch lots of guys. But you are different.. your punch is so hard... when you punch twice I really wanted to know you who are you.. " Max said to looking at him and than me.

" never mind. After than we had news that you are dead. So we didn't have any idea how to catch him. Because for us your are lead.. to catch Justin.. After flew months. He's brother come in my place to join me. He told me that he didn't have any business with Justin. He wanted to part of my gang. First I don't trust him. Or I don't wanted him to join me. But he's after all Justin brother. How can I lose this chance.. To get Justin. After all its all we want Justin.." He said with smirk.

" After I act like I trust him. And give my 20% partnership to my company to think that I full of trust him. And he also believe this that I have full of trust on him..  But one this happen that we didn't even think that. It's all our out of mind.. I mean out of part of the plan.. He started to go out with Janna. I just can't said this to Janna. Or stop her that. Because I see that he's help to forgetting about Sam. And I see she's happy with him.. He make her smile and happy.. so I didn't say anything to her. I accept her. When I know looking janna and denial together how much hurt Sam is. But we have to do this.. so we just try to control over anger.." Max said. And see Sam sad anew angry face. Poor boy.

" That's it.. but you come. And than know that your not dead. I thought it's Justin plan to do this. So I ready to kill you or made plan to get Justin for using you. But no when I heard you talk with denial I conform that you have are no more in with stuff. I mean you already out of all this stuff..  Or Justin didn't know about you anything. So I stop there. Because there is nothing to do with you.. when you not in part of the plan.." He said to me. Really. He thinks that it's all he thinks that I still with him. No in hell.

Lot's of happening in this little tine. How the hell I can handle all this. Fucking hell. I just hate it.

" I also know that Justin come back again fight with me to take our my business. I also know that he train come girl who give your name. First I thought it's you.. but when I heard you conversation in call. I conform that you also don't know about this. You also shocked and surprised like us..  " he said to me. Now I get it.. he present or absent. But he always know what going on there.. he know things..

" I Don't know why you hiding to Justin. Why you running from him. Whom you are talking to in call. But I know that something is we Don't know.. and its only Justin know.. " he said to me. I little hesitates... but I don't wanted to know this that how weak I mean.. how I am feeling right now..

" but we can help you to save your ass. You know" Sam said to me with wink. I looking at him I just rolled my eyes..

" thanks about it. And you can trust me about this. Your secret save with me. When I know we all want one think." I said to looking at both of them. With dangerous smirk..

" revenge" I said with smirk and they nodded. And than I didn't talk much. And left there.

Last thing in my mind keep running is that what I just said to them. And I am do it because I think there is no time left for Justin. He will die no matter what. I can kill him or Max. I Don't know but we want only one thing and that is...
