The Start & The Bestfriend

"Get those off of the top shelf you idiot!"

Darren nagged while looking up at Tim who is currently cleaning the shelves in the library and wiping the books off of dust. It's a busy morning for the both of them, Tim doing his duties for the dare he had to do for the whole week while Darren to administer that dare.

It's gotta be a win for Darren and lose for Tim but it turned out to be completely the opposite because Tim has got to be the most irritating, idiotic, stupid, slow, and dumbest man of all time.

"That's a literary book idiot! Why would you mix it with fiction?" Darren asked disbelievingly. Because hello? From what Darren can remember, literature is educational.

This is absurd. This is just the start but he thinks he's given a wrong dare to Tim. He should've just dared him to leave and why didn't he?

"Relax cutie. I was just testing you" Tim chuckled and he scowled. "Testing me my face! You're just stupid! Now, get down there and push that table over there! It's hurting my eyes!"

Tim sighed and nodded. "Yes Princess" he spoke as he got down from the ladder.

Darren rolled his eyes before turning his back and walking towards the he now realized is an atrocious looking table. Completely not relevant to the interior of the library.

"It's Queen to you, peasant. Now move this over there. I would like this removed but soon" Darren pointed at the far corner where it would be less noticeable so he won't be tempted to burn it because from what he can remember, this table was a gift from his parents' friends who obviously don't harbor any taste.

He saluted and did a quick bow of his head. "Of course my queen. Anything to fucking please you"

Darren's mind did a 360 degree rotation. The slight implication of the possessive adjective 'my' is making him feel things. It sounded so secure on Tim's tongue, as if he really is his queen and these imaginary thoughts are yes obviously distracting Darren of his goal to exhaust him. And anything to please him? Well, that sounded so spoilt and he loves being spoilt.

Now, he would love to challenge that statement. "Wait" Darren spoke even before Tim could move the table.

"What is it? Want me to paint these walls first? Carry you on my fricking shoulder so you wouldn't walk on the ground I step on?" he inquired and he is so dramatic, nearly surpassing Darren's which he did not appreciate one bit.

"I would like you to get me snacks first so I would watch you from that couch and order you around 'coz I don't do chores" Darren crossed his arms and went to sit at the couch where he could see everything.

Tim shook his head in amusement and grinned, "Alright you're the queen."

Darren fought the smile on his lips as Tim disappeared out of sight. "This is fun"

To act like a boss and ordering people around, this all good fun. Especially when it's Tim that Darren sees suffering from his commands. Which now, if you think about it deeply, kind of not a suffer because he seems to be enjoying this as much as he does.

For minutes, Darren sat there while plotting things he would like to be done under a week that can make Tim crumble. Several ideas came to mind which will be kept as a secret because it's fun when things are private, aren't they?.

Until he started to wonder what's taking Tim so long especially when he heard the doorbell rang. He quickly get on his feet and rushed towards the door. Someone rang the doorbell and Darren has his own hunches of who it could be.

"Ren I've been trying to call you on your pho - WHO ARE YOU?!"

Darren was filled with dread when he saw the door opened with Lily and Tim on the either side of it.

Darren's mind sent a warning, this may sound disgusting on Darren but his mind just had to shout inside. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! THIS IS SO FUCKING BAD! TIM IS SUCH A DUMB BASTARD TO HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ANSWER THE DOOR!

"Darren Chu!!!!" Lily but all shouted when he came into view.

Okay. This is gonna be cringe. Oh my god. He's supposed to be a queen now and now, he's being treated worse than how he treats Tim.

And Lily's wrath is unstoppable and all to extent. He doesn't usually say this but he will now, he is totally screwed.


"Why did you fail to mention this to me? A guy is living with you? Ren, what were you thinking?!" Lily's been going on and on for hours without even giving Darren a chance to speak.

"Li -

"Do you even know him?! Who is he?!" Lily frustratingly pointed at the corner of the living room where Tim stood while they both sat at the cushions.

Tim made a move to speak but he didn't get the chance to do so when Lily was quick in giving him a glare and seemed to be more annoyed when Tim only displayed his usual air of slight haughtiness who cannot be bothered by simple things like Darren's nasty remarks or Lily's literal deadly glares.

"He's Timothee William. He knocked on the door because his ride broke -

"What? Until now?" Lily raised an eyebrow and gave one short glance at Tim's amused expression watching the two try to settle his presence.

"Well, er, you see we played a game last night and now he's my slave for the week"

Lily stared for seconds with mouth hanging open in astonishment. She sighed, "Is this like in sixth grade again?"

Darren pouted and turned to Tim to look at him and saw him already looking with an amazed smirk, Tim winked and whistled, "Cutie"

Yep. He actually has the audacity. He is literally his own audacity.

"Cutie? Where on earth did you get that, stranger?" Lily asked, her tone disgusted with word.

He turned to her and chuckled, "You can't tell me he isn't" Tim pointed at Darren and he quite started to feel his face redden.

Lily burst out laughing while her forefinger pointed at him, "He is? Whenever I look at him, all I see is an offensive mouth"

"Hey!" Darren countered.

Lily turned serious and then turned her focus back on Tim, "So? When are you leaving?"

Tim shrugged, "When the queen lets me to"

Lily sighed deeply and glowered at Darren, "I do not care what kind of roleplay is happening between you two but I'm pretty sure you have shenanigans hidden in your sleeves so I would like to ask you to leave"

She paused for a second and added strictly, "Now"

Instead of being intimidated, Tim only leaned on the wall behind him and crossed his arms. Darren raised an eyebrow and stared blankly at him. Just how shameless could Tim be?

"I usually don't fucking impose miss but when I saw him, I knew he needed a company and besides as I've said before, it's common knowledge not to leave a cute person unattended"

He winked at Darren who nearly fell out of his chair. Did he just flirt with him in front of Lily? He cleared his throat awkwardly and decided to focus on something else.

Like Tim's muscles and those rose tattoos on his neck and recalling the sight of his back tattoos.

Which now on hindsight is not helpful since he's still easily swept off of his feet because those still have the same effect as ever.