The Déjà Vu


Tim was smiling at him. Trying so hard to be cute and adorable and all and he is. He is but Darren had tried to convince himself that he isn't gay for Tim to face this day.

He is an Elroy. Tim is an Elroy. And he is a Chu. Darren is a Chu.

They surely aren't compatible. Tim is a royalty by name and Darren is a queen by heart. May magnificently complement one another but not suited for each other. So, Darren would certainly stop crushing. And face his reality.

"Uh yeah sure" Darren sat down and Tim started to serve him his breakfast which felt wrong so Darren stopped him, "I can handle-

"No. Let me" Tim cut him off and continued in serving him.

Darren began to eat silently when he was done. He really doesn't have anything to say nor he was thinking one. He'd rather deal with his own conversation and would rather listen to his own voice inside.