You Have To Give Him Chance

" need help.." someone said to me.. and I turn around to see who's he...

It's Sam.. I look at him. And give question look..

" you and your brother.. both are same.. always come and irritate someone who's bussy in there stuff.. seems like you both are like it to do this.. huh" I said to him and face him.. he look me and come to front of him..

" well no.. we both are not annoying.. actually we know how to cheer person who's in stress or else trouble.. and I am not here to interrupt you.. you seems like you need help. So why not I will do it.. also I have nothing to do.." he said me sweetly and than smirk.. I rolled my eyes.. he like he's brother .. both never talk with person normally.. well actually I need help.. why can't I get he's help.. when he offer me sweetly..

" yess sure.. one think you can do.. can you just saw this video and than after that my dance.. that I did well or not.." I explained him. But did he know about dance? How can he help me. When he even know about anything dance..

" I know about dance.. relax.. don't think to much.." he said come to me.. and take my phone.. how he know this. That I am thinking about it.. never mind.

He saw this video very closelyy.. I standing there. And look at him.. he's attractive like her brother.. but not compare to him..

When Max already told him to not to come here. Than what he doing here. What if someone saw him.. what janna saw him..

" oky I saw this video.. which part you wanted to dance.." he said broke my thoughts..

" huh.. ohh.. that... last one.." I said to him.. he nod. And again saw this videos last part. Practicing been hour I think I know I already catch the steps and moves but I hope. I do dance like amma.. she's really good at that.. actions and looks..

" well this girl did Suppprb..  I mean she's hot n all but also she did well job.. I Don't think you can do this.. flirty looks act like funny girl.. enjoy every step of this song. When you're totally opposite to her.." he explained me..

" what do you mean by that.. " I said to him. I can also give flirty look. Or act funny. But like she did I can't do this.. I never act like the before.. who can I do this..

" I mean I saw you first past that was suits you.. because you also like that   I mean serious type of girl.. what you think you can do this." He asked me.. with rise his eyebrow..

" I don't know but I will try this.." I said to him..

" dont try.. I will said only one this.. listen this song carefully and than feel it.. and than think how can you be act like this.. you have to act like bitch you know.. once you know that.. than you will catch easily and than you can perform this.. and do well.." he said to me.. whatever he said to me.. I agree on this.. so have to do this what he said to me..

" thanks Sam.. I appreciate that.. I will do it what you tell me.." I said to him. With smile..

" by the way how's you.. your are coming to see our performance.. I mean you knoww.. uhh.. janna also performing with us.." I said to him little hesitate.. what he got angry..

" I really love to come.. but I can't.. I have to hide this some more time.. I am wait to much for this time to Justin come out and now he finally going to did.. I can't just do wrong move.. some more days you know.. after that.. I will be live like you guys.. no more hiding.." he said to me.. with sad smile.. I nodded.. I feel sad for him..

" do you... umm.. miss her.." I asked him. Its most important question for me to know..

" you have no idea.. ava.. every time when I see her with that dick.. I wanted to kill that bastrd. And I will one day.. and bring my queen back.." he said to me..

" you will.. and you are not that bad.. what I am think that.." I said to him. And it's time that I know I will do it.. no more practice.. it'd enough for today.. so I grab myself bag to go to my dorm..

" I know right.. and you also give him one chance.. he's not that bad as well.. it's just it's new for him all.. you have to just give him time to understand that.." he said me to about Max.. why he telling me.. he think that something going on between us.. no.. nothing going on.. and nothing will be happened between us..

" you are misunderstood Sam.. there is nothing to going on with us.. it's just we can't stand to each other.. and I am not thinking about him like that.. like you said.. you know.. not going to happen.." I said to him..

" you are telling me or yourself.. trust me ava.. you both are same.. both have to much ego.. just once try it.. than tell me.. both are stand each other or not.. just once think about it.." he said to me.. I didn't said after that. Nodded. And left..

I don't know anything.. but I don't want to think about this. What Sam said. Its all useless..

And why janna and Sam both are said same thing.. I mean we never had that time together. Or they both never saw us like this. We always fight. And glare each other. How they get it in this idea. That there is somethin going on..

I know I like him. But I can't just dare to give us chance.. and he's gang leader.. he also do bad things.. I don't wanted to again involved all this stuff.. I want to be normal teenager. Live my life carefree..

Reaching my dorm.. I get cold shower.. to throw out all this thinking.. and get out this..

Janna is here.. waiting for me maybe.. she's looking at me like she wanted to say something..

" our event it 6o'clock before the football match.. they are created stage in ground.. we perform there. After that. Football match start. So both events are together.." janna explained me.. oohh that is so no good..

" are you oky.. how's practice go.." she said to me with concerns.

" I am fine.. just worry about amma. And practice was good. It's not that hard.. I can manage it.." I give her assure look that I will do it.. don't to worry about it..

" oky it'd 4o'clock.. did you had your lunch.." she asked me.. I totally forgot about lunch.. and what about jade's match.. oh no.. did she won match.. or not..

" anything news about jade? Did she won" I asked her with worry tone..

" yeahh she did win.. and she also asked me about you.. I told her about amma. Than we all go for amma. And spend time there.. you didn't answer.. Did you had lunch" she asked again.

" actually I forget.. but now I have time.. you wanted to join me.." I asked her..

" I thought you never Askme. Come on I think I am also hungry.." she said. I nodded. And grab my phone and purse and than we left for our food..

After eating our food.. janna told me about our costumes. What we have wearing tonight.. than after that we chit chat more. And than once again we go our dorm to grab our cheering costume. And than we left and come to the football stadium.. Its huge.. no matter what..

This is my first time.. I little nervous after looking at this.. am I do well.. our performance is first.. and I am the who started our dance.. in front of lot's of people..

I see that there are already some people come and sitting there. And academy's workers are attaching big one LED tv.. for students to show them our performance also after that football match.. the ground is big.. so I know everyone can't see this.. for them we are look at tinni in ground..

Our dance team also here to do some work out.. some are chatting and joking around..

I catch there eyes. We all after that talk about amma. And about me that I will manage or not.. we also practice for one last time.. I am glad that I didn't forget steps.. but what I will do what Sam said me..

Yea you can do it ava.. you know you never give up..

You did it lot's of things you didn't did in your life ever.. it's just dance.. I know you can hit it.. my inner voice said me..

It give me little confident..

Amma also come here with wheelchair.. I look are little bit angry.. why she come here. When doctor already told her to rest.. this girl why can't listen to us..

But after she said she wanted to see our performance.. she did cheer us.. she can't dance. But she have all rights to cheer us.. jade Clara and Naomi also with so I Little bit cool down myself. And agree her. But still I don't like this idea..

Danni and his football team also arrived.. they are also wish us luck.. and we all are thank them. Our junior football team is quite good. Boys are nice.. I mean I know there are flirty but nice.. also I don't care about them.. or give damn for it..

After some more time left Max and he's team also arrived.. janna and all girls are talking and flirting with seniors.. angi also doing it.. but when Danni give her angry look she site besides amma. And talk with her. I also sitting with amma.

I Didn't go there. And that.. that's not my think.. also I saw that Max was looking at our side.. I feel that he's looking at here. When I look are there. He face turned around.. I don't know what is going on his mind..

One or twice.. we both star each other. But after that he give me he's best smirk like what you see.. so blushing and I just rolled my eyes. And look away..

No matter what he's sexy arrogant jerk. Who's so attractive.. he know how to fall in love girls for him.. he's sexy smirk also working on me I think so.. it's better to ignore him.. avoid him.. and concentrate in my dance.

I have performance to do.. and give my best. I have to think about this.. not think about him.. 

I hope that they like our performance.. and than we had our won dance studio.. than we no more have to go basketball stadium to practice.. I hope all going well..

" nervous" jade asked me.. I nodded.

" don't be I know you are great dancer.. you will do well.. think about this.. when you beat girl like sassha who's never losses her match.. than it's is nothing in that.. and I know that you will do better in all of them.." she said to.. she's to cute. When she like that things it's touched..

" can I tell you secret" she said to me.. and whisper me.. I nodded.

" I am here only for you. Trust me.. I can't wait to see you dance.. " she said and hug my shoulder.. and I just smile and thank her. I know she's cheering me telling me this..

" I know you will rock the stage.. " jade act like little kid and said to me.. I laughed at her. And hug her. Again..

I never thought I have friend like jade.. also Janna angi amma Danni Clara Naomi.. last one is not a list but Nicole.. if he didn't help me.. I can't just practice.. ohh and sam to.. hope everything this going well.. and we all rock the stage..