Exploring New Town

Today is Sunday...

Boring day...

After yesterday what happened.. I left party.. I straight go to my dorm... and sleep.. janna still doesn't come home.. she's maybe with Dan..

I don't mind..

But I know whenever something happened to me she always come for me..

Never mind..

I am just her friend.. and dorm mate.. nothing else..

And Dan.. he's her boyfriend..

So let it be..

I didn't sleep yesterday...

I think about Max .

How he yelled at me..

I mean.. he didn't evan know anything.. and he yelled at me..

I Don't care anyway.. it's not that he's always be my side.. and when he's my said anyway.. he always do. Opposite to me..

And he also know that I am not the person to listen to him.. I so always do opposite what he tell me not to..

Well we both are same..

We both like to hurt each other egos.. challenge each other.. play games with each other..

I sitting in my bed.. still didn't know what to do...

Try to see some movie or something.. but not in mood.. to do..

I also don't in mood to left the dorm..

Try to sleep.. but can't sleep..

Wanted to go to gym.. but can't.. it's 4o'clock in the morning...

He will there..

Not in mood to face him that dick..

Janna still didn't come.. maybe today's is Sunday.. she will with dan.. enjoy her day..

Let it be... what to do..  what know one think will be help..

I get up to my bed. And than search my beg..

I know when I pack my things.. I also pack that... because I know one day will come and I can't sleep.. and I did that this thing..

And it's just one time.. that will not harm..right..

Finally I found that..

I opened the little opened.. and take one tablet.. and drunk it with water.. sleeping pills. When after her death.. I can't sleep.. I lost my sleep.. James always worry about me.. I just site my bed.. or lay my bed.. and thinking.. but I just can't sleep.. so I started using pills.. it's made me sleep.. when James know that I using this... he just throw it.. sleeping pills are drug to me.. I addicted to them.. I also fight with James when he throw pills in dust..

After that he come every night and read story's for me... some are interesting..somes are boring... After James this theory. It's work's.. and than my addiction was gone.. now again it's happened.. I Don't know what to do.. James not here.. and I really need this.. and it's for tonight.. I know it's will be cool.. After that I don't need anymore... I know I will get over it ..

for now It will help.. little..

After that I don't know I sleepp..

After sleeping.. I wake up in noon in 1o'clock.. my head is in pain.. its hurt like hell...

I get up on my bed... and go for freshen up... I brush my teeth... looking at mirror my hair is messy... my make-up all ruined. My eye's is puffy... I feel disgust to looking at myself..

After brushing my teeth... I take cold shower I know it will help me little.. I wash my hair... clean my body... it feels good... feel little better...

I feel hungry... but not in mood for go to canteen to grab anything.. and it's not that I will control my hunger..I know what I have to do..

Getting out of my shower.. used towel to cover my body..

Without fall to ground I carry myself with towel... and than grab my phone and deal he's number... one and second ring he pick up he's phone..

" hyy... how's you... " he asked me... I know he don't care about me..

I also heard that he's not alone...

" sorry I forget that janna is with you I call you back later" I said him ready to disconnect called...

" Hyyy wait... why you called ?" he asked me..

" I want bike" I said me straight..

" sorry what... am I heard right... you said bike?" He said.. typical brat ..

" will you sand me or else I cut the called.." I said him rudely.. I know I want he's help but doesn't mean that I will be change my attitude.

" Don't be mad.. I will sand you my man will be there in 20 with key's.. anything else..." he said flirtlly...

" yess... hang up the call than I will dress myself properly" i said him... and rolled my eyes.

" I can come and will help you with... what you said.." he said seems like janna give him hard time..

" fuck of man..."i said he laugh and I cut call...

Bike... ummmmm...

Like old Times... I like to ride the bike.. whenever I feel alone.. I get my bike.. and I left home.. some times James worry about me.. but he also know I will be back..

No one know where I go.. or do... that's best part of my story..

And here.. well I don't know I didn't know this city about anything... but I know she stayed this city..

About my illegal and James work.. both know whatever is do it's not good for her. It's dangerous for her. And we don't want that.. that's why me and James come in agreement to shift her here for complete her high school.. but it's to wrong decision we made..

Let it be.  Dont want to think about her.

I forget that I am still hungry.. I have to dress up something like I always do like old times..

Yeaa.. I know what to wear... I grab that clothes and wear it..

I look in mirror I look like badass.. like I this type.. and I will enjoy my Sunday.. after whatever happened yesterday party.. it's better think to do..

Don't want to stay here.. or do anything . Or talk to anyone .

Enjoy myself.. let's see what's this city have... it's interesting or boring.. like to know about this... after doing make-up.. dark lipstick.. and dard eyeliner.. use little foundation.. after that compact... I satisfied my look.. today I did little havy make-up..

I also have to go and shopping.. to divert my mind.. also grab some clothes.. shoes.. make-up... and undergarments.. I forget I have to also grab tampons..

After grab my credit... my dorm door bell ring.. maybe he's man arrive.. thank god..

I opened the door.. the handsome tall and big man standing front of me.. and looking at me to up to down... he's mouth is hang opened to looking at me...

" are you done starring.. than give me Kay's" I said him rudely . He didn't say anything just nodded and handover Kay's to me...

Close the door in he's face... I know it's really arrogance and rude... but I am really this.. always with bad attitude... forget this...

I walk to my bed... grab my things.. after that I left dorm.. and walk around where is bike.. that big ass park..

Searching good two minutes... I found it... he also brought me cool helmet I like it... I wear helmet and site on bike properly... and here I am go... seems like today I will going lots of fun...

People are in this academy they are starring at me... like they never see the girl ride the bike.. than there bad... I ignored tham and left academy...

First thing I do when I left the academy... one thing come in my mind.. and it's food... I searched fancy hotel and than I park my bike give the Kay's there manager and search empty spot to site myself comfortably.. remove my helmet and grabbing in one hand I enter some people looking at me up to down... I ignored them and site empty table...

I ordered my lunch.. and looking at this hotel.. who it's clean.. it's feel good.. there staff also good.. but still I am here lonely alone..

I choose to be alone.. I Don't need anyone right.. I said to myself..

My lunch is arrived I thank her. And eat my lunch.. it's good.. fucking mind blowing.. I loved it.. I will come next week to.. I love this food.. I eat all.. enjoying my food. Someone interrupt me..

" you like it.. you are enjoying.. I guess.." the girl whom serve me food. She's standing in front of me.. Little nervous.. And scared.. looking at me in this badass outfit..

" I love it.. even I thinking about it to come other time to.." I said to her. With smile.. assured her that there is no scared of me.. or nervous around me..

" thanks.. by the way are you New here... I am Keith.. " she said. And site me opposite side. I don't mind it.. it's great she come.. now I don't feel like alone..

" rose.. and I am new here.. you want to eat some.." I offer her..

" no.. no.. you have it.. I just see you sitting alone so I come here to talk.." she said nervously...

" you always did with other customer.." I said to her..

" no.. noo. I am sorry if I disturb you.." she get up on her site..

" site.. just kidding.. " I said to her give small smile. she hesitated but she site..

" that bike is your.." she said looking at out door my bike parking in side by.. I look at there. And nodded..

" you love to ride it.. I guess.." she said to me.. I smile and nodded.. and eat my food.

" it's Sunday.. and there is underground racing and lots of stuff did there.. want to hangout with me.. " she suddenly asked.. I surprise..

" it's illegal right.." I said to her..

" I known.. but it's fun.. " she said with exciting and cheering voice..

" what time.." I asked her..

" sorry what.." she said. biting her lips ..

" what time your ship is over that i will pick you up.. we both go together.." I said to her..

" it's already 4o'clock.. but I have to be here till 7.. you can after that pick me up.. we both go together.." she said. I nodded. Pying lunch .. I left the hotel..

I searched in my phone.. there is any mall store near.. that I will shopp and kill the time.. I forget to asked Keith.. maybe she help me with that... my bad..

Found one.. I ride there.. and than started to explore... I take clothes... t-shirt and jeans.. different different types.. also hoodie.. shorts... get all stuff.. I go to changing room and trial all... that's all are looking good in me... than I pay for them.. and left for next store..

I see there is different different shoes and hills. And lot's off.. I get two pair of shoes and two pair of hills. And than left the store..

After that I go for buy some make-up.. sometimes it's need me.. and I have to be prepared for that.. so I get some. And than also I get some medicine.. or gel. Or lot's of medications.. its will need it in future..

After that.. last but not in options.. I go to Victoria secret.. to show come bra's and penty's.. I know there is always hot and mind blowing stuff. So I want it to use it..

After I help some seals creeper.. I get some new ones.. and it's all look good on me.. After that pay them.. I left them..

It's also 6.30.. and I am done.. I know 30minutes go to her hotel.. but I also again hungry.. I never shopped that much. And in alone time..

I also go to food section to get my emerge power.. and some chipps to eat.. sometimes I hungry in middle of the night. I can't go and grab anything.. so I have to grab all stuff to survive me.. at this situation..

After that I feel that I am done. I can't do shopping anymore.. l left there.

I again see the watch.. I have only 10minutes to reach there. And I will be on time.. but also I have to carry this stuff. So I managed.. all think and reach her hotel again.. I didn't eat anything.. and I am hungry as hell..

When I stop the bike.. Katie already standing in there to waiting for me..

" thank god you come.. I thought you ditched me.." she said smile and come near me..

" ohh you gone for shopping.. alone.. " she said to me I just nodded..

" I know.. but want place to take all this stuff.. we can't go with this stuff.." I said to her.

" come on my home isn't far way.. want me to take there all stuff.." she asked me looking at me.. I nodded and smile..

" please.." I said to her..

" ohhky come on.. than.. let's started.." she said and site in comfortably..and I start engine.. and she told me address.. and here we go...