The Two Sides Of A Man

Darren woke up earlier than usual. He doesn't even feel his body tired for the lack of his usual 8 hours of sleep. His body woke him up naturally and he had to follow.

After doing a little bit of yoga to stretch, he stood up and went to his private en suite and did his usual chores but with a lighter head for a reason he cannot seem to fathom.

He's always light headed after a short sleep or more likely to be called a nap. After the process of washing his body and making sure he smelled better than the freshest daisies and roses and tulips, he went to his closet and chose to wear the Prada Tim brought for him as a replacement of what he broke and a fitted leather bermuda shorts that get along with the shirt nicely.

The shirt was in a simple white color with the iconic lettering logo reinterpreted as a graphic print on the cotton tee. He tucked it in nice and did a quick turn to see it in all angles.

Hmm, he's feeling gorgeous. The fitted short accentuated his buttocks and he's feeling sexy. Well, he's always known he's sexy but right now, sexier.

He smiled and did a finger gun in front of the full-length mirror, "You're hot"

He went downstairs immediately after he was satisfied of how presentable he looks. He heard soft cluttering coming from the kitchen so Tim must be awake already. Surely enough, he saw him moving around, obviously cooking.

Darren can smell the familiar scent of bacon, eggs, toast, coffee being brewed all at the same time. He was still wearing the jog pants Darren saw he was wearing last night and black sando.


Darren creased his forehead. What is he talking about? Darren didn't even say anything, haven't opened his mouth to speak at all.

Darren was about to voice out his confusion when Tim moved away from the stove and went to the coffee maker and that's when Darren saw he was wearing wireless earbud.

Right. He's on a call. He is on a call again.

Darren is here thinking he truly had gone crazy and it turns out it was him overthinking. Well, who wouldn't? He really had expected Tim to lack any social life. He doesn't looked like he's active on any kind of social interaction.

"Hmm. Nah. Just fuck it" his tone was serious with a slight taint of amusement.

"I don't know. I just play along"

Darren was so curious and also felt so intrusive.

He then decided to clear his throat and stared. Tim was abrupt in turning to where he stood and immediately, his eyes shone. Seriousness long gone. That fast. So fast he can change from that serious stance to his usual self Darren had always seen.

"Hey cutie"

He greeted with a smile but within a second, he frowned, "Don't be fucking dumb Hugo. I'm not talking to you. And you're not cute" he rolled his eyes but smirk at him.

Tim chuckled and turned back on the call, "Hmm. We'll see in a day. Bye"

He smiled at Darren and removed the earbuds in his ear before settling it down in the the counter.

"Looking good cutie. Sit down. The breakfast will be served shortly" he winked and Darren merely raised an eyebrow and settled in the bar stool chair at the kitchen rather than sitting at the dining area.

He's dying to ask who Hugo is and quench his curiosity. He's heard that name twice already but tried not to. No matter how he wanted to, he held himself not to be so intruding of his business.

He has his life and Tim's own. He knows there are some boundaries he shouldn't step in or even try to question. Before he appeared, Darren was living his life and he was too.

There are things he shouldn't touch and he was well aware that one of them is who Tim speaks to. But it's killing him. He's dying to open his mouth and ask.

He bit his lip to hold himself back. The seriousness, the call last night, everything he had witnessed was a whole new side.

He silently watched Tim go around the kitchen, finishing up his cooking and putting the toast on a plate and after, put some coffee in a cup. He was quite good at multitasking.

"You're early today" Tim spoke after a while and Darren decided to get on with his usual attitude, brushing his thoughts aside.

"Why? Can't I wake up early?"

Tim chuckled as he turned around and presented him the toast and poured him his coffee. "I didn't say that. It's a surprise to see you wake up early."

Darren shrugged in answer and took a bite of the toast.

"Or unless, you didn't sleep?" Tim asked as he finished frying the food.

He sat down across him and drank his own coffee. Darren shook his head and looked down to eat some eggs but stopped.

"Seriously? Burnt eggs?" Darren judged and Tim smiled sheepishly.

Darren rolled his eyes and just took some bacons. He acted so sure when he laid the plate down on the table. Only for the eggs to look like it was dipped into a black food coloring.

It looked like it has been poisoned.

"I'm not perfect. They can still be delicious" Tim winked.

Darren gawked at him and huffed. Delicious? When did burnt eggs stay delicious? The eggs are supposed to be light in color like duh? These are almost black!

"Eggs are white idiot! These are black!"

Tim was quick on raising a hand and waving it while shaking his head, "Cutie, that's racist."

Darren furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

"Eggs aren't always white cutie" he smirked with a raised eyebrows and Darren took his time to process what he meant which was hard because his mind is going nowhere near right interpretation.

His mind is in shambles trying to think what he meant. When Tim wriggled his eyebrows playfully, his mind got what he meant.

Balls! Balls! Oh my god! Tim is talking about balls!

This annoying, dumbass, idiotic idiot!

He never wanted to learn martial arts more than he does now. Sometimes, it's so good to be able to master or at least know he could kick flat ass or other times when he's lucky, some plump ass.

He also never wanted to make himself forget more than he does now. It's always pure utter nonsense that comes out of Tim's mouth. Now, Darren knew his mind is always in the gutter.

"You're an arsehole. A shame to mankind." he denounced and Tim chuckled lightly.

"I'm simply implying you do not generalize colors on things and whatnot cutie. That sounds racist"

Darren looked at him with both confusion and glare, "I'm talking about eggs. Chicken eggs." he pointed out to remind him he wasn't judging colors.

"And I'm talking out of your statement's context" he replied smoothly and Darren puffed.

It's impossible to talk to him decently. Everything is twisted, turned into gibberish, or like right now, taken out of context.