Her Name Was Ava

After eating pizza.. Max said that Tom and all are staying for night.. because it's to late to go home.. so me Tom Amma and Ray.. all my guy friends.. we talk more.. and told Amma story's for our past life..

And Tom asked both of us about that we don't mind about what we had in past.. and what they having now..

" well I am happy for you Tom.. that you moved on.. I mean Amma is nice girl.. I know her.. and we both already talked about this.. when we didn't even know that that guys is you.. and she's really like you.. so if broke her heart.. you know that what I am capable for.." I tell him.. and  me and Amma high five..

" and you also Amma.. he's nice guy.. take care of him.. " I tell her.. and we hug to each other..

" what about me huh.. you forget me.." he said to me.. and I turned to me.. and hug him tightly..

" you are my hero.. how can I forget you.." I tell him.. and he laughed..

" lier.." he said to me.. and I punch him..

" ouch.." he said.. and act like I punch him hard..

" what about you.. you told me that you will tell me.. now tell me.." I demand him..

" about what.." amma said..

" so he also didn't tell you.." I asked her.. she shake her hand..

" oky wait... he's in your academy oky.." ray said and we both are look at each other and laugh..

" wow.. he has name right.." amma asked him..

" you don't know him guys.. he's name is Nicole.." he said.. and my eye's Wilder.. what he just said..

" wait.. I heard right.. you said Nicole.." I asked him again..

" what.. yeah.. do you know him.." he said to me..

" that one who's working in gym.." Amma asked him.. and he surprise when Amma said..

" yeahh he is.." he conform than.. I jump out of my site..

" ohh my god.. it's him.. he's my one of my friend.. whenever I want to use gym he always helps me.." I tell him..

" but how come.. wait.. he arrange you also to go there.. ohh my.. ohh my god.. how didn't I know.." I said to myself.. and Amma and Ray both are laugh at me. 

" yeah.. he always up for that.. whenever I want to walk to your compose.. or enter your gym.. he's helping.. and yeah.. he's to sweetheart.. now you know this.. we all go to go triple date. " he said to us.. and me and Amma laughed at him.. he whenever in mood in talk he always talk like girl's.. and that's why I love him.

" you know I love you right.." I told him.. and hug him. I am so happy that I had him in my life..

" mee to don't forget.." Amma said. And she hug both of us..

" and me too.. never ever forget me.." Tom said..and he come and hug us.. and like this.. all friends come and hug us.. it's feel good.. I feel like old time..

After that we talk little more.. and than they all go for sleep.. Max also give me room what I use last time.. but I didn't go there.. when I know I can't sleep.. how can I sleep without my medicine.. I have to do something to kill the time..

It's already three o'clock in night.. and I am still up.. all are sleep.. the whole mansion is keep quiet like there is no one here..

I don't know what to do.. so I switch on tv.. and try to watch something.. to passed the time..

" what are you doing here.. all alone.." someone come and said to me.. I didn't look back to him.. when I clearly know who's he..

" I can't sleep.." I said to him. And switching channel continually..

I think watch cartoon is best.. or some funny movie..

" why.." he said. And come besides me.. and I stop.. and look at him..

" what are you doing here.. why you still up.." I asked him same question..

" same.. I can't sleep.." he said to me.. I nodded.. maybe this all of this going on that's why he can't sleep.. or he just really can't sleep like me.. I forget sleeping pills.  I have no idea that I will be staying here.  If I know this I will be advanced about it..

" you have to go and try to sleep.." I tell him..

" I tried" he said. I again nodded..

" so what now.." I asked him..

" what now.." he said looking at me..

" I don't know you say.." I tell him. We both are looking at each other.. when I observe him when I see that.. we both are sitting close to each other..

" ummm what can I said.. sorry about that.." he said to me.. and I surprise.. did he apologized..

" wait.. what.." I said and turn to him and looking at him..

" you know what I said.. all off this.. you know.. snapping you.. annoying you.. and about your.. ummm sister.. I am.. you know.." he shuttered to said this.. wow.. he really apologizing for what he did all to me..

" wow.. if I know this.. that in night you are pussy cat.. I really started to talking to you this time.." I tease him..

" I am here talking with you nicely.. and you are teasing me.. " he said to me.. and I control my laughed..

" oky fine.. continue.." I tell him with big smile..

" so I was telling that.. what I did in passed day's.. I also think that I really being dick front of you.. and for that behavior.. I am sorry for all of that.. I am sorry.." he said to me.. and I just don't know.. I am happy that he finally opening up.. like Sam said to me..

I just Don't know what to said.. so just hug him.. and he hug me back.. tightly.. ohh possessive huh.. I also hug him back tightly.. than we both pull away..

" are you oky.." he asked me..

" yeahh.. actually.." I tell him..

"about your sister.." he asked him..

" her name was ava..." I tell him.. I don't really wanted to hide it.. and I don't know why.. bit I feel like to tell him.. so said.. when I said this.. he's eye's wilde.. and shock..

" Ava.." he said to me without confused..

" yeahh.. ava.. her name was ava.. and my name is Roseline " I tell him..

" in short rose.." I tell him..

" and Eric and there friend's with her.. her friends.. that's why they know me.. and that's why they shock when they know that my name is Ava.. not rose.. " I explain him..

" ohh I am so... sor..." he again wanted to apologize but I stop him..

" don't be. Its happen... I will talk with them.. when I meet them in Sunday.. " I tell him..

" you are going to tell them all this stuff.." he asked me nervously..

" no.. I asked them.. why  I using my sister's name.." I told him..

" so why.." he asked me...

" because this is all lifestyle is Ava's.. she wanted to be joined here.. not me.. I am just pathetic sister.. who's there her nothing dream about what's she want her in her life.. but she did.. and that's why I am here.." I tell him truth..

After her death.. her all dreams are now my dreams.. I wanted to complete this for her.. I wanted to do this for her.. after doing sports.. I also started to like it to play more.. but its all hers.. so whatever be I will be on future.. they all saw me as Ava.. there is no rose.. only ava..

" you are different to others.. you know that.. I mean.. I never see girl like you.. you are best in all this things.. I mean what can I said.. how to fight.. how to dance.. in tennis.. and now this your little performance.. you are to good at it.. you have nice voice.. and you sing that song very beautifully " he said to me.. I just stunt.. what I just hear from him..

I mean yeahh.. we talk.. but we always fight.. I never saw he's this side.. I mean he know to talk normal.. I mean I am talking to Max or someone else.. I still can't believe this that I am talking to him. Oh my god.. what happening to me.. or what happening to him..

" what are you thinking.." he said to me.. when I didn't said anything to him..

" it's just that.. I never see you talk like normal people.. it's really you or I am taking to someone else.." I tell him.. popping he's cheeks with my first finger.. and tease him..

" why you think that I can't talk normal" he said to me.. and I rise my eyebrows and give me look that.. he really asking this when he already know that...

" yeahh I get it.." he said to me.. and laugh at him..

" you are cute.. " I tell him..

" anything else " he said to me..

" for now that's it.. by the way.. I am hungry.." I tell him.. he look at he's watch.. and show me that it's early morning 4oclock..

" so what..  I am human so I need food.. " I tell him.. and he laughed at me.. and that first time I saw his laugh.. he laugh so hard..

" you should have to smile and laugh more.." I tell him.. and stop laughing.. and looking at me.. and we both are looking at each other..

I really wanted to kiss him right now.. but I just cant.. it's not right time to do this.. I already made up my mind that I am not going to do this.. so no.. and I know he also thinking same.. and I have to broke he's thought to..

" I am hungry.." I tell him again.. and than again come back in he's state..

" well we see if there is any pizza left.." he said.. and we both are walk to the kitchen..

" you are lucky there is.." he said to me..

" yeahh thanks.." I tell him.. and than I started to eat it..

" so what can I call you.. Ava or roseline.." he said me..

" I don't mind.. whatever you wanted to call" I tell him..

" and about that Eric.. how's he now.." he asked me..

" ummm.. he's not fine.. after that he's best friend.." I trying to complete but he cut me off..

" dean's dead.. I know.." he said to me..

" how you.." I tell him..

" well it's all happen in same time.. we both are lost over both close once.. once upon time we both are hanging out together.." he tell him.. wow.. I mean really.. that what happened.. why they part way.

" than why you both are part way.. what happened both of you... and I didn't know that you both are friends.. I mean he mentioned your name once but he didn't tell me that you are friends or anything.." I tell him..

" I don't know.. it's just to complicated.. you can't understand..." he said to me..

" than make me.. " I tell him..

" you are so stubborn you know that.." he tell me..

" I know that.. now don't change subject.." I tell him..

" I will tell you this other time.." he said.. so I give up.. I don't wanted to argue with him.. in this time..

" fine.. but tell me about that dean guy.. what really happened to him.." I asked him..

" he's kill by one of mafia gang leader who's name are Stefan.. " he said to me..

" Stefan.." I said him again.. I have to talk with him like I didn't know anything about it..

" yeah he's ruthless guy.. who's are obsessed with some girl.. she runway.. and dean and that girl had relationship something.. when she runway.. that guys kill Dean.. Eric wanted to kill that bastrd.. but after that things gone little bit opposite.. and we all are part away.. and after that.. I never heard about them till now.. when they come here.." he said to me.. and I am nodded.. I didn't asked him more question.. because if I did our little bonding will be turn into argument.. and I don't want that now..

" oohh..." I said.. because I really didn't know what to more..

" are you oky.." I tell him.. if there is anything that I am missing..

" yeahh I am.. I think we have to go to sleep now.." he said avoiding to talk to me.. maybe something remind him.. that's why he act like this..

When he started to turn around and going to he's room.. I stop him..

" wait.." I said.. and he stop.. and turned and look at me..

I hugged him tightly ... that think that I will do this for now.. and after that what happened I don't know.. I just passed out in he's arm's..