
After two day..

All go well.. it's like dream that I feel that Nothing happend. It's just dream that I dream about it..

Justin, Daniel, Stafen there body get in there own house life less. And they declare thare death happened because of over dose. Just the way they did with my sister.

Girls are back and they all are safe for now.. and Eric and all they also safe. And they did thank me about what I did and happy that finally they got there revange..

Everyone know that Max and Sam both are live. And they are back in there own life.

Other hand. I did explain everything to James. Because it is important to me to tell him everything.. and I did ask him about dad's business to him.. because I know James did hiding somthinng to me. I know that he is contact with dad. He's main reason to take me here is this business that I got answer about it.. but why dad also involved in this shit.. why can't be they normal people..

Is that why mom don't want to be with him. Is that reason they divorce..

Still lots of questions that I have to find there answers.

Today's Max thrown party in he's house and he invited Eric and he's friend's and my friends. No more new commoners. And maybe it's there victory party or somthing. Who know. we just say it like that..

After Stafen and Justin's all business Max take it. And now he is the most Mafia in this line if I said.. and he don't mind to take our there business. But yeah I did told him don't do Girl trafficking or I will kill him in my own hands. Well I didn't tell him I said to Sam and I know he will tell this Max and I know Max never do shits..

I myself in my drom and Amma is with me.. in whole two days Amma Tom and Ray they didn't leave my side. If they thinking that I will feel sad guilty or somthinng so no .. I am not.. even I am happy that whatever happened I feel blessed. That I got friend's like them who are always with me.

We did spend time with each other. And eat lots of food do lots of shopping watch late nights movies.. I also invite Nicole too so Ray also spend time with him. And I am happy by myself.. I don't need anyone or I do need someone. But who..

Me and Amma both are getting ready for the party. Max did tell that he is going to be announced somthinng. And he need us to be there for him.. maybe he thinking that we are family to him or somthing.

After knowing all this.. James did told me to stay away from max and all of shit. He said now I am full of free to all of this shit.. so I don't have to be friended with them. And he is perfectly right about it.. so yeah I guess this is my last party to he's house with him..

" You sure about it.. I mean it's Max.. we are talking about.. " Amma said. I told her what I talk with my brother.

" Yeahh it's Max that we are talking about.. and i am sure about it.. Better to be stay away to him.. and he's business.. yeah in one chance he did think about to change it but no don't you see now he is take over Stafen and Justin's business also.. so there is lots of enemies. And I don't want to involve in that shit.. " I tell her.

" Well I get it.. but do you know Max did offer Tom and Ray to work with them. And combine there gang.. " she ask me. And I know today or tomorrow it will be happen one day. So it's nothing new to I hear about..

" Seriously Red I thought you will be surprised hearing this.. but you just look like you know it already.. do you.. " she said to me..

" No I don't know but I do know it that Max did do things like this.. so yeahh let it be.. " i tell her.

" Ohhkky.. but I still feel like do I doing well like see I do don't want to join this shit. And I know staying with Tom it is little danger to him or me too.. but what he fun without dramas.. actions huhh.." she said and i Rolle my eyes..

" Good congratulations.. I am happy for both of you.. " i tell her. Here I am done with getting ready..

" Hmmm let's go we don't have to be.. ohh shit we already are late ." And I role my eyes again..

I still feel like that Nothing happend and we still are like live.. but bussy in there own. I never thought that I got chance to kill him. And everyone. My life's big headache I kill it very Nicely.

Me and Amma both walk to the car where Tom said he will park it for us. He know that girls alway be late for getting ready..  anngi and all's girls told us that they will coming with there date so we didn't said anything to them.. at least they are coming it's big think to us..

When we reach there everyone is already there and enjoing there time. It's just we are late I feel so..

My eyes do snap at Scarlett and her bitches friends. Yeahh they will always be come after all it's his party..

I did see that Eric and all friend's are also there. My mood is light up looking at them. They all are standing with girls. And talking laughing. At least they all are not uncomfortable or somthinng they do enjoing there time.

We all go and join them. And I hug all of them. And wish them hello.. so did Amma did..

" Finally you guys come. Why so late.." aggi ask us.

" Red is sleeping like animal , so yeah.. " Amma said. And I Rolle my eyes.. animal like really.. who sleep that much other than me off course.

We got our drink we did little talk. And than we all talk about that I last long time thinking. And we do want to do that for it.

After that I did spend time with Eric. Me and Eric. I don't know what is going on between me and him. But yeah he's different to others. I can't see him as friend. My mind always think about him like other way.

There is nothing that I can stop my mind. I mean he's the guy I want to be in my life partner. Like normal guy. No have bad background. Not involved with any of bad shits. Always thinking about people and the way he doing it all things. I do like all this.

" You look beautiful.." Eric said to me. And I did look at him and smile at him. I move closer to him and kiss in he's checks he did blush after that and I did laugh at him. And than he did join me too.

" So finally all is over.." he said to me. And said. And I did nodded with my head.

" Finally. I mean that shits keep making annoying me that's make me to much frustrated.. and finally I am worry free. And now I can enjoy my whole life without any worry..." I tell him. And he nodded with he's head.

" First when you told me that you are backing out I swaer I am not going to lie. that time i am so much angry on you that how the hell you change your mind. I mean I did see that Passion in you that you never do thnigs like this.. " he said to me.

" I have to do this. Because that is the right think I know that time. I can't reach you same time to you guys or act front of him that all is well.. it's finally over and that the big think. I guess. " I tell him. And he did agree with me that.

" So is that true that you are fighter I mean Red. I do heard about you lot but never got chance to know you better.." he said and I laugh..

" Yeahh you heard right.. and it's nothing to intersting about it. I did it because I Love it when I get bored I try to escape it but than all shits happend.." i tell him..

" What now.. I mean now everyone know that Red is back and all.. what you think about it. What will you do next.." he ak me. and I already clere my thoughts.

" I didn't think about it now.. what you want me to do.." I ask him..

" I don't know you have reputation who don't you try to maintain or real wrestling I mean we do need fighter like you.. plus we already know the results.. " he told me..

" Well Mr Eric.." i said to him. Again close the distance with him. And touch his jacket.. and his eyes wild for  my sudden behaviour.. and I like this power..

" Fight is only my Passion whom I used to do it.. but I am not looking for making it to my career. I already decided that what I want to do.. it's all things whom I doing its only for my sister.. no matter what but I am the reason she is not here. So yess.. and I already Loving it.. so I am happy in this.." i said to him. And touch his checks and he did blush. And I know maybe some of our friends eyes on us.. who knows..

" That's ummm... Ummmm good think.. I mean.. I also don't want you to do that. But I just suggest it if you want to continue this.." he said shuttering.. and I smrike at him. And he did smile and I love it. And he look away.. I know.. something somthinng.. I clear my thoughts and I back off. And than I look at everywhere.. and than my eyes meet the similar eyes.. who spoile my mood. And my all flirty mood gone.

" Are you up for drink..." I ask Eric.. still looking at him.. and I did feel that Eric nodded with he's head. And we both walk to the bar for that..

I look away from him. But I do know that whole time his eyes on me.. but his not alone. His with her bitch.. whom I hate most. After all this he still chose stay by her. Than stay by her. Than why he is looking at my way.. looking at me and Eric like he don't like it at all whatever he it is I dont care.. I don't fucking care at all..

Than again.. if he don't like it. Than he also do same before he comes to me..