Now Tell Me What Is Your Wish Is

" Ready for lose..." Snack said to me.. and I just Ignore hes comment.. and referee come to us.. and told us rules and all.. I just Ignore it.. my main thing is to just knock him out and done this as fast as I can do...

Rolling my eyes . Referee bell the ring and here we both are.. walking in circles.. facing to each other.. we both are looking at each other to our weak sport.. so we can attach there first.. I don't want to see he's weak spot i want to give him weak spot.. give him hard bruised that he can remember this time that he never can fight again.. like I did last time..

For few more second I think it's west of time to wait for him to do attack first.. I know he want me to go first.. so I did.. i step front of me.. and try to punch him.. whom he grab it easily and swing my arm . I know that he will do it.. I know what I have to so just rolled my body with that swing and than punch he's stomach with my foot.. but he's fast.. he grab my leg and do the same.. to make me yelled at in this pain..

Than he dump in hard and than he come too of me and started to puch me but i grab it.. and than he use he's other hand to do same but I grab it that Too.. and than i use my head and punch he's nose.. who's it's silently crack.. i smile.. he back of and hold he's nose.. get go more angry and he touch he's nose with hes fingers he saw it it's blood.. it make him more mad.. he look at me. And i just smile with smrike at him and get up on my food..

He also didn't west time.. he know if he did than he will end up in on conscience. He come to me and started to attack me.. but i defined myself all he's punch like it's nothing to me.. and try to make to punch him hard to he's stomach he's face.. he's chest..

We both are to in Pain and hurt.. like doing same think punching and blocking each other.. and show our own moves. And suprise each other.. and it's starting to get boring.. it's irritating.. i mean he like it to do this continues but I don't..

We both run to each other and than we both punch each other.. whom he miss it.. and i punch him supper man punch.. and than my blood boil.. now i can't more take it.. I grab he's grab in my one hand and pin it hard to with my hand he yelled at in pain.. and than i started to slapp he's chest.. one after one.. and that spot become too red.. and he just can't tolerate it.. and now I am enjoying he's pain. The way he crying.. like old times.. i Smile and grab he's both hand and jump on ground and throw punch he's face with my leg.. he's too weak to fight back.. he try to stood up and fight it.. but i didn't give him chance.. I give him everywhere bruise that he just don't know that i am doing with him.. he's l arm he's back and front all are to red with my punch and slaps and I know it's hurting him so much.. and still didn't stop him for that..

After seeing him like he can't fight more.. I feel that it's right to the end this fight.. so I kick him again he fall on the ground i know he can't get up and fight with me anymore.. but still I use my both lag and block he's neck so he can't breath.. he already struggling for breath and now I am still giving him hard time.. and I stay like this like 2 or 3 minutes.. i don't want to kill him so I just let him go.. I check he's puls it's just getting slow.. and i don't want him to die so I just get up.. without know what the results is.. I get out to the ring.. and Walk to the Stefan where is standing.. and give him to look that i am done.. we can go now.. he didn't west time he already saw it.. so I don't have to explain him that what i did.. so he just nodded..

Jack yelled at snack.. i am sorry for him but still i can't do that in this situation.. he still underestimate me this time to.. if he back off I know he will not in this spot right now..  I still little mad to to myself that I fight after long time and broke the promise.. but i don't have any choice to stop it..

"Good match.. I just thought that if there is crowd people will be fall for you like old times.." Stef said to me. And I didn't give damn about it.. i don't care anymore about it.. in past life i do care about little bit that not to let them sad or show them that i lose or anything.. but now I just think that for them I already dead so it's better than not to come out fully like old times..

" Hungry.." he ask to me.. when we both reach the parking look.. and I nodded.. he get my answer and than he open the door for me and than i get it.. when I get in there.. I remove that mask.. and take deep breath.. finally it's over.. i Remove the hoodie.. the sweat and hot weather make me to hot.. and i want to air.. so I can relax little bit.. Steff see my all action but didn't said anything about it..

We start the car.. I did know where we are going where he taking me.. I didn't ask me anything.. I know he will not going to harm me after seeing that fight.. and plus he want me.. so i don't have to worry about it..

We pull over the mansion.. and I look throw the car window it's big same like Max and Eric.. he get out he's car and open the door for me.. this time I didn't do anything.. I don't have that stemina to fight or argue with him.. but still i know that if we get in one i will ended up with killing or broking some bones of them..

He told me to follow him.. i follow him.. we both get in there and it's cool I like this place.. there is some 2 or 3 girls already there and all are looking at them it's All are boys.. they all looking at me and Stefan when we both are Walk to them.. Stef run he's arm to my upper back.. so I can not fall to the ground.. and i appreciate that.. little bit I am uncomfortable but I Ignore that discomfort..

" There they are..." One of girl said to me.. and I look at girls . They are looking beautiful and sexy.. no mater what they are in this gang.. or some boy's girls.. i don't know..

" Molly can you just arrange some food we are hungry.. " Stefan said. And I am happy that he still remember that..

" You want to go to shower to freshen up.." he after look at me.. and I nodded with my head.. he also smile at me.. and one of girl he ask her to help me for that.. her name of some Beth or something.. she happily Walk to me and help me for that..

" No doubt you are looking like same as her.. I still can't believe it you are not Ava.. " she said and smile.. and I didn't said.. she keep talking and talking and i just hear it and nodded with my head..

She show me one of room.. and give me simple some crop top and shorts jeans to wear.. i didn't mind in that.. I get in the show . And Remove my clothes.. and stood neck in shower.. and start the water.. to Remove All sweat and all dirty smell.. i also wash my hair.. and make myself relax.. and enjoy the water.. like I always do.. it's already make me relax . And stress less..

I get out the shower. And looking at myself to mirror.. there is some of bruise that snack give me.. one of in my lips. And my jew who's look like it's red and purple color.. and also some of my stomach.. well it's hurt little bit.. but i know that it will be fine in 2 or 3 days..

I wear clothes and get out to the restroom.. that Beth girl laying to my bed and wait for me.. and she see me that I come out.. she jump on her foot. And than we both are leave that room.. and I follow her to kitchen.. I am hungry as hell.. plus i want to go and get some rest i have to do it fast to i can get out from this place..

We both join the dining room.. and we both seat in empty seat.. whom on of beside to stef i know she want me to seat beside him.. I Sigh and seat beside him..

" Are you oky my queen.. " he ask me when I seat there.. and he touch my hand and looking at me.. i look up to him.. and smile and nodded..

I see that old woman come to us with food.. and I just can't wait to grab it and eat it.. when she give me food . It's lots of Italian food.. whom i don't mind to eat it.. I accept it and thank her.. she smile at me.. and than I started to eat.. I didn't wait to anyone.. well I am hungry so yeah.. all are suprise about it.. I don't give them a damn.. and they do same as me..  I also moan when I like it that how much it's test amazing.. and make me hungry more.. the guys and girls are laugh at for this.. I glear that them.. they all are chock when I glare hard at them.. and started to eat there food.. Stef laugh when he saw that how they scared of me..

" Okkyy sorry.. but i like it when you All scared of her.. but you guys don't have to.. she's not dangourse right my queen.." Stefan said to me and I look at him.. with full of my food in my mouth and I just nodded. And he laugh at me the way I am eating.. what to do I am hungry.. so yeah.. I rolled my eyes and punch he's arm.. so he also stop.. and than it's my time to laugh at me.. and all are join me..

After our dinner.. we both are come to leaving room.. and they are talking about what happened the ring.. what i did with snack.. and some of boy record it.. and girl's looking at this with wild eyes.. and also told me that how strong I am.. and won this match to that guy who's Happen to me my double weight..

" So I want to introduce you guys to Red.. like you already know about her everything.. but still want to tell about her.. she's our future queen.. and she will be staying with us after 2 or 3 weeks.. like I said before we are going to help her who kill Ava her sister and my ex lover.. and than we can be together without any complications.. " Stefan said to them..

" Red.. this is my gang.. that boy is Bruce my second command.. and Molly is her girlfriend.. and that boy is Andrew it's my third command.. and Beth who help you for freshen up it's her girlfriend.. and that rest of our gang guys.. that is Mark...." And he started to tell everyone's name.. and I just looking at them and nodded. They all are smile at us and said he'll to me..

" And about my business.. you know about it alll.. and i don't want to join my gang or any activity.. i just want you be my side.. and be there for me.. nothing else.. like i told you before.. " he said to me.. front of them.. i didn't said to them anything or agrue.. because I am not in mood..

" And about today.. well if i told you that you are awesome and all its nothing to compare with you.. you are more than that.. so yeah.. but i know one think that you want it for me.. and I am ready to fulfill that. so tell me what you want me too for my ledy.. " He said to me and smiling... And we both are looking at each other.. and I look at All of them.. they all are curious that what I am going to ask him..

" Please don't tell me that you don't want to be with me.. because I can't do that.. I want you all of me.. " he said to me.. well he's nice guy but still i didn't feel anything for him.. and he is manipulative.. he know how to do things..

" Before i told you want i want.. I want to ask you about that how you can help me about this.. this week Justin is coming.. and it's just one and last chance to get him and finish him.. so I want to know how you can help me for do this... " I ask me.. he look at me and he surprise that I ask him that.. maybe he didn't accept it this to me..

" Umm.. well I know that you don't want our help.. but still i know he's big gang.. and I got information that he's not coming here alone.. because he already know that if he come alone he will be Dead.. " he told me..

" What do you mean by that he's not coming alone.. " i ask me..

" I mean he's coming with old gang.. and he also ask he's some of patners in this business told them that he want fighters and shooters because he's not only coming to fight with Max he also coming with finish Max All empire.. and I know that Max will do it.. but still I don't think they can handle all shooters.. anything happened to be that night.. and i know that i have best shooter's and i know that he can't beat them.. because he still didn't know about me.. but he know about you and Tom.. " he said to me.. and I jump in my seat.. what he just said.. means he know.. how..

" Well your videos viral in YouTube.. you are dancing so yeahh he know it.. that's why he appoint the girl to fight with Max because he know that you are with Max.. " he said to me.. fucking videos.. I am so so stupid that did this silly mistake.

" Well now if he know it about it.. so i don't have to worry.. and ready to face him.. and thank you telling me this now i know that I don't have to hide him.. and also it's too important to me to get chance and kill him.. " i told him.. and he nodded..

" You don't have to worry.. in this end  he wil be Dead.. and you will be free.. " he said to me.. and than i told him that when he want to come and when he want to join this fight.. because still now I don't want to know anyone about it..  and he agree with that.. he also told me that Justin didn't know about him because Rey kill he's man's.. and Daniel are also joining him.. means he's also playing with me this long time.. now I get it...

Thinking all of this.. i don't want to tell anything to actual plan..

" I just want to ask one permission Stefan.." i said to him.. he smile and kiss my forehead.. whom i hated it but i ignor it .

" Yeahh sure tell me.." he said to me..

" Well you have to Trush me.. you don't have to jealous of any boy.. and my any action.. because now I am going to fool them.. so i have to play there game what they want me to.. so you don't have to angry on me for that.. and you have to Trush me on that.. it's for just few days.. after that we both are happy together.. like you say . " I assure him that he can just do as I said.. he think of something and than looking at me.. I just wish that he can just allowed me..

" Oky fine.. I will do it.. but you know don't cross you boundaries.. " he said to me.. and I nodded with my head..

" Now tell me what is your wish... " He ask me to.. and I smile at him dangoursely.. he smrike at me..

" I want to see Dan's dead body Tomorrow in my campus.." I told him..